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Meet Your Child’s Teacher Night. Greenfield Intermediate School 5 th Grade. Mr. Donnie Turner. Math Email: dturner@gcsc.k12.in.us. Mrs. Kristin Evens. Math Email: kevens@gcsc.k12.in.us. Mrs. Amanda Leiber. Reading/Language Arts E-mail: aleiber@gcsc.k12.in.us. Mrs. Laurie Dewester.
Meet Your Child’s Teacher Night Greenfield Intermediate School 5th Grade
Mr. Donnie Turner Math Email: dturner@gcsc.k12.in.us
Mrs. Kristin Evens Math Email: kevens@gcsc.k12.in.us
Mrs. Amanda Leiber Reading/Language Arts E-mail: aleiber@gcsc.k12.in.us
Mrs. Laurie Dewester Reading/Language Arts Email: ldewester@gcsc.k12.in.us
Miss Kim Lewis Science and Social Studies Email: klewis@gcsc.k12.in.us
Mrs. Ashley Arnold Science and Social Studies E-mail: aarnold@gcsc.k12.in.us
Homework Policy • Some homework assignments will be given, however work not finished in class will be sent home to complete. Work turned in late will have the late (“l”) indicator alongside the grade on Powerschool. Missing work will be marked with the missing (“m” ) indicator on Powerschool until it is turned in. Teachers will use discretion as to whether a missing score will be converted into a zero at the end of the term.
Assignment Planner • Teacher s will check planners daily in class to make sure all assignments are written down correctly. • Parents are asked to sign planner daily. Homeroom teachers will check for parent signatures each morning. • School Wide Policy: Assignment planner will be with students at all times. Assignments will be on board in every classroom. Students will write assignments into assignment planner daily.
Absences/Make-up Work • It is the responsibility of the student who is absent to get homework from his/her teacher(s). This can be done when the child returns to school. • Remember, the handbook policy states the student has one day to make up absent work for every absence. • Having arrangements to pick up make-up homework from the school is helpful. Especially if your child will be gone for several days. • *It is vital to success for your child to be at school. When your child is not here, he or she will miss in class activities that cannot be made up outside the classroom environment.
Grading Scale 100-99 A+ 98-93 A 92-90 A- 89-87 B+ 86-83 B 82-80 B- 79-77 C+ 76-73 C 72-70 C- 69-67 D+ 66-63 D 62-60 D- 59-below F
Staying Informed Check Your Child’s Grades Online Weekly Information • You may access your child’s grades by going to the powerschool program and putting in your username and password at: http://powerschool.gcsc.k12.in.us/public/ • The 5th grade teachers will keep you informed by posting weekly assignments and happenings on their blog. http://apps.gcsc.k12.in.us/blogs/gis5thgrade/ Look for Greenfield Intermediate School on Facebook!
Schedule Blue Day Gold Day • Students should be prepared to have 90 minutes of Math, Reading/Language Arts and Science/Social Studies (or a double block of Reading/Language Arts) on blue days. • Intervention/Enrichment time will be included in the 90 minutes in Math and Reading. • Students will have a 30 minute lunch and a 25 minute recess. • Students should be prepared to have 75 minutes of Math, Reading/Language Arts and Science/Social Studies (or a double block of Reading/Language Arts) on gold days. • Students will have a 30 minute lunch and a 25 minute recess. • Students will also have 70 minutes of a related arts class. (music, P.E., art, computer, library science)
Behavior Expectations • Policies and Procedures as listed in the student handbook. (located in the assignment planner) • GIS effort matrix which will be used for citizenship scores on powerschool. (Students will receive a copy, and we will go over this in class) • Copies of the Principal’s Principles, GIS Way, and GIS Effort Matrix can be found on the 5th grade blog.
Other Common Procedures • Lockers: Students will be dismissed to use lockers from homeroom in the morning. Students should carry necessary academic materials they will need until the next scheduled locker visit. Students may use lockers upon afternoon dismissal. Locker passes will be used at teacher discretion. Some academic materials will be stored in classrooms. • Hallway Movement: Students will be escorted to and from lunch, recess, and related arts. They will be dismissed from classes by groups of lines to another class. Students will move on the right side of the hallway. Students will wait along the wall to enter a classroom so those in the previous class may exit. • Restroom Use: Restroom breaks will take place at lunch, recess, and at teacher discretion. • Name Use: Students will use first and last name on papers. Language Arts teachers may require headings on writing assignments. • Cafeteria: Students will be seated upon entry to the cafeteria. Students will go to the line when dismissed by supervisors.
Electronic Devices Policy • Per the student handbook, electronic devices are not permitted to be used in a situation not related to a school purpose or educational function while on school grounds, during school hours. All devices must be turned OFF and stored in a locker/backpack during school hours, unless otherwise stated by teachers or BYOD policy.
Celebrations at School • The school acknowledges that the celebration of certain events can be positive for student morale and the school environment. Such celebrations will be arranged by school personnel for appropriate events and held at a prearranged time and location. The nature of the academic schedule does not leave sufficient time for impromptu celebrations or celebrations of personal events such as birthdays. • Therefore, such individual celebrations are not permitted during the school day. Parents wishing to celebrate such individual events may join their children during lunch and may even choose to bring outside food into the school for their child. At no time should food brought into the school be distributed to students other than one’s own child without prior written authorization