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Welcome to 3rd Grade Mrs. Fitzgibbon. Background Information. This is my 10 th year teaching at Hannum . I have taught 3 rd , 4 th , and 5 th grades. My bachelor’s degree is in Elementary Education from Illinois State University.
Background Information • This is my 10th year teaching at Hannum. I have taught 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. • My bachelor’s degree is in Elementary Education from Illinois State University. • My master’s degree is a Masters of Arts in Teaching and Leadership from St. Xavier University. • I have 45 credit hours past my master’s degree in the areas of curriculum, assessment, and literacy.
Classroom Goals • To help students reach their goals. • To give students the academic and social skills needed to progress to fourth grade. • To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment. • To help students make new friends and discover new interests. • These goals support District 123’s mission statement: “Learning Today for a Successful Tomorrow”
Class Subjects • The subjects we cover in third grade are provided by the Common Core State Standards • Literature, Writing, English (collectively known as Language Arts) • Math • Science • Social Studies • Special Classes: • Art, Music, Library, and Gym
Reading and Writing • Comprehension Strategies/Skills • Questioning, Summarizing, Characterization, Vocabulary Development, Text Structure and Features, Point of View, Illustrations, Compare and Contrast • Writing • 6 Traits of Writing • Written Responses • Words Their Way • Grammar and English • Sentence Structure
Math • During the next few years our math curriculum will transition from Everyday Math to Common Core State Standards for Math. These are based on the highest state standards across the country designed to ensure all students are college and career ready. • This year you will notice your child using some of the Everyday Math curriculum supplemented by lessons and activities, which develop number sense or numeracy. • Building deep understanding of numeracy is essential to Common Core Math beginning with the oral counting sequence.
Science • Sun, Moon, and Stars • Water Cycle • Food Chains and Webs
Social Studies • Geography of Illinois • Native Americans of Illinois • 13 Colonies • Challenges of Independence • Government and the Constitution • Our Nation’s Capitol
Grading • Language Arts will be graded with a standards based report card (see next slide). • Math assignments will be marked: Beginning, Developing, or Secure to show progress toward mastery of these standards. • Math, Social Studies, and Science will have letter grades on the report card. The grading scale is: 100 – 93 A, 92 – 85 B, 84 – 75 C, 74 – 70 D, 69 and below F.
Classroom Community • Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. • Failure to abide by our classroom rules will result in a consequence. • Your child will have Mrs. Wingereid and Mrs. Zweig throughout the year. Our classroom rules and consequences apply in their classrooms as well.
Homework • I will assign about 20 minutes of homework Monday-Thursday. Typically, this will entail a reading comprehension paper and a math assignment. Additionally, math flashcard practice and skill sheets will be sent home as needed to support our work at school. • It is expected that your child is reading for a minimum of 20 minutes daily, outside of school. • Assignment notebooks will be used daily. I do not sign them. • Homework is due the next day, unless otherwise noted.
Student Responsibilities • Keep track of books and assignments. • Take home all necessary materials. • Give yourself enough time to complete your work. • Do your own work, as much as possible. • Do quality work and turn it in on time.
Parent Responsibilities • Establish a regular time and place for homework and studying. • Provide necessary materials and supplies. • Provide limited assistance. • Establish consequences for noncompliance and follow through. Be consistent.
Teacher Responsibilities • Provide quality instruction. • Provide clear directions and expectations. • Provide deadlines. • Provide encouragement. • Provide feedback.
Parental Communication • Write me a note-this is preferred • Email me (kfitzgibbon@d123.org) • For general information • Not for specific information regarding your child’s academics/behavior
Thanks for coming! I am looking forward to a rewarding school year!