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Brain Scan. Why use the Brain?. Why use the Brain?. PRINT OUT. http://images.google.com/images?gbv=2&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&um=1&q=brain+scan+fingerprinting&sa=N&start=72&ndsp=18. http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/35012/title/Fingerprints_go_high-tech
PRINT OUT http://images.google.com/images?gbv=2&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&um=1&q=brain+scan+fingerprinting&sa=N&start=72&ndsp=18 http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/35012/title/Fingerprints_go_high-tech http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/15/world/asia/15brainscan.html?_r=2&em&oref=slogin Video http://mhest.com/forensics_explorations.php
Did you know that the World's first ever case to be decided on the basis of a Brain Scan - which have become more popular as a means to detect the thoughts, desires and intentions of people - was in Pune, Maharashtra in June 2008. The prosecutors had used an electroencephalogram (EEG) to detect the patterns in a 24 year old woman's brain when the interrogators read out the details of her fiance's murder. Apparently, the reading out triggered a memory response in the brain and it was caught in the scan via the Brain Electrical Oscillations Signature test (BIOS). The judge gave her a Life sentence. Hmmm.. who said India's legal system is not evolved? We may not get enough justice done.. but when it is done.. we like it the High Tech way :) Btw, do you agree with the way the brain scan was used in this case to decide upon a woman's life sentence?
What is an EEG? http://www.pbs.org/wnet/brain/scanning/eeg.html Although not a "brain scan" as the term is usually used, the EEG, or electroencephalograph, deserves mention as one of the first -- and still very useful -- ways of non-invasively observing human brain activity. An EEG is a recording of electrical signals from the brain made by hooking up electrodes to the subject's scalp. These electrodes pick up electric signals naturally produced by the brain and send them to galvanometers (instruments that detect and measure small electric currents) that are in turn hooked up to pens, under which graph paper moves continuously. The pens trace the signals onto the graph paper. Although it was known as early as the nineteenth century that living brains have electrical activity, an Austrian psychiatrist named Hans Berger was the first to record this activity in humans, in the late 1920s. EEGs allow researchers to follow electrical impulses across the surface of the brain and observe changes over split seconds of time. An EEG can show what state a person is in -- asleep, awake, anaesthetized -- because the characteristic patterns of current differ for each of these states. One important use of EEGs has been to show how long it takes the brain to process various stimuli. A major drawback of EEGs, however, is that they cannot show us the structures and anatomy of the brain or really tell us which specific regions of the brain do what.
Brain Scans http://www.physorg.com/news112367561.html Researchers pinpoint brain waves that distinguish false memories from real ones
The science To test whether distinct patterns of electrophysiological activity prior to a response can distinguish true from false memories, psychologists at Penn recorded brain activity from 52 neurosurgical patients being treated for drug-resistant epilepsy. Patients were asked to perform a verbal free-recall task while researchers used an array of implanted electrodes and intracranial electroencephalographic recordings to locate where in their brains the patients’ seizures originated. Patients volunteered to study lists of words which they were then asked to recall at a later time. When asked to recall the studied words, participants recalled some number of correct items and also made a small number of errors, recalling words that had not appeared on the target list.
Brain Scans • Brain Fingerprinting testing does not prove guilt or innocence. • That is the role of a judge and jury. This exciting technology gives the judge and jury new, scientifically valid evidence to help them arrive at their decision. • DNA evidence and fingerprints are available in only about 1% of major crimes. • It is estimated that Brain Fingerprinting testing will apply in approximately 60 to 70% of these major crimes.
Brain Fingerprinting technology Brain Fingerprinting technology presents a new paradigm in the psychophysiological detection of concealed information. This new system detects information directly, on the basis of the electrophysiological manifestations of information-processing brain activity, measured non-invasively from the scalp. Brain Fingerprinting technology depends only on brain information processing, it does not depend on the emotional response of the subject.
Brain Fingerprinting technology Brain Fingerprinting technology utilizes multifaceted electroencephalographic response analysis (MERA) to detect information stored in the human brain. A memory and encoding related multifaceted electroencephalographic response (MERMER) is elicited when an individual recognizes and processes an incoming stimulus that is significant or noteworthy. When an irrelevant stimulus is seen, the P300/MERMER is absent. This pattern occurs within less than a second after the stimulus presentation, and can be readily detected using EEG amplifiers and a computerized signal-detection algorithm.
Detection of FBI Agent Knowledge "Information Present" Brain Response A. Parietal Area B. Frontal Area Stimulus Type: Target _____ Irrelevant......... Probe_____ Average brain responses recorded in response to three types of stimuli: • (1) Targets are phrases that are made relevant to the subject by instructing him/her to press a particular button when they appear. • Note the large P300/MERMER (memory and encoding related multifaceted electroencephalographic response), which indicates that these stimuli are relevant to the subject. • (2) Irrelevants are phrases that are not relevant. The P300/MERMER is lacking. • (3) Probes are FBI-relevant phrases that the subject gives no overt indication of recognizing. The largeP300/MERMERindicates that these FBI-relevant stimuli are relevant for this subject
Brain Fingerprinting System: Detection of FBI Agent Knowledge "Information Absent" Brain Response "Information Present" Information Absent"
March 2008 http://www.calbar.ca.gov/state/calbar/calbar_cbj.jsp?sCategoryPath=/Home/Attorney%20Resources/California%20Bar%20Journal/March2008&sCatHtmlPath=cbj/2008-03_TH_01_Neuroscience.html&sCatHtmlTitle=Top%20Headlines http://www.pbs.org/wnet/innovation/about_episode8.html http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5512022
No Lie MRI, Inc. provides unbiased methods for the detection of deception and other information stored in the brain.The technology used by No Lie MRI represents the first and only direct measure of truth verification and lie detection in human history!No Lie MRI uses techniques that: Bypass conscious cognitive processing Measure the activity of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) rather than the peripheral nervous system (as polygraph testing does).