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Lead up to the Vietnam War

Lead up to the Vietnam War. Colonial Past. French Indo-China had been part of the French Empire since the late 19 th century Vietnamese had a long history of violently fighting imperialism. WWII.

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Lead up to the Vietnam War

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  1. Lead up to the Vietnam War

  2. Colonial Past • French Indo-China had been part of the French Empire since the late 19th century • Vietnamese had a long history of violently fighting imperialism

  3. WWII • Due to crisis caused by the Great Depression and WWI, French lost control of Vietnam to Japan during WWII • Vietminh– League for the Independence of Vietnam led by Ho Chi Minh (a communist) • Armed by the Americans to fight the Japanese • Redistributed land • Relieved famine • Ended high rents • The Vietminh were popular with the Vietnamese people

  4. After WWII • When the Japanese surrendered there was a power vacuum • Chinese occupy North • British occupy South • ***Ho Chi Minh declares Vietnam independent • November 1946 French decide they want Vietnam back • French bomb Hanoi and Haipong, killing 6,000 • Vietminh fight for national liberation

  5. Indo-China War • Vietminh use Guerilla Warfare – warfare fought in small groups using hit and run tactics • Becomes part of the Cold War: • China arms North Vietnam (Vietminh) • America helps the French defend South Vietnam • ***S. Vietnam puppet leader – Bo Dai

  6. French Lose • Dien Bien Phu – Huge military defeat of the French • France was experiencing problems all over their colonial empire • The war was unpopular in France – many of the men were conscripts • Vietminh were masters of Guerilla Warfare • Ho Chi Minh had the support of most Vietnamese people

  7. The Geneva Convention • 1954 – The Geneva Peace Conference is arranged between the USSR, USA, UK, France, China, and Indochina • Terms of the agreement: • Laos and Cambodia are independent • Vietnam is temporarily divided along 17th parallel • Ho Chi Minh’s gov is recognized in the North • Emperor Bo Dai was recognized in the South • 1956 – Elections were to be held to unite Vietnam

  8. Outcome • US never agree to the Geneva Accords • Bo Dai’s Prime Minister – Ngo Dinh Diem rigs elections • 98.2% of the vote, including 133% in Saigon • Eisenhower agrees that if free elections would have been held, the Ho Chi Minh would have probably won 80% of the vote.

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