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Implementing an effective literacy program

Implementing an effective literacy program. What’s involved?. A whole school oral language program. Independent Reading. MRPS Writing Process. Literacy intervention programs: individual and small group. Monitoring our success.

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Implementing an effective literacy program

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  1. Implementing an effective literacy program

  2. What’s involved? • A whole school oral language program. • Independent Reading • MRPS Writing Process • Literacy intervention programs: individual and small group

  3. Monitoring our success • Collecting data: running records (including a major emphasis on comprehension); ob surveys; On Demand testing. • NAPLAN results: 2011 Year 3 @ National Benchmarks in most areas. • Using our Assessment Tracker to record and monitor progress.

  4. Why Independent Reading? Questioning our reading program: • Are we just teaching children to “bark” at words? • How are we teaching comprehension, particularly in the junior grades? • How much of what we are doing is “busy” work whilst we focus on our guided reading groups?

  5. Our “WOW!” moments Two important events happened: 1. Debbie Miller Reading with Meaning 2. A PD on Independent Reading

  6. So what does Independent Reading involve? Each reading session involves: • A book chat • A mini-lesson • Individual conferences • A task / Reading Journal /Reading Response • Focus group: Guided Reading / Reciprocal Reading • Independent reading time • Sharing

  7. Book Chat Engages children’s interest. Models how we “think” as we read.

  8. Minilessons • A 10 – 15 minute instruction session with an explicit teaching focus. Focus may involve: • Management skills e.g. Choosing “just right” books, keeping a record of reading. • Reading skills and strategies Anchor charts help remind children about explicit focus.

  9. Independent Reading Time Students: • read continuously. • select “just right” books with some teacher guidance. • think about and respond to their reading.

  10. Conference • Provides opportunity to monitor individual’s progress. • Helps inform teaching for mini-lessons and/or guided reading groups. • Teacher observes reading behaviours and keep records. • Teacher and student set reading goals.

  11. Responding to reading • Reading Journals / Letter writing • Book reviews • Sticky notes

  12. Sharing • Students share their “thinking”. • Provides an opportunity to evaluate learning.

  13. The Independent Reading Classroom • An extensive library