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System Performance. Definitions and Application of Failure, Reliability, Resilience and Vulnerability. Klara Gunnarsen , Cornelius Zeller, Matthias Ganghofner and Justin Kotzebue . To evaluate the performance of a system, different indices are used to show the sustainability of a system.
System Performance Definitions and Application of Failure, Reliability, Resilience and Vulnerability KlaraGunnarsen, Cornelius Zeller, Matthias Ganghofner and Justin Kotzebue
To evaluate the performance of a system, different indices are used to show the sustainability of a system. Failure - Reliability - Resilience - Vulnerability System performance
Definitions used for system performance analysis • Failure • Reliability • Resilience • Vulnerability • Sustainability • Case study • Scenario • Customised equations • Sustainability analysis • Conclusion Overview
Failure: • Needs to be defined for a system • Identifies when a system cannot fulfill its intended functions • Is always in relation to time • May be easily defined or complex with a combination of different parameters. Failure (Manohar & Gupta 2005)
Reliability Ris the probability that a system will fulfill its intended function for a specific time period and under given conditions. It is the probability of satisfaction or the counter probability of failure F. R(t) = 1 – F(t) Reliability (Hashimoto et al., 1982)
Resilience is the ability of a system to recover. Resilience is the probability P of a system Sto re-enter a non-failure state NF after a period of failure F. Resilience (Hashimoto et al., 1982)
Vulnerability is the probability of a hazardous event multiplied by the impact of the event. In other words it is the measure of the likely damage a failure event may cause. If reliability is very high a system will be less vulnerable as the probability of a hazardous event is low. Vulnerability (Ajamiet al. 2008)
Reliability-Resilience-Vulnerability: R-R-V modelling In order to analyze the System Performance we multiply these three interrelating components to achieve system sustainability System Performance Analysis (Ajamiet al. 2008)
Water reservoir concept Case – Shasta Lake, California (http://www.dailyventure.com/photo/Shasta-Dam-and-Shasta-Lake)
Fresh water supply • Area prone to droughts • Supply should always meet demand • Management strategies have to be evaluated in which restrictions on water outflow may be necessary Drawing of reservoir Case - Environment (Ajamiet al. 2008)
In this case, failure state is when demand coverage Xtcannot meet demand Ct. • Ztdefines the system performance • Wdescribes the transition between a failure and non-failure state Case - Failure (Ajamiet al. 2008)
Reliability is calculated by the sum of monthly demand coverage Xt in relation to the sum of the total monthly demand Ci. CR =1: supply meets the demand Case - Reliability (Ajamiet al. 2008)
Resilience is the relation between the number of months where the system is in transition between a failure and non-failure state Wtand number of total months where supply does not meet the demand. T is the total amount of months. The closer to 1, thefasteritrecovers! Case - Resilience (Ajamiet al. 2008)
Vulnerability of a water supply system shows the maximum shortfall of water [m3] accrued during failure periods. Case - Vulnerability (Ajamiet al. 2008)
For the relative vulnerability we use the deficit volume Cv and divide it with the total supply in the failure state period. Case - Vulnerability (Ajamiet al. 2008)
System sustainability (S): The closer to 1 the more sustainable Case – System Performance Analysis (Ajamiet al. 2008)
5% buffer-zone coefficient: • Less reliable than other scenarios, • More resilient during drought • 20% buffer-zone coefficient: • High reliability of meeting demand • Less vulnerable • Less resilient during drought • Chosen scenario: Combination 5% during drought, 20% at all other times Case - results (Ajamiet al. 2008)
Performance analysis proved to be a good tool to use for choosing management strategies for a water supply system. Some argue that vulnerability can be left out of the sustainability equation as it is inversely related to reliability. We think not, as the relationship is non-linear. Conclusion (Kjeldsen& Rosbjerg 2004)
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