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Morocco Cleaner Production Centre

Morocco Cleaner Production Centre. Sustainable Tourism policy and projects in Morocco. Hanan Hanzaz, Director, Morocco NCPC. 3rd Global Network Conference on RECP, Montreux, 4 september 2013. Tourism in Morocco: an overview. Some figures.

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Morocco Cleaner Production Centre

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  1. Morocco Cleaner Production Centre Sustainable Tourism policy and projects in Morocco Hanan Hanzaz, Director, Morocco NCPC 3rd Global Network Conference on RECP, Montreux, 4 september 2013

  2. Tourism in Morocco: an overview Some figures • Importanceof the sector in the Moroccan economy: • 1st contributor to payments balance • 2nd contributor to national GDP • second job creator: 460 000 employee • 9.4 millions tourist arrivals in 2012 • 2nd tourist destination in Africa Ref: Report of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

  3. Tourism in Morocco: Some figures Tourist arrivals in millions 25th rank worldwide at end of 2010

  4. 2020 vision: • National strategy for tourism development • adopted by the government instances in 2010 • Objectif to reach 20 million visitor by 2020 • Contract program signed with the private sector representatives • Sustainable Development as a strategic axis of the vision

  5. 2020 vision: Sustainable development Implementation of a tracking device of sustainability Capacity building of the sector stakeholders Incorporate sustainability in tourism standards and benchmarks Establish financial support mechanisms for actors involved Incorporate sustainability into marketing strategy

  6. 2020 vision: offer

  7. Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism Morocco was elected chairman of the steering committee of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism for the period 2013-2015

  8. Exemples of projets and initiatives

  9. Moroccan Charter for Responsible Tourism Relying on the Global Code of Ethics of Tourism adopted by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) • The charter gathers all commitments of actors involved in tourism in Morocco. • Article 3: tourism as a factor of sustainable development and environmentally sound

  10. Morocco Responsible Tourism Trophy Awarded to Moroccan and foreigners operators that implemented sustainable projects in Morocco regarding : preserving values, traditions and Moroccan cultures, environmental protection and economic and social development ..

  11. Best Environmental Practices for the Hotel Industry This Program concerns the promotion and the implementation of Best Environmental Practices (BEP) by the hotel industry. Thus, targeted trainings, technical support and practical tools are developed and made available as part of this project. The main output of this project is the BEP guide that contains systematic tools and checklists allowing hotels to better manage their environmental impacts. http://www.sba-int.ch/1114-Outils_a_Telecharger

  12. Best Environmental Practices for the Hotel Industry • Partners involved in implementing the initiative • Moroccan Department of Tourism; • Moroccan Federation of hotel industry; • State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO (Switzerland) • Sustainable Business Associates (sba Switzerland). • Beneficiaries… • Accommodation structures ( hotels, guest houses,hostels… etc); • Hotels directors and managers; • Technical executives and/or their teams.

  13. Environnemental topicscovered by the BEP guide Noise, air quality and landscape integration Purchasing policy | ecological aspects Energyefficiency and economy Water | management and rationalisation Logistics | efficient handling and management Wastes | valorisation and recycling

  14. Green Key Label • Launched in 2002 by the Foundation for the environmental Education (FEE) • Green Key is a voluntary eco-label for tourism facilities : It promotes sustainable tourism and aims to contribute to the prevention of climate change by awarding and advocating facilities with good initiatives • 92 environmentalcriteriacovering : • Water, Waste, Energy, • Involvement and Awareness of Guests, • Environmental Management, • Staff Involvement, • Use of Chemicals, • Open Spaces,

  15. Green Key Label • Implemented in Moroccosince 2008 by the Mohammed VI Fondation for the Protection of Environnement, chaired by Her Royal Highness Princess LallaHasnaa, ; • awarded on a voluntary, annual, progressive and positive basis from both mandatory and optional criteria • 70 tourist accommodations awarded in 2012 • 56 new labelled institutions in 2013

  16. Agreement UN & Moroccan airlines Signature of a partnership agreement on June 23rd 2013 : UN audio and video materials will be diffused during RAM flights

  17. Financial incentives for touristicfacilities

  18. « Moussanada Siyaha » Program for touristic SMEs Subsidies for technical expertise: services, studies, consultancy &/or implementation of information system or labeling SUSTAIBABLE DEVLEOPEMENT projects is one of the axis funded by this support Financing 60 to 80% of the investment costs Target: 600 benfeciary touristic SMEs for 2020 Partners:

  19. RENOVOTEL 3 • joint fund with banks for upgrading of eligible tourist lodging establishments • Financing projects in: energy efficiency and renewable energy, renovation of premises, adoption of a quality approach, safety and security, … • contribution fund capped at 20 Mil MAD/10 years • Partners:

  20. Potential for NCPC engagement

  21. Potential for NCPC engagement Drive changetoSustainableDevelopement • Awarnessraising: stakholders, operators, consumers • Capacity building and training • Information : benchmark, guides, sucess stories

  22. Potential for NCPC engagement • Technical assistance : EE, wastemanagement, water saving, WWTP…. • Acess to « green » funds • Implentation of EMS (ISO 14 0001, ISO 50 0001…)

  23. 23, Boulevard Med Abdouh, Palmiers, 20 100, Casablanca, Marocco Phone : +212 5 22 99 70 53 Fax : +212 5 22 98 15 31 Email : cmpp@cmpp.ma hanan.hanzaz@cmpp.ma Web : www.cmpp.ma @CMPP_maroc www.facebooc.com/CMPP

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