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WERC Sem. Sharing Exp. NPP: Hanoi, Jan. 21, 2013. Panel Discussion 1. Strategy of Human Resource Development for Nuclear Power Program. Lead Speech: Sueo Machi Advisor to WERC FNCA Coordinator of Japan. MM13 Session III (2). FNCA Strategy for Human Resource Development.
WERC Sem. Sharing Exp. NPP: Hanoi, Jan. 21, 2013 Panel Discussion 1 Strategy of Human Resource Development for Nuclear Power Program Lead Speech: Sueo Machi Advisor to WERC FNCA Coordinator of Japan WERC Vietnam Seminor, Hanoi, 21-25 Jan. 2013 S. Machi
MM13 Session III (2) FNCA Strategy for Human Resource Development Recommendation of 13th Coordinator Meeting on HRD, March 7-9, 2012, Japan Adapted by 13th Ministerial Meeting Conclusion of Workshop of HRD Project, September 12-14, 2012, China MEXT HRD Program to support Asian Countries WERC Vietnam Seminor, Hanoi, 21-25 Jan. 2013 S. Machi
Recommendation of 13th FNCA Coordinator Meeting on Strategy of HRD Adapted by Ministerial Meeting Nov. 2012 Government should formulate a national HRD strategy for nuclear power programs and radiation applications, and provide funding For effective and efficient the national HRD plan, government should establish a network of HRD of all related organizations The network assesses the HRD needs and defines the specific programs which needs support from abroad due to inadequate expertise in the country, and formulates a concrete national HRD plan
FNCA HRD WS:Additional Recommendations • For introduction of 1st nuclear power plant, strategic HRD is essential • University and nuclear institute should play essentialrole for HRD WERC Vietnam Seminor, Hanoi, 21-25 Jan. 2013 S. Machi A focal point of HRD network should be established for better coordination of HRD plan and enhance international cooperation The FNCA coordinators and HRD project leaders review the ANTEP implementation and propose possible changes to improve the program
List of National Focal Point of HRD Bangladesh BAEC China CAEA IndonesiaBATAN Japan JAEA/JAIF KazakhstanNEA RK Republic of KoreaKONICOF MalaysiaMNPC MongoliaNEA Philippines PNRI Thailand TINT VietnamVINATOM
Support Program of Japanese Government for Nuclear HRD of FNCA Countries WERC Vietnam Seminor, Hanoi, 21-25 Jan. 2013 S. Machi
Japan’s Program to Support HRD of FNCA Countries for Nuclear Power/Application by MEXT • Nuclear Scientists Exchange Program:1500 scientists and engineers have been invited for a yearsince 1986, 25/year • Instructor Training Course for nuclear engineering, nuclear safety, radioactivity measurement, etc. since 1996, 4 weeks, 18 participants per year: 161 trainers by 2011 (JAEA) • Training Course on Nuclear Safety: 4 weeks, 10 participants/year (WERC, JAEA) • Training Course on Administrationof Nuclear Energy Program: 3 weeks, 10 participants/year (WERC, JAEA) • Training Course on Radiation Safety and Radiological Emergency: 2 weeks, 16 participants/year • Training Seminar on Site Selection of Nuclear Facilities: 1 week, 10 participants/year (WERC, JAEA) Travel and staying expenses are funded by MEXT WERC Vietnam Seminor, Hanoi, 21-25 Jan. 2013 S. Machi
Nuclear Scientists Exchange Program (MEXT) since 1986 1500 scientists and engineers have been invited in Japan staying for a year Bangladesh86China549Indonesia244Korea136Malaysia89Philippines46Sri Lanka38Thailand176Vietnam131Total1495 WERC Vietnam Seminor, Hanoi, 21-25 Jan. 2013 S. Machi
Instructor Training Program (ITP) Purpose: ITP is a training course to train young engineers, researchers andto level up instructors from Asian countries, that will be main instructors in domestic Training Courses in own countries. Japan supports the self-standing of their domestic training courses by dispatching Japanese experts Asian countries (NuHRDeC, JAEA) Vietnam Bangladesh Kazakhstan Malaysia Philippines Indonesia Thailand Mongolia ITC training course ① Go to Japan as trainees ② Training for 6~9 weeks ④ Set up of Domestic training courses (Follow-up training courses(FTC)) ・Reactor Engineering ⅠⅡ Ⅲ ・Environmental monitoring ・Emergency preparedness ③ Go home as instructors Reactor safety is important ⑤ Dispatch to support Japanese experts (For 2weeks) (Main instructors) WERC Vietnam Seminor, Hanoi, 21-25 Jan. 2013 S. Machi 9
Instructor Training Course( ITC ) ITC:Reactor Engineering Course Period: 8 weeks Lectures: JAEA experts are selected as lecturers Experiments: JRR-1 simulator, Boiling heat transfer apparatus, Neutron experiments facility, PC room, NDT facility Exercises: Computer calculation cord (SRAC, EUREKA, COOLOD ) Facility : JRR-3, J-PARC, NPP, Nuclear Fuel company Hitachi nuclear factory, Medical radiation research center, etc. Country report: By Participants Presentation: By Participants Lecture Room JRR-1 Simulator training WERC Vietnam Seminor, Hanoi, 21-25 Jan. 2013 S. Machi Boiling heat transfer experiment Closing ceremony
