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Landscape as a mirror of development – UTU geographers in tanzania. Nora Fagerholm & Niina Käyhkö Department of Geography and Geology University of Turku nora.fagerholm@utu.fi, niina.kayhko@utu.fi Africa at the Universities of Turku/Åbo 23.10.2012.
Landscape as a mirror of development – UTU geographers in tanzania Nora Fagerholm & Niina Käyhkö Department of Geography and Geology University of Turku nora.fagerholm@utu.fi, niina.kayhko@utu.fi Africa at the Universities of Turku/Åbo 23.10.2012
Changinglanduse and forest management practices and multidimensionaladaptationstrategies in Zanzibar, Tanzania http://www.sci.utu.fi/projects/maantiede/Zanzibar/ (2010-2013) ? ? DIGITAL GIS MODELS OF LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT Cultural forces DATA SETS DESCRIBING LANDSCAPES AND FORESTS SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL DYNAMICS IN LANDSCAPE SYSTEM Physical forces INFORMATION OF THE STATE AND CHANGING FOREST RESOURCES SOCIO-ECONOMIC VALUES AND MULTIDIMENSIONAL LAND USES OF THE FORESTS
CHANGE TRAJECTORIES OF FOREST DEVELOPMENT Scale / level of detail T5 T4 T3 T2 T1 T1+T2+T3+T4 time 1930’s 2004-05 1952-53 1977-78 1989-90 1985 SPATIAL DATA SETS REPRESENTING LCLU PATTERNS SPATIO- TEMPORAL DATABASE OF LAND COVER AND LAND USE CHANGES 1952-53 1977-78 1989-90 2004-05
Where do I cultivate? What places I like most? What areas are important? Collecting local knowledge through participatory GIS techniques
Cultural forces FINLAND’sdevelopmentpolicyprogramme SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL DYNAMICS IN LANDSCAPE SYSTEM Physical forces
Fagerholm, N. (2012). Community inhabitants’ values and benefits in dynamic tropical forest landscapes - Participation and spatial analysis in landscape knowledge integration. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis AII 272. Doctoral thesis (article-based). Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku. Fagerholm, N. Käyhko, N., Ndumbaro, F. and Khamis, M. (2012) Community stakeholders’ knowledge in landscape assessments – mapping indicators for landscape services. Ecological Indicators 18:421-433. Käyhkö, N., Fagerholm, N., Asseid, B.S., Mzee, A.J. (2011). Dynamic land use and land cover changes and their effect on forest resources in a coastal village of Matemwe, Zanzibar, Tanzania. Land Use Policy 28, 26–37. Mustelin, J., Klein, R.G., Asseid, B., Sitari, T., Khamis, M., Mzee, A. & Haji, T. (2010). Understanding current and future vulnerability in coastal settings: community perceptions and preferences for adaptation in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Population & Environment, 31 (5), 371–398. Fagerholm, N. & Käyhkö, N. (2009). Participatory mapping and geographical patterns of the social landscape values of rural communities in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Fennia 187, 43–60. Kotiluoto, R, Ruokolainen, K. & Kettunen, M. (2009). Invasive Acacia auriculiformis Benth. in different habitats in Unguja, Zanzibar. African Journal of Ecology, 47 (1), 77–86. Käyhkö, N & Mäki, S. (eds, 2009). Development Geography(Special issue), Fennia 187:1, 1–76. Asseid, B., Madeweya, K., Mzee, A., Khamis, M., Fagerholm, N., Käyhkö, N., Orjala, M. & Mustelin, J. (eds., 2008). Maubile Endelevu ya ardhi Zanzibar. Turku University Department of Geography Publications A: 173. 45 p. http://www.sci.utu.fi/projects/maantiede/Zanzibar/ Recentpublications