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The ILO in the Philippines. The International Labour Organization. UN organization responsible for international labour standards. The ILO was created in 1919. It is the only 'tripartite' United Nations agency that brings together representatives of governments, employers, and workers.
The International Labour Organization • UN organization responsible for international labour standards. • The ILO was created in 1919. • It is the only 'tripartite' United Nations agency that brings together representatives of governments, employers, and workers. • 181 members. • Decent Work for All: • Employment creation • Standards at work • Social protection • Social Dialogue
The ILO in the Philippines • The Philippines joined the ILO in 1948. • As of May 2012, the Philippines had ratified 35 conventions of which 34 are enforced, including the 8 fundamental conventions: • freedom of association and collective bargaining (C87, C98) • forced labour (C29, C105) • discrimination (C100, C111) • child labour (C138, C182)
The Millennium Development Goals ‘Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including for women and young people’
Philippine policy and programme frameworks: Successful interventions to mainstream Decent Work! Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 UNDAF 2012-2018 Philippine Labor and Employment Plan 2011-2016
ILO CO-Manila Programme Areas, 2012-2013 • Employment creation • Social Protection • Social Dialogue • Standards & Rights at work • Youth employment • Skills training • Green business • Green Jobs • Succeeding in Business • Local economic development in crisis areas • HIV & AIDS • Migration • Trafficking • Climate Change Adaption • Maternity protection • Strengthening tripartitism • Strengthening workers’ organizations • Strengthening employers’ organizations • Promoting international labor standards, including freedom of association • Gender equality • Minimum-wage setting • Elimination of child labour • Indigenous Peoples • Maritime Sector • Domestic Work
Promoting International Labour Standards • Advocacy on Freedom of Association (FOA), Collective Bargaining (CB) • Promotion of the ratification of conventions, including: • Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 • C169: Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 • C187: Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 • C189: Domestic Workers Convention, 2011
Eliminating Child Labour Ongoing USDOL-funded IPEC project Prevention and withdrawal of children from child labour with local stakeholders in Quezon, Masbate, Northern Samar, and Bukidnon National Child Labor Committee (NCLC) restructured and its effectiveness being enhanced through organizational development sessions Results of new National Survey on Children was released in June 2012
Indigenous Peoples (IP) Increased capacity of indigenous peoples in the Caraga Region and in Lake Sebu, South Cotabato in the development and protection of their ancestral domains Enhanced knowledge of IPs of their rights under Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) Strengthened traditional livelihoods through hands-on skills development and the establishment of an IP microfinance facility that is run by indigenous women
Local economic development and addressing crises in Bondoc Peninsula Joint Project with FAO under the UN Trust Fund for Human Security Local economic assessment and strategy formulation for four LGUs Delivery of livelihood and employment support activities to families in project communities Integration of climate sensitive livelihood technologies FAO support for small-scale irrigation and aqua-culture development Conduct peace-building activities Formulation of disaster preparedness and contingency plans for four LGUs www.ilo.org ILO CO-Manila
Employment Intensive Infrastructure Ongoing cash for work and other employment-intensive infrastructure projects in Sendong-affected areas in Cagayan de Oro City and Iligan City
Climate Change Adaptation Public-Private Partnerships created in the implementation of risk reduction and financial risk management mechanisms for Climate vulnerable farming populations Three Models of Innovative Integrated Financial Package[Loan-cum Savings, Social Protection (health, crop, credit life), and Training-capacity-building- financial Literacy, Agriand Enterprise) developed and tested- demonstrating role in improved productivity and enhanced climate change resilience
Green Jobs was included as strategy to address employment and environment link in the National Labor and Employment Plan 2011-2016 and the Strategic Action Plan for Climate Change 2011-2016 A National Green Jobs Conference was convened in August 2011 Green products and services to promote green jobs in the construction of socialized will be tested as a pilot project from December 2011-June 2012 Developed the enterprise training package for the auto sector supply chain (Greener Business – Better Workplace CORE and Deepening modules) and conducted an initial run with pilot companies Green Jobs
Youth employment and migration National Action Agenda for presented to President Benigno Aquino III Training of disadvantaged youth trained to start their own business Entrepreneurship adopted under secondary education curriculum. Public Employment Service Office (PESO) staff in project areas trained on basic employment services
Migration EU-funded project on “Decent Work Across Borders: A Project for Migrant Health Professionals and Skilled Workers” Project to cover the Philippines, India, and Viet Nam Objectives: Strengthened mechanisms of policy dialogue involving origin and destination counties Strengthened employment services for health care professionals and skilled workers, specifically in nursing Enhanced labour market information system for policy planning and review
Reintegration of Trafficked Victims Local Migration and Development Plans, focusing on economic opportunities for returning migrants and their families Training of 20 Anti-Trafficking Focal Persons in DSWD Field Offices Return migrants and migrant families assisted through group conferences and individual assessments, psychosocial counseling, stress debriefing, and psychiatric treatment Skills training on financial literacy and basic accounting, and starting a small business for women beneficiaries Women return migrants organized to initiate a fund build-up to start their respective small businesses
Maternity Protection Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) is included as a key component of the national Family Welfare Programme (FWP), and good practices on workplace-based support for working mothers has been documented Strengthened Family Welfare Programme and other tripartite mechanisms piloted in three cities, with established partnership/network of Family Welfare focal persons, FW committees and JP local implementers Models of informal sector workplace interventions for EBF documented and designed in three JP cities Workplace inputs integrated in the final Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act of 2009
HIV and AIDS • Promoting healthy lifestyles as an entry point to introduce HIV and AIDS interventions in BPO worksites • Baseline study on knowledge, attitude, and behavior of BPO employers and workers • Development of Behavior Change Communication Strategy and materials • Global Partnership on HIV interventions in the Maritime Sector • Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar/HIV Module assessment and revision • Development of IEC materials (video and print) on HIV for Filipino • Development of DOLE Roadmap to support the AIDS Medium-Term Plan V (2011-2016)
Strengthening social dialogue Achieving outcomes through … Strengthening workers’ organizations Strengthening employers’ organizations