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Portable. Sanitary. Handy. Vital. Accessible. Mobile. Practical. Reclining. Brandon Thompson Becky Halcik Kapil Raj Nair. Process Defining Furniture. Advisors: David Cowan; Jeremy Ackerman, MD, PhD. Advancing Triage for the Future.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Portable Sanitary Handy Vital Accessible Mobile Practical Reclining Brandon Thompson Becky Halcik Kapil Raj Nair Process Defining Furniture Advisors: David Cowan; Jeremy Ackerman, MD, PhD Advancing Triage for the Future Ellen Yi-Luen Do, PhD; Marilyn Margolis, RN, MN Williams, Dr. Craig Zimring Craig Zimring, PhD; Marvina Williams, RN The One Stop Chair • Triar’s Impact • Reduces space of Triage • Maximizes flow • Integrates Triage equipment • Reduces foot print • Acuity Adaptable The Triage Chair • Weight • Blood Pressure • Temperature • Wheel Chair • Pulse • Oxygen • Blood sample tray • Stretcher • IV Stand • Triage’s Problem • Inefficient Workflow • Poor Space Utilization • Inaccessible Equipment • Lack of Procedural Integration Before After Reduced Space • Impact of the Problem • Lengthens Triage Time • Creates Extra Walking for Nurses and Patients • Large Space Needed for Current Equipment Nurse Path Patient Path The Future Triar • Design Principles • Furniture & equipment should be integrated with the process • Furniture should be easy to clean • Furniture should be ergonomic • Equipment should reduce Triage time • Furniture should be easily adaptable Remote Monitoring of the Patient

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