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SPDG BIDDERS’ WEBINAR Tuesday May 4, 2010

SPDG BIDDERS’ WEBINAR Tuesday May 4, 2010. Rhode Island SPDG Involving Your Stakeholders in Your Initiatives and Collaborating with IHEs Jonathan Dyson, Project Director jdyson@ric.edu. Strategic Planning. Aligned SPDG grant cycle with State Performance Plan (SPP) 5 year cycle

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SPDG BIDDERS’ WEBINAR Tuesday May 4, 2010

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SPDG BIDDERS’ WEBINARTuesday May 4, 2010 Rhode Island SPDG Involving Your Stakeholders in Your Initiatives and Collaborating with IHEs Jonathan Dyson, Project Director jdyson@ric.edu Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities @ Rhode Island College Promoting Membership in School, Work and Community

  2. Strategic Planning Aligned SPDG grant cycle with State Performance Plan (SPP) 5 year cycle Develop SPP with stakeholders using APR progress data Stakeholders include: Administrators, teachers, family members, professional organizations, family organizations IHEs and union 2 Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities @ Rhode Island College Promoting Membership in School, Work and Community

  3. Identify SPP indicators most in need of improvement and professional development needs of each stakeholder group • Identify evidence based practices, activities and structures/vehicles for providing the PD in most effective, efficient and cost effective manner • Identify stakeholders who can partner in providing PD (i.e. have necessary structures to provide the PD and ability to sustain it once funding has ended) • 3 Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities @ Rhode Island College Promoting Membership in School, Work and Community

  4. Partnership Examples • Leadership Series 101 and 102 – partners ARIASE and RIASP • Special Education Director Mentor Program – partner ARIASE • Parent Leadership Project – partner RIPIN • Beginning Teacher Series – partners IHEs, ARIASE, RIASP, unions • 4 Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities @ Rhode Island College Promoting Membership in School, Work and Community

  5. Collaborating with IHEs • Include Deans of Education and General and Special Education Department Chairs in planning • Teacher preparation course revisions based on RIDE statewide initiatives • Partnering to identify quality student teacher placements • Possible SPDG grant subcontractor to coordinate grant activities – ability to hire grant staff or purchase professor time • 5 Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities @ Rhode Island College Promoting Membership in School, Work and Community

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