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Data Driven Decomposition Method for MET acceptance

Data Driven Decomposition Method for MET acceptance. Dong Liu, Zhijun Liang July 25, 2011. Motivation. Bunch  pile-up  MET. Data Zee. The Idea --from Stefan etc. Use a data driven method to calculate MET acceptance for W/ Wgamma analysis MET = Real + Fake

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Data Driven Decomposition Method for MET acceptance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Data Driven Decomposition Method for MET acceptance Dong Liu, Zhijun Liang July 25, 2011

  2. Motivation Bunch  pile-up  MET Data Zee

  3. The Idea --from Stefan etc. • Use a data driven method to calculate MET acceptance for W/Wgamma analysis • MET = Real + Fake • Fake MET extracted from the Z Events using Decomposition method. Characterizedby the boson pt and the event SumEt: • Perpendicular to boson Pt • --random source ->SumEt • Parallel to boson Pt • --Hadron energy scale ->Boson pt • --random source ->SumEt

  4. Fake MET In Z events • Parallel MET Perpendicular MET

  5. Bias vsZ_pt • Perpendicular MET • Parallel MET

  6. MET Resolution vsSumET SumET: leptons/photons subtracted

  7. Bunch dependence Zee events: Data Data MC MC

  8. Bunch dependence Data Zee events:

  9. Bias from W/Wgamma Wenu Wgamma Wgamma FSR Wgamma ISR

  10. MET calculation • Parallel MET • Perpendicular MET

  11. Fake MET Zee Wenu Red :MET_Truth-MET_reco Black:Smearing function in previous page

  12. MET WenuWgamma

  13. Acceptance

  14. Systematic Uncertainties • Calculation: • statistical uncertainties ->plenty events • Difference between in Z and W(gamma) events • Background in Z events ->small • Incorrectly determined SumEt • Difference between Reconstruction MET and new MET --Non_Closure test

  15. Sumet WenuWgamma

  16. Sumet +-10% WenuWgamma

  17. Uncertainty due to sumet Sumet were shifted by 10%

  18. Conclusion Could calculate the MET acceptance using Data Driven Decomposition Method Uncertainties

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