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Commercial Operations Sub-Committee Update to TAC. March 6, 2008. Highlights of the COPS 2/12/08 Meeting. TRE Fee Methodology (PRR720) Reviewed in detail the “ERO Fee Assessment and Collection Guide” to accompany revised PRR720 language.
Commercial OperationsSub-Committee Update to TAC March 6, 2008
Highlights of the COPS 2/12/08 Meeting • TRE Fee Methodology (PRR720) • Reviewed in detail the “ERO Fee Assessment and Collection Guide” to accompany revised PRR720 language. • Lengthy discussions regarding definition for load values being used to calculate the fee. • Response to questions raised on 2/12/08, will be presented at the March 11th COPS Meeting. • COPS discussions and consideration relate only to the TRE annual fee collection process and required changes to PRR720 in response to specific request of PRS.
Highlights of the COPS 2/12/08 Meeting • DEWG / SDAWG • Held their first joint meeting where discussion topics were of interest to both groups. • Concentrated on EDS4 schedule, timeline, and process expectations. • Reviewed Nodal extract delivery dates noting very tight timeline between initial delivery and the planned 168 hour testing period. • Discussed setting timeline and delivery for data extract SLA
Highlights of the COPS 2/12/08 Meeting • PWG: • Pursuing recommendation of the DGTF and working with Market Rules to effect timely implementation of a profile solution as requested by TAC. • Designing several new residential profiles for solar and wind renewable technologies (based on kW capacity) • Designing allocation algorithms for the outflow energy (energy flowing into the distribution system) • Drafting needed PRR and LPGRR language • To date less than 100 Competitive ESIIDs associated with solar and wind renewable technologies have been provided to ERCOT
Highlights of the COPS 2/12/08 Meeting • DRTF: • Reviewed recommendation for an interim Demand Response Solution for Summer 2008 implementation and the Task Force’s request for Urgency Status to meet the proposed timeline (Urgency Status vote failed at PRS) • Submitted for discussion, comment, and review a proposed PRR and accompanying COPMGRR006 for the proposed Demand Response Interim Solution. • COPS following lengthy discussion approved COPMGRR006. • At an open meeting of the PUCT 2/20/08 the PUCT requested all efforts to implement an interim DR program this summer be stopped. Their interest appears to be in supporting a permanent solution only and recognized that may be sometime after next year.
Voting Item COPS recommends to TAC Withdrawal of COPMGRR006 Supporting implementation of an interim Demand Response Solution VOTE