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ATLAS HLT/DAQ Progress report

Maggio 2007. ATLAS HLT/DAQ Progress report. V. Vercesi on behalf of the ATLAS Italia HLT/DAQ Group. TDAQ in ATLAS site. multi-CPU nodes. CERN computer centre. 5. ~1600. ~100. ~ 500. Local Storage SubFarm Outputs ( SFO s). Event Filter (EF). Event Builder SubFarm

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ATLAS HLT/DAQ Progress report

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  1. Maggio 2007 ATLAS HLT/DAQProgress report V. Vercesi on behalfof the ATLAS Italia HLT/DAQ Group

  2. Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  3. TDAQ in ATLAS site multi-CPU nodes CERN computer centre 5 ~1600 ~100 ~ 500 Local Storage SubFarm Outputs (SFOs) Event Filter (EF) Event Builder SubFarm Inputs (SFIs) LVL2 farm Event rate ~ 200 Hz Second- level trigger Data Storage pROS DataFlow Manager Network switches stores LVL2 output Network switches LVL2 Super- visor Gigabit Ethernet Requested event data Event data pulled: partial events @ ≤ 100 kHz, full events @ ~ 3.5 kHz Event data requests Delete commands Regions Of Interest Data of events accepted by first-level trigger 1600 Read- Out Links UX15 ~150 PCs VME Dedicated links Read- Out Drivers (RODs) ATLAS detector Read-Out Subsystems (ROSs) RoI Builder First- level trigger Timing Trigger Control (TTC) Event data pushed @ ≤ 100 kHz, 1600 fragments of ~ 1 kByte each SDX1 USA15 Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  4. Executive summary Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  5. Moreover Fully equipped RoI Builder (+ 1 at bldg 32) All network switches & cables needed in 2007 IPMI control Hardware 2007 Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  6. Hardware 2007 notes Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  7. Infrastructure in SDX Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  8. Read Out System (USA15) ROS ROS RoIB Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  9. SFI, DFM and friends LFS L2SV SFI DFM Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  10. InstallingHLT racks… Ancientmonuments were builtwithoutcranes… Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  11. HLT racks Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  12. Nextsteps Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  13. Event Builder Local Disk  CASTOR Event Builder (SFIs) Switches DFM Read-Out Subsystems (ROSs) Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  14. Monitoring Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  15. CountingRoomDesks Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  16. Large Scale Tests Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  17. Technical run March 2007 Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  18. It’s fun… Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  19. Online trigger menu Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  20. Timing: LVL2 Calo Electron run 2515 mean 8.0 ms Photon run 2373 mean 6.6 ms/RoI Combined run 2368 mean 6.9 ms Egamma run 2309 mean 7.4 ms Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  21. Online and offline: egamma EF AthenaPT Online TrigEFTrackHypo TrigEFTrackHypo Pt=7.0  8.25 Pt=6.9  8.1 TrigEgammaRec TrigEgammaRec E=43.18  43.70 E=43.63  42.38 Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  22. More plots E/p SiTrack pT MuFast residuals 1/pT Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  23. M T W Th F Technical run next week Morning 9am-1pm Infrastructure tests LVL2 + EB tests EF tests other HLT slices Database tests Afternoon 1pm-5pm ROIB integration+Tests EB tests combined system other HLT slices / cosmic Database tests Evening 5pm-8pm LVL2 tests EB+EF tests combined system reserved / cosmic cosmic slice Long-Run run with SFI run with SFO, writing to disk run with SFO, writing to castor BBQ run with SFO, writing to castor • 23 Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  24. Physics Trigger Menus Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  25. Trigger AwareAnalysis Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

  26. Valerio Vercesi - INFN Pavia

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