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Mapping Person Data Standards to UDEF

Mapping Person Data Standards to UDEF. U. D. E. F. Ron Schuldt, Chair The Open Group UDEF Project 9 May 2011. Mapping Concepts to UDEF - Six Basic Steps.

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Mapping Person Data Standards to UDEF

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  1. Mapping Person Data Standards to UDEF U D E F Ron Schuldt, Chair The Open Group UDEF Project 9 May 2011

  2. Mapping Concepts to UDEF - Six Basic Steps • Identify the applicable UDEF property word that characterizes the dominant attribute (property) of the data element concept. For example, Name, Identifier, Date, etc. • Identify the dominant UDEF object word that the dominant property (selected in step 1) is describing. For example, Person_Name, Product_Identifier, Document_Date, etc. • By reviewing the UDEF tree for the selected property identified in step 1, identify applicable qualifiers that are necessary to unambiguously describe the property word term.For example, Family Name • By reviewing the UDEF tree for the selected object identified in step 2, identify applicable qualifiers that are necessary to unambiguously describe the object word term. For example, Customer Person • Concatenate the object term and the property term to create a UDEF naming convention compliant name where it is recognized that the name may seem artificially long. For example, Customer Person_Family Name • Derive a structured ID based on the UDEF taxonomy that carries the UDEF inherited indexing scheme. For example <CustomerPersonFamilyName UDEFID=“as.5_11.10”> http://www.opengroup.org/udefinfo/htm/en_defs.htm

  3. SEMIC-EU Core Person Concepts http://www.semic.eu/semic/view/documents/SEMIC-EU_Core_Person_specification_short.pdf

  4. Mapping SEMIC-EU Core Person to UDEF • Identify the applicable UDEF property word that characterizes the dominant attribute (property) of the data element concept. For above example = Name • Identify the dominant UDEF object word that the dominant property (selected in step 1) is describing. For above example = Person_Name • By reviewing the UDEF tree for the selected property identified in step 1, identify applicable qualifiers that are necessary to unambiguously describe the property word term.For above example = Full Name • By reviewing the UDEF tree for the selected object identified in step 2, identify applicable qualifiers that are necessary to unambiguously describe the object word term. For above example = Person • Concatenate the object term and the property term to create a UDEF naming convention compliant name where it is recognized that the name may seem artificially long. For above example = Person Full Name • Derive a structured ID based on the UDEF taxonomy that carries the UDEF inherited indexing scheme. For above example <PersonFullName UDEFID=“5_2.10”>

  5. SEMIC-EU Core Person to UDEF Mappings http://www.opengroup.org/udefinfo/htm/en_defs.htm http://www.opengroup.org/udefinfo/htm/en_ob5.htm http://www.opengroup.org/udefinfo/htm/en_pr10.htm http://www.opengroup.org/udefinfo/htm/en_pr4.htm http://www.opengroup.org/udefinfo/htm/en_pr6.htm

  6. NIEM Person Concepts Mapped to UDEF

  7. U-Core Person Mapped to UDEF

  8. Person Standards to UDEF Mappings – XML Files SEMIC-EU Person NIEM Person <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Person> <Name> <FullName GUID="5_2.10">John Adam Doe</FullName> <SurName GUID="5_11.10">Doe</SurName> <GivenName GUID="5_12.10">John</GivenName> <MiddleName GUID="5_7.10">Adam</MiddleName> <AlternateName GUID="5_40.10">Johnny</AlternateName> <MaidenName GUID="5_6.10"></MaidenName> </Name> <Identification> <NationalityText GUID="5_42.10">USA</NationalityText> <Sex GUID="5_3.4">Male</Sex> <BirthDate GUID="5_51.6">1989-04-10</BirthDate> <BirthLocation GUID="5_2.10.10">Orlando</BirthLocation> <BloodType GUID="5_15.33.4">O Negative</BloodType> <EyeColor GUID="5_1.17.4">Brown</EyeColor> <WeightMeasure GUID="5_8.13">150</WeightMeasure> </Identification> </Person> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Person> <Name> <FullName GUID="5_2.10">John Adam Doe</FullName> <FamilyName GUID="5_11.10">Doe</FamilyName> <GivenName GUID="5_12.10">John</GivenName> </Name> <Identification> <Citizenship GUID="5_42.10">USA</Citizenship> <Gender GUID="5_3.4">Male</Gender> <DateOfBirth GUID="5_51.6">1989-04-10</DateOfBirth> <CountryOfBirth GUID="5_10.36.4">USA</CountryOfBirth> <PlaceOfBirth GUID="5_2.10.10">Orlando</PlaceOfBirth> </Identification> </Person> U-Core Person <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Person> <Name> <FullName GUID="5_2.10">John Adam Doe</FullName> <FamilyName GUID="5_11.10">Doe</FamilyName> <GivenName GUID="5_12.10">John</GivenName> <MiddleName GUID="5_7.10">Adam</MiddleName> <AlternateName GUID="5_40.10">Johnny</AlternateName> </Name> <Identification> <Citizenship GUID="5_42.10">USA</Citizenship> <Sex GUID="5_3.4">Male</Sex> <DOB GUID="5_51.6">1989-04-10</DOB> <Weight GUID="5_8.13">150</Weight> <Height GUID="5_8.13">5-11</Height> </Identification> </Person>

  9. Gap Analysis Tools Demo

  10. Example Open Group Gap Analysis Reports https://jserver.opengroup.org/UDEF/UdefReport1 SEMIC-EU to U-Core Comparison U-Core to NIEM Comparison

  11. Example Enhanced Gap Analysis Reports http://www.udef-it.com/ SEMIC-EU to U-Core Gap Analysis U-Core to NIEM Gap Analysis

  12. Person Standards to UDEF Mappings

  13. Contact Information

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