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You’re Welcome in Medway

You’re Welcome in Medway. Donna Mills Commissioning Manager. The Vision.

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You’re Welcome in Medway

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Presentation Transcript

  1. You’re Welcome in Medway Donna Mills Commissioning Manager

  2. The Vision All young people are entitled to appropriate health services. It is important that NHS and independent (private and voluntary) sector services take young people’s needs into account. It is also important to ensure seamless service delivery to young people, through effectively joined up services across health, local authority, community and voluntary and private sectors. You’re Welcome quality criteria self assessment April 2009

  3. Introduction You’re Welcome will help Primary Care Trusts and Children’s Trusts commissioners to transform the health services (NHS and non-NHS providers) they commission by improving the acceptability, accessibility, quality and choice of services for young people. DOH Key Messaging to Primary Care Trusts and Children’s Trusts May 2009

  4. Background • A national quality mark by DoH • All health services for 11 – 19 year olds • Aim: to develop a more young people friendly service • Based on effective practice working with under 20 age group • Piloted in South East 2007/8

  5. Designed for individual settings Self assessment tool kit Eight -Ten quality criteria Whole team approach Action planning to meet YW Submission of self assessment Verification Award The process

  6. Access Publicity Confidentiality& consent The environment Staff training, skills, attitudes and values Joined up working Monitoring, evaluation and involvement of young people Health issues Sexual and reproductive issues CAMHS Quality Criteria

  7. The Benefits • Improves health service provision • Engages children and young people • Supports Commissioning of high quality services • Enables achievement of statutory targets • Strengthens teenage pregnancy strategies • Improve provision around CAMHS • Addresses DoH YW priority services 2009/10

  8. Policy context • NHS Operating Framework 2010/11 • Child Health Strategy • PPI • CQUIN • QUIPP • Child poverty • National Indicators

  9. Strategic leadership Practical implementation Involvement of young people Key aspects

  10. Progress so far….. • Included within Service Level Agreements • Ten services signed up • Up to 30 settings in all • Two local workshops • Completion of Self Assessments • Support/verifiers group planned • Business case for support worker

  11. How you can help • Incorporate YW in new service developments • Check on YW achievements • Identify new opportunities • Promote YW within partnerships

  12. Donna Mills Commissioning Manager Commissioning and Strategy Division 01634 338724 Donna.mills@medway.gov.uk Any questions?

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