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Commercial Operations Sub-Committee Update to TAC 2006 Accomplishments

Commercial Operations Sub-Committee Update to TAC 2006 Accomplishments. February 1, 2007. 2006 Accomplishments. COPS: Worked with RMS to transition PWG into COPS and maintain timely completion of Annual Validation Process.

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Commercial Operations Sub-Committee Update to TAC 2006 Accomplishments

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  1. Commercial Operations Sub-Committee Update to TAC2006 Accomplishments February 1, 2007

  2. 2006 Accomplishments COPS: • Worked with RMS to transition PWG into COPS and maintain timely completion of Annual Validation Process. • Worked through process to change “Settlement Invoice Due Date” from 16 Calendar Days to 5 Business Days. • Submitted proposed changes to “Discontinue Interest Charges for Defaulting Entities at Time of Uplift”. • Implementation of TPTF Review Task Force.

  3. Working Groups: PWG: • Completed Implementation of New Profile Determinates: • Worked through significant detail and process review to effect completing the annual validation process within a reasonable time period. • Identified profile ID responsibilities; ways to accommodate extreme events in Settlement process; and incorporated into the Load Profiling Guides the Decision Tree Language. • Worked directly with ERCOT staff to keep data current and responded timely to unanticipated system errors. • Significant improvement from existing profile determinates. • Implementation of new oil and gas profiles.

  4. Working Groups: CCWG: • Worked through process to implement and change “Settlement Invoice Due Date” from 16 calendar days to 5 bank business days. • Updated “Commercial Operations Market Guide” and established a structured revision process (similar to other guides). • ECCP Communication Plan - updated/refined template and changes (Unplanned Outage - COPMGRR-002). • Recommendation to PRS regarding “discontinuing interest charges for defaulting entities at time of Uplift” • Members from CCWG and others participated in the TPTF Nodal Review process.

  5. Working Groups: DEWG: • Co-sponsored with ERCOT a successful web services training – 60 participants. • Updated the Extract and Report Matrix – up to date Matrix of all reports and extracts produced by ERCOT out on website. • “Screen Scraping” – MP’s concern that ERCOT “policies” conflict need to access information – MIS group under TPTF is aware of market concerns and added this issue to their log. • Monitored progress of various activity related to data and extracts: • SCR734 – Automation of CSA Extract • PR30026 – EPS Meter Data (aka Resource Id Extract) • PR50024 – SCR 740 (SCR 727 Phase II) • Prr577 – Availability of Aggregated Load Data by TDSP • SCR 743 – QSE Dispute Extract • SCR 732 / SCR 738 – Enhancements to FasTrac (as needed, in conjunction with other market groups) • Working group activity is suspended pending completion of Nodal MIS.

  6. Working Groups: UFE TF: • Obtained better understanding of the drivers of UFE analyzing the historical trends in volatility and magnitude. • Submitted PRR668 modifying the Settlement Interval Distribution Loss Factor (SILF) improving the non-linear relationship with the Settlement Interval ERCOT System Load (SIEL); recommended changes to T&D losses. • Worked with PWG to investigate improvements in the NIDR estimation methodology. • Provided revised language in PRR695 for defining the annual UFE analysis performed by ERCOT.

  7. Working Groups: TPTF Task Force: • An ad hoc task force created to review TPTF working documents as they relate to data and financial settlement processes. • Weekly conference calls began in August. • Forum has allowed COPS to provide input to ERCOT and the TPTF members on data extract and settlement issues. • Reviewed/commented on draft documents prior to TPTF final review including “Business Requirements” for Statements; Invoicing; Credit Monitoring; and Financial Transfers. • Provided direct feedback to TPTF via Alice Jackson and Judy Brisco. • Joint Meeting 12/14/06 with TDTWG and CCWG to review Market Guide update & notification processes. • Approved Nodal “Functional Requirements” - Eligibility Process for Settlements, and Dispute Management. • Recommended NPRRs be written related to consistency of invoice due dates; Nodal CRR Auction process start date; CRR balancing account invoice process; and timing of needed settlement quality data.

  8. COPS Appreciation: • BJ Flowers, for her leadership and contribution as as Committee Chair since committee inception. • Judy Brisco, for her leadership and settlements expertise as Committee Vice Chair, Chair of CCWG, and co-anchor with Alice Jackson leading the TPTF Nodal Review group and the significant effort of those who participated to meet TPTF review timelines. • Ernie Podraza and Brad Boles served as Chair and Vice Chair of the PWG and their significant effort working with ERCOT Staff to effect completing the Annual Validation Process and Profile Updates • Chuck Moore and Eric Geoff as Chairpersons for their leadership anchoring the UFE Task Force. • Zack Collard and Annette Morton for their leadership and efforts as Chair and Vice Chair of the DWEG.

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