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COMPETENCY BASED EDUCATION SYSTEM. Prof. S. BALAKRISHNAN Professor In-charge & Prof. & Head / EEE Mepco Schlenk Engineering College Sivakasi. INTRODUCTION Existing Academic Structure. Lacks Competent manpower for industries Existing manpower is unemployed or under employed

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  1. COMPETENCY BASED EDUCATION SYSTEM Prof. S. BALAKRISHNANProfessor In-charge & Prof. & Head / EEEMepco Schlenk Engineering CollegeSivakasi

  2. INTRODUCTIONExisting Academic Structure • Lacks Competent manpower for industries • Existing manpower is unemployed or under employed • The academic institutes do not meet the industry requirement • The academia focuses a time bound syllabus coverage over a period. • Thus the present day academic system fails to meet the requirement of the industries and societal needs. • Technology parks in isolation from academic institutions.

  3. AREAS REQUIRING INNOVATION • Technology Innovation and Relay Centre • Technology Incubator • Business incubator • Research Park • Venture Capital Foundation • Technology Park • Patent and IPR Centre • Industrial Services Centre • Technology transfer and marketing centre • Corporate education centre

  4. DEVELOPMENT PROCESS WORLD PERSPECTIVE : • Pre-world war regions concentrated on the necessity towards technological development which was achieving the expected growth rate. • After the world wars, the need for invention and innovation has witnessed fast growth.

  5. DEVELOPMENT PROCESS INDIAN SCENARIO : • Post independent era witnessed importance to industrial growth but the parallel area of education system was not given that much importance. • With the poor knowledge input to the industries, the competitive level of our industries is less imperative in the international market. • The question is : • The industry is ready to absorb the application oriented candidates. But whether the academic institutions are ready to provide industry relevant experience to the students? • With the widening gap, our industries are not globally competitive. • India scores 43rd rank in industrial competitiveness and 127 in Human Development index.

  6. WHAT IS THE SOLUTION ? • The key factor behind unemployment and under employment is insufficient technological innovation and entrepreneurship in academic institutes. • The following are a few solutions to mitigate the worsening situation. • Competency Based Education System • Academic and Administrative Autonomy of Institutions • Total Education Quality Improvement Program • New Technology Based Firms

  7. The Position Today ! • With the introduction of World Trade Organisation (WTO) the Conventional academic system is shrinking in global market and needs revamping.

  8. What is competency Based Education System (CBES) • A system which exposes individual’s demonstrated knowledge, skills and attitudes performed to bench marked standards. • CBES refers to the integrated demonstration of a cluster of related knowledge, skills and attitudes that are observable and measurable and necessary to perform a job independently at a prescribed proficiency level.

  9. The Present Day Requirement

  10. The Present Day Requirement – contd…

  11. What are the points needed to be considered ? • Learning to be a self learning system • Sufficient support materials should be available • Enough time should be given to the learner to acquire the required knowledge and output • Teacher also to be considered as a learner • Enough provision should be available to bypass the advanced learners to reach the next higher level

  12. What are the points needed to be considered ? ---- contd… • The course design should match a variety of learning methods into diversified fields. • Suitable for the present technologies and provision for future advancements. • Systematic approach to reach the desired competency level • Enough infrastructural strength to validate the theory.

  13. CBES Implementation Process • Understanding of individuals’ cognitive skills, practical skills and inter related implemental skills. • Preparation of modular based system design as it offers more flexibility and credit based study approach. • Evaluation of Performance Based Teaching Learning Process • Use of visual learning. • Using Simulation studies and validating with the simulations.

  14. Assessment and Performance Evaluation • Performance of the student should be assessed at every stage of completion of each module • Corrective measure : Based on the performance further fragmentation of the module to be studied for easier implementation. • Test procedure to be studied in detail whether the desired goal is reached.

  15. Flow chart for effective implementation of CBES

  16. Furtherance of CBES to reach a higher goal • Access to Internet • Video Conferencing • Edusat media • Inplant training to industries both by staff and students • Continuous education programme • Faculty development programme • Distance learning programme • Virtual learning • Early Faculty induction programme • More flexibility in the learning process

  17. Possible Advantages • Students get confidence as they get mastery over the area specified. • Candidate will be clearly notified about the depth and breadth of the competency acquired. • Effective use of training time as the candidate is the facilitator of learning. • Candidate is given enough opportunity till he attains the required level of competency and gets easily employed to the relevant industry where he fits in very nicely.

  18. Possible Advantages – contd… • As stringent evaluation process is involved, the competency measure gives a true indication of one's correct capability which becomes as easier entry and proper fitment in the industry. • There is no question of the candidate's non willingness and apathy in the learning process, as he is free to select his own area of interest. • The CBES offering institution attains autonomy.

  19. Anticipated Handicaps • There will be a possibility of no teacher learning process. • If proper monitoring is not available there is a possibility of misinformation and evaluation process. • Enhancement of flexibility by multipoint entry / exit • Transfer of credits between institutions.

  20. Conclusion • Theory blended with the societal required practical approach. • Improving the students to the substance learning instead of subject learning alone • Employability of candidates into the industry and improving the performance and output of industry.

  21. Thank You

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