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COLD SPRINGS MS 2018-19 PERFORMANCE DATA. UNDERSTANDING OUR SCHOOL STAR RATING. NEVADA SCHOOL PERFORMANCE FRAMEWORK. Schools receive points based on student performance across various indicators and measures…these include the following: Academic Achievement English Language Proficiency

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  2. NEVADA SCHOOL PERFORMANCE FRAMEWORK • Schools receive points based on student performance across various indicators and measures…these include the following: • Academic Achievement • English Language Proficiency • Student Engagement (Attendance) • Growh • Closing Opportunity Gaps

  3. How is the Star rating determined? • Points are totaled and divided by the points possible to generate an index score from 1-100. Index scores are associated with a one-to-five star rating as follows: • < 27 = 1 star • 27 to 50 = 2 stars • >50 to < 67 = 3 stars • 67 to <84 = 4 stars • 84 and up = 5 stars

  4. Cold Springs 2018-19 School Rating Index Score = 58 Rating = 3 stars

  5. Targeted Support & Improvement (TSI)Designation Cold Springs was designated as a TSI school in 2017-2018 2018-2019 Cold Springs data reflects continued TSI status

  6. How are Schools Identified as TSI? • One or more subgroups not meeting target(s) two years in a row on one or more measures within Academic Achievement Indicator (Math proficiency, ELA proficiency, or RBG3) • AND • One or more subgroups not meeting target(s) two years in a row within two or more remaining Indicators: Growth (Math/ELA MGP/AGP), ELPA (WIDA AgP), or Student Engagement (Math/ELA Opportunity Gap, Chronic Absenteeism)

  7. Cold Springs’ 2018-19 School Performance Plan Objective #1 • Increase the percentage of students finding the task of finishing tasks even if they are hard as easy or very easy from 54% to 60% - Not met finished at 56%

  8. Objective #2 • Increase the percentage of students finding the task of reaching goals that they set for themselves as easy or very easy from 48% to 54%. – Not met finished at 53%

  9. Objective 3 • Increase the number of students above 60% or meeting CCR on Winter Math MAPS by 5% as reflected on the Fall and Winter scores. Goal Not met

  10. Objective 4 • Increase the number of students above 60% or meeting CCR on Reading MAPS by 5% as reflected on the Fall and Winter scores. Goal not met

  11. Objective 5 • Decrease the number of discipline events in each category: disrespect, fighting/physical aggression and disregard for school rules by 10% - Goal met dropped from 77 to 60 per 100

  12. Progress On School Performance Plan Goals • Possible Barriers to Improvement • Need for structured Advisory curriculum across the grades • Lack of school wide instruction of SEL standards • Reassignment of EL staff limited pull outs • Lack of consistency in progressive discipline school wide • Need for scheduling targeted intervention classes in the school day

  13. 2019-20 School Performance Plan Goals • Increasing ELA proficiency across all grades. Promote reading fluency across all grades • Increasing Math proficiency across all grades. • Increase Social Emotional Learning instruction in all advisory classes to promote the emotional wellness and academic growth of our students.

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