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New Satellite Capabilities Impacting NWS Operations

New Satellite Capabilities Impacting NWS Operations. Mike Johnson, NWS/OST Nov 9, 2010. Overview. Transformational Change within 5-10 yrs Factors driving change User Readiness Projected Timelines for Selected* New Satellite Capabilities

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New Satellite Capabilities Impacting NWS Operations

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  1. New Satellite Capabilities Impacting NWS Operations Mike Johnson, NWS/OST Nov 9, 2010

  2. Overview Transformational Change within 5-10 yrs Factors driving change User Readiness Projected Timelines for Selected* New Satellite Capabilities * selected in consideration of other NWS-enterprise changes

  3. Factors Driving Change Operational Replacement of our GEO (GOES-R) & LEO (NPP/JPSS/MetOP/GCOM) observing systems to begin within next 5 years International and Research Missions will become increasingly part of our satellite observing capabilities due to national budget limitations and a rapidly expanding global satellite capability This + other development drives huge increase in data volume & satellite observing capabilities NWS Strategic Vision has been redefined: Focused on Services and helping forecaster “manage” observations and model data with objective to: Warn-on-Forecast, Targeted Service Improvement (eg: aviation, huricane intensity, tornado lead time, etc.) IT Infrastructure redesign is underway, but is bandwidth constrained…data fusion, push-pull, cloud computing, will become a central theme to our transformed capabilities

  4. Factors Driving Change Data Rate Projections! w/MPAR w/GOES-S w/GOES-R w/JPSS 2 w/JPSS 1 w/NPP 4

  5. Satellite User ReadinessNear-Term Challenges Bandwidth – How and what satellite products will be available to Users? Data Fusion – what & where are the data integration nodes? AWIPS II development How do requirements differ between WFO’s, Centers How do requirements differ regionally, seasonally, how to handle localized products Training – How do we prepare users for this explosion of data and implications to warning processes near term (Day-1) How do we systematically progress towards our strategic goal?

  6. Projected Timelines / Impact for New Satellite Capabilities(Selected Cross-Section) 2011 Merged Soil Moisture Product using JAXA GCOM / AMSR-E; EUMETSAT/ MetOP / ASCAT, and CNES / SMOS Impacts: Will be used as input into NWP at NCEP Improvements expected to Land Surface Model >> improved boundary layer temperature and moisture analysis and prediction. Improved water resources (flooding/drought) – fire weather – BL forecasting

  7. Projected Timelines / Impact for New Satellite Capabilities(Selected Cross-Section) • NASA SAC-D-Aquarius (launch ~Jan 2011) • Orbit: sun-synchronous LEO • Instruments of Interest / Operational Use: ROSA GPS RO / global temperature / moisture sounding. Assimilated into Global NWP along with other GPS RO will improve mid-long range models. • ISRO / CNES MeghaTropiques (launch ~Jan 2011) • Orbit : non-sun-synchronous LEO : low inclination Tropical 20S-20N • Instruments of Interest / Operational Use: MADRAS- integrated water vapor, cloud liquid water, convective rain areas: SAPHIR- cloud free water vapor; ROSA- GPS RO (global temperature / moisture sounding) Improved NWP over tropics…tropical storm observations.

  8. Projected Timelines / Impact for New Satellite Capabilities(Selected Cross-Section) NASA NPP (launch ~Oct 2011) Orbit: sun-synchronous LEO, 1330 LST equatorial crossing Instruments of Interest / Operational Use: CrIS, ATMS, VIIRS, OMPS. Higher resolution radiances (temp/moisture) assimilated into NWP. High resolution imagery MODIS-like available in AWIPS. Multitude of improved and new products. EUMETSAT (ESA) MeTOP B (launch ~Apr 2012) Orbit: sun-synchronous LEO, 0930 LST equatorial crossing Instruments of Interest / Operational Use: AVHRR, MHS, HIRS, AMSU-A, ASCAT, GRAS / Assimilation into NWP…challenges with fully exploiting IASI. ASCAT provides Ocean Surface Vector Wind measurements + other capabilities. Use of AVHRR imagery in mid-morning possible if NWS IT bandwidth available.

