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CHEE 301

CHEE 301. TECHNICAL COMMMUNICATION. G.W. BRANDIE. 211 DUPUIS BRANDIEG@POST.QUEENSU.CA. Blicq, Ron. “Communicating at Work; Creating messages that get results” Third Edition, 2002 (Toronto: Addison-Wesley/Longman/ Pearson). O’Conner, Patricia T.

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CHEE 301

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  3. Blicq, Ron. “Communicating at Work; Creating messages that get results” Third Edition, 2002 (Toronto: Addison-Wesley/Longman/ Pearson) O’Conner, Patricia T. “Woe Is I; The Grammarphobe’s Guide to Better English in Plain English” (New York: Riverhead Penguin Putnam, 1998) TEXTS

  4. GRADING • Oral Presentation: 40% • Written Work: Short Assignments: 30% Major Assignment: 30% • No final examination

  5. Employer’s Checklist (I) The Boeing Company publishes this checklist of desired attributes of engineering graduates: • A good grasp of these engineering science fundamentals: • Mathematics (including statistics) • Physical and life sciences • Information technology

  6. Employer’s Checklist (II) • A good understanding of the design and manufacturing process (i.e., an understanding of engineering) • A basic understanding of the context in which engineering is practiced, including: • Economics and business practice • History • The environment • Customer and societal needs

  7. Employer’s Checklist (III) • A multidisciplinary systems perspective • Good communication skills: • Written • Verbal • Graphic • Listening • High ethical standards • ASEE PRISM, December 1996

  8. Course Resources • Text • Course Home Page http://info.chee.queensu.ca/chee301/ • Guidelines for Formal Reports http://www.chemeng.queensu.ca/ Undergraduate/Course/reports usage.hlp (a Windows help file) • Course Listserver and Forum

  9. Course Resources • Associates: • Stacey Haskins (8sdh@qlink.queensu.ca) • Jennifer Lee (jennifer@chee.queensu.ca) • Me

  10. A Suggested Approach (I) • Plan • Gather information • Define the reader • Define the purpose • Generate topic headings • Delete irrelevant topics • Group the topics • Organize the groups and topics

  11. A Suggested Approach (II) • Write the First Draft • Take a Break

  12. A Suggested Approach (III) • Read the Draft • Check for organization • Check for correct tone and style • Check for technical and grammatical accuracy • Revise

  13. A Suggested Approach (IV) • Review the Final Draft • Would I want to receive this? • What reaction will it produce? • Is that the reaction I intend?

  14. Our Approach • Assignments given most weeks • Discussed in Workshops • Drafts may be handed in (optional) • Drafts returned (with preliminary comments) • Revise • Submit final version for marking

  15. Exercise 1: • Write new Orientation paragraphs for CHEE and ENCH • Bring your draft paragraphs to next Tuesday’s class. • Bring a list of other communication tasks you will be undertaking this term

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