Domestic Training Course conducted by ITC trainees • The training course is designed and conducted by trainers trained in JAEA with advise by Japanese experts on site in their countries • This practice builds the confidence and self reliance of recipient countries • Efficiency of training is multiplied by the ITC Environmental monitoring Course in Indonesia Emergency Preparedness Course in Thailand Reactor engineering course in Vietnam WERC Vietnam Seminor, Hanoi, 21-25 Jan. 2013 S. Machi
Number of participants of Training courses FTC (Follow up Training Course) ITC (Instructor Training Course) Number of trainee Gain is more than 13 times ITC program is useful and effective for self-standing of Nuclear HRD-Activity in Asian countries WERC Vietnam Seminor, Hanoi, 21-25 Jan. 2013 S. Machi
Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security (JAEA)December 27, 2010 at Tokai-mura the Center contribute to strengthening nuclear non-proliferation and security in Asian nuclear emerging countries, using Japan’s knowledge and experiences in peaceful uses of nuclear energy, ISCN is in Techno Community Square Riccotti, JAEA, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan One of main activities is Capacity building assistance through human resources development including training and education WERC Vietnam Seminor, Hanoi, 21-25 Jan. 2013 S. Machi
Establishment of Nuclear HRD Network in Japan • The HRD network: Established in 2010 for international cooperation and Japan in HRD Hub of Network: JAEA-JAIF Team MEXT METI CAO MOFA Academia Industry JAEA JAIF JAEC, JNSC JICA University NW JAPCO, JINED JICC WERC Steering Committee and Sub- Committees JINED: International Nuclear Energy Development of Japan WERC Vietnam Seminor, Hanoi, 21-25 Jan. 2013 S. Machi
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT) Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry(METI) Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) Nuclear Safety, Research Reactor, Basic Research etc. Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (NPP-promoting -body) Japan Atomic Energy Agency Japan Atomic Industrial Forum(JAIF) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Nuclear HRD Center (My center) -Instructor Training Program -Nuclear Safety Seminar -Site location of nuclear facilities course (8 countries) -Administration course (10 countries) -Reactor Plant Safety course (10 countries) (implemented by The Wakasa wan Energy Research Center) -Dispatch of Experts (Follow-up training) -Acceptance of Trainee Japan International Cooperation Center(JICC) Japanese Organization Cooperating with Asia for Building of Self-Standing HRD Activity -Acceptance of Trainee -Dispatch of experts Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) (NPP-Regulating-body) Cabinet Office (CAO) -Japan Atomic Energy Commission -Nuclear Safety Commission of Japan Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES) -Training for safety –related issues Industry Academia Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Security The Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPCO) -Training in Japan (Safeguards, Nuclear Proliferation, Security) -Dispatch of Experts University Network Lectures for NPP-introducing countries (Secretariat)Tokyo Institute of Technology (Participating University) Ibaraki University, Osaka University, Okayama University, Kanazawa University, Kinki University, Kyushu University, Kyoto University, Tokai University, Nagoya University, Hachinohe Institute of Fukui, Hokkaido University, University of Yamanashi -Training in Electric Power company International Nuclear Energy Development of Japan(JINED) Electric Power Companies (Hokkaido, Tohoku, Tokyo, Chubu, Hokuriku, Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu)TOSHIBA, HITACHI, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA) -MEXT Nuclear Researcher Exchange Program(FNCA countries) -FNCA -ANTEP The University of Tokyo Fukui International Center of Human Resource Development Center The Wakasa wan Energy Research Center(WERC) Global Professional Course WERC Vietnam Seminor, Hanoi, 21-25 Jan. 2013 S. Machi -Acceptance of Trainee Nuclear Safety Security Exercise Network
Trainings for Nuclear Power Program of Vietnam by Japan WERC Vietnam Seminor, Hanoi, 21-25 Jan. 2013 S. Machi 15 from EVN are trained for nuclear engineering by the Tokai Univ, (private univ.) since April 2012 for 2 years funded by JINED and JICC 18 Vietnamese professionals were trained at the WERC on the strategy for public understanding and acceptance of nuclear power program in local community hosting NPS in 2012 funded by METI 10 Vietnamese professionals were trained at the WERC for nuclear safety of NPP in 2012 funded by METI
Recommendations for HRD Strategy of Vietnam’s Nuclear Power Program WERC Vietnam Seminor, Hanoi, 21-25 Jan. 2013 S. Machi Formulation of national HRD task force which is responsible to formulate strategic plan through full consultation with relevant ministries, such as MOST, MOET and MOIT, and organizations, such as VINATOM, VARANS, VAEA, EVN, and State St. Com. Ninh Thuan NP Pro. The task force should also prepare specific implementation plan including training and education abroad particularly in Japan and in Russia
Thank you for your attention! machi.sueo@jaea.go.jp WERC Vietnam Seminor, Hanoi, 21-25 Jan. 2013 S. Machi