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Pathways Tool

Before. After. Before. After. Pathways Tool. Before. After . Where is the water?. Drivers and Constraints Tool. Where can the water go ? What’s the name of process that moves the water?. What drives or moves the water? How?.

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Pathways Tool

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  1. Before After Before After Pathways Tool Before After Where is the water?

  2. Drivers and Constraints Tool Where can the water go? What’s the name of process that moves the water? What drives or moves the water? How? What are the constraining factors that affect how the water moves? For example, what affects how fast, how much, or which direction the water moves? Where does the water start? Process Process Process

  3. Drivers and Constraints Tool What are the constraining factors that affect how the water moves? For example, what affects how fast, how much, or which direction the water moves? Where can the water go? What is the process that moves the water? Where does the water start? What drives or moves the water? How? Process Process Process

  4. Drivers and Constraints Tool What are the constraining factors that affect how the water moves? For example, what affects how fast, how much, or which direction the water moves? Where can the water go? What is the name of the process that moves the water? What drives or moves the water? How? Where does the water start? Process

  5. Scale Tool Atomic-Molecular Microscopic Macroscopic Landscape Visible with naked eye Millimeter (10-3m) to Meter (100m) to Hectometer (102m) Larger than what you can see at once Kilometer or more (>103m) Visible with microscope (10-8m to 10-4m) Not visible Nanometer or smaller (<10-9m) Watersheds Molecule Cells Water Drop Pond

  6. Scale Tool Atomic-Molecular Microscopic Macroscopic Landscape Visible with naked eye Millimeter (10-3m) to Meter (100m) to Hectometer (102m) Larger than what you can see at once Kilometer or more (>103m) Visible with microscope (10-8m to 10-4m) Not visible Nanometer or smaller (<10-9m) Molecule Cells Water Drop Pond

  7. Tracing Mixtures with Water Tool Substances mix and unmix with water as water moves through systems. How does this work? 2. Tracing Back 1. Start Here: The Mixture 3. Tracing Forward Where did the substance come from? What’s mixed in the water? If the water moves (new place) ___________________, will the substance stay mixed with the water? YES or NO If NO, how and why will it separate? If YES, why will it stay mixed? Where did the water come from? Where is the mixture? What kind of mixture is it? Suspension or Solution How do you know? How did the substance get into the water?

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