  9. Projected Timelines / Impact for New Satellite Capabilities(Selected Cross-Section) JAXA GCOM-W1 (launch ~2012) Orbit: sun-synchronous LEO, 1330 LST equatorial crossing Instruments of Interest / Operational Use: AMSR-2 / Impacts to NWP. Part of the JPSS data stream. ESA ADM Aeolis (launch ~2012) Orbit: sun-synchronous LEO, 1800 LST equatorial crossing Instruments of Interest / Operational Use: ALADIN / 2-D Lidar Wind Profile. Impacts to NWP. Risk reduction for advanced 3-D Lidar. ISRO ScatSAT (OSCAT-2) – Proposed (launch ~2012) Orbit: sun synchronous LEO, TBD equatorial crossing Instruments of interest: Ku-Band Scatterometer (Potential QuikSCAT-like)

  10. Projected Timelines / Impact for New Satellite Capabilities(Selected Cross-Section) CMA FY-3C (launch ~2012) Orbit: sun-synchronous LEO; Morning equatorial crossing Instruments of interest / Operational Use: MERSI, MWTS, MWHS, MWRI, IRAS, VIRR, TOU / Impact to NWP. No current plans to use VIRR in NWS operations. NASA / JAXA GPM-Core (launch ~Jul 2013) Orbit: non-sun-synchronous LEO; 65 deg inclination Instruments of interest / Operational Use: DPR, GMI / Global Precipitation Map available after about 3.5 hours after observation (for full constellation…up to 7 satellites). Related…Megha-Tropiques and GPM-constellation. Impacts to hurricane and flood forecasting .

  11. Projected Timelines / Impact for New Satellite Capabilities(Selected Cross-Section) NOAA JPSS1 (launch ~Mar 2014) Orbit: sun synchronous LEO, 1330 LST equatorial crossing See NPP + host of new products and reduced data latency (~60 mins) NASA / JAXA GPM-Constellation (launch ~Various 2014) Orbit: non-sun-synchronous LEO, Instruments of interest / Operational Use GMI / See GPM Core and Megha-Tropiques. Impacts to hurricane and flood forecasting .

  12. Projected Timelines / Impact for New Satellite Capabilities(Selected Cross-Section) NASA SMAP (launch ~Nov 2014) Orbit: sun-synchronous LEO; 1800 LST equatorial crossing Instruments of interest / Operational Use: L-Band Radar . Impact to land surface model…improving NWP. Improved boundary layer temperature and moisture analysis and prediction. CMA FY3D (launch ~Dec 2014) Orbit: sun-synchronous LEO; Afternoon equatorial crossing Instruments of interest / Operational Use: MERSI, MWTS, MWHS, MWRI, IHSAS vs IRAS, GRO. Impacts to NWP.

  13. Projected Timelines / Impact for New Satellite Capabilities(Selected Cross-Section) NOAA GOES-R (launch ~Oct 2015) Orbit: GEO; TBD longitude (E or W) Instruments of interest / Operational Use: ABI, GLM / New ERA of high resolution low latency imagery…total lightning from space. Multitude of improved and new products. JAXA GCOM / W2 (launch ~Dec 2016) Orbit: sun-synchronous LEO; 1330 LST equatorial crossing Instruments of interest / Operational Use: AMSR-2, Possible DFS / Impacts to NWP, used as part of the JPSS system. DFS is possible next-generation Ocean Surface Vector Winds capability.

  14. Projected Timelines / Impact for New Satellite Capabilities(Selected Cross-Section) CMA FY3E (launch ~2016) Orbit: sun-synchronous LEO; Morning equatorial crossing Instruments of interest / Operational Use: MERSI, MWTS, MWHS, SWMR, IHSAS, GRO, Impacts to NWP. Possible next generation Ocean Surface Vector Winds.

  15. Summary Transformational Change within 5-10 yrs Growing Bandwidth More and improved Sensors User Readiness Planning for IT-growth and impact to Forecast Office Strategic Vision: Data Integration, Decision Support Focus Training Selected New Satellite Capabilities * selected in consideration of other NWS-enterprise changes

  16. Discussion / Questions?

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