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Unit 4 Vocabulary. REG , REIG “King”. REGAL adj. Of or like a King or Queen. Keith’s regal costume for H alloween included a cape and crown. REIGN noun Authority; rule. The new queen caught a deadly disease, so her reign lasted only a month. REGICIDE noun The murder of a king.
REGALadj.Of or like a King or Queen. Keith’s regal costume for Halloween included a cape and crown.
REIGN nounAuthority; rule The new queen caught a deadly disease, so her reign lasted only a month.
REGICIDE nounThe murder of a king. Ronald McDonald tried to commit regicide against the Burger King.
CONVICT verbTo find guilty The jury convicted the defendant of the crime.
VICTORIOUS adj.Winning or succeeding Helen was proud that she was victorious in the spelling bee.
EVICT verbTo force to leave The mother bird evicted the baby from the nest.
POSSESSIVE adj.Wanting to own or control; jealous Maria was very possessive of her toys.
POTENTadj. very strong or powerful The tiny snake’s venom was quick and potent.
OMNIPOTENT adj.Ruling all; all-powerful Zeus was omnipotent to the ancient Greeks.
DOMESTICadj.Having to do with the home. Harold felt that domestic tasks like dishwashing was beneath him.
DOMINATE verbTo rule completely The Huskies dominated the competition.
DOMINION nounAn area ruled or controlled The sea was Poseidon’s dominion.
DOMICILE nounA home. The wood nymph’s domicile was in the trees.