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Development of NWS Satellite User Readiness

Development of NWS Satellite User Readiness. Mike Johnson NWS/OST November 4, 2009. Overview. Satellite Products in Context of Broader Strategic Goal Preparing NWS for Future Satellite Products NWS User-System Readiness for GOES-R.

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Development of NWS Satellite User Readiness

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  1. Development of NWS Satellite User Readiness Mike Johnson NWS/OST November 4, 2009

  2. Overview Satellite Products in Context of Broader Strategic Goal Preparing NWS for Future Satellite Products NWS User-System Readiness for GOES-R

  3. Satellite Products in Context of Broader Strategic Goal (Slide 1) Strategic Goal: Develop a fully integrated observation system (e.g., satellite, radar, upper air, etc), along with (automated?) analysis tools to fully exploit data and enable strategic warn-on-forecast stretch goals Forecaster increasingly won’t have time to analyze growing amounts of observational & model data Need to assimilate observations from multiple platforms into products that directly address forecast & warning needs (e.g. convective initiation giving specific convective threat, icing threat, flood potential - versus – perceptible water observation, surface moisture & snow cover observations, freezing level observation) End-State Objective: System automatically analyzes the data and determines when the forecaster needs to react

  4. Satellite Products in Context of Broader Strategic Goal (Slide 2) Strategic Goal is end-state objective – We will likely not be there at Day-1 GOES-R But…. We need to be moving in that direction There are things we should be pursuing now and the satellite community can and should be leading the way!

  5. Near-Term Satellite Challenges Bandwidth – How and what satellite products will be available to Users? Push-Pull, Product integration, AWIPS development. How will GAS work (details)? How do requirements differ between WFO’s, Centers How do requirements differ regionally, seasonally, how to handle localized products Training – How do we prepare users for this explosion of data and implications to warning processes near term (day 1) How do we systematically progress towards our strategic goal

  6. NWS AWIPS SBN Data Rate Projections w/MPAR w/GOES-S w/GOES-R w/NPOESS C2 w/NPOESS C1 w/NPP 6

  7. Preparing NWS for Future Satellite Products GOES-R Proving Ground (PG) Activities guided by Proving Ground Plan NWS User-Readiness & Infrastructure Planning Studies NWS User Readiness Working Group Formed to develop user-readiness – feed back to PG activities Initially, group is small internal NWS member group which will grow incrementally as topic matures & user coordination expands

  8. Preparing NWS for Future Satellite Products (NWS User Readiness Working Group) Formed to address NWS User Readiness Risk associated with impact that GOES-R, NPOESS, other-satellites, AWIPS development, rapid increases in data volume, & changes to data delivery will have on NWS Users. Effort to examine in an integrated way: the products that GOES-R, NPOESS, and other satellite programs are expected to deliver to NWS & when. Corresponding development of communications pathways and AWIPS Extended User guided discussions on push-pull trades and optimum achievable product deliveries. Identify systematic high-level pathway to achieve strategic goals (merged observing system) User-coordinated / senior approved initial position / roadmap available late Spring 2010 Expectation to present to May 10 SRSST Meeting

  9. Conclusion GOES Users’ Conference offers a great opportunity to get user feedback on the transition to the GOES-R era Breakout sessions are specifically focused on this We plan to take the results of these breakout sessions to Help define the framework and milestones for the way ahead

  10. Backup Slides

  11. Strategies National Mesonet Network of networks Integrated Radar (Lidar, gap-fillers, MPAR) Global Systems Multisensor platforms Optimization with OSEs, OSSEs Standards, Architectures, Protocols Maximize value of investment Future Weather Information Database Open Architecture Current Individual Systems Public Private Universities Radar Satellite Surface; in-Situ Upper Air Etc Analysis Inventory systems, and metadata Standards Assess interdepend-encies, oversampling, gaps, levels of criticalit GOES Data Strategic Goal: Integrated Observation/Analysis System

  12. NWS User-System Readiness for GOES-R and Other Environmental Satellite Missions Task NWS/OST Systems Engineering Center leading this task The goal of this task is to design an architecture that will support future mission data and to develop a roadmap for implementing this design The new series of GOES satellites (GOES-R) and POES satellites (NPOESS) will have increased data rates, new data formats, and new products

  13. NWS User-System Readiness for GOES-R and Other Environmental Satellite Missions Task This task will investigate the impact of GOES-R and other future environmental data by: Finalizing the “as is” architecture and data products for NCEP, NWSTG and AWIPS Support the development of requirements for the end-state architectures Finalize architectures based on these requirements Develop a road-map for the evolution of moving from current state to the end-state architectures Completion in September 2010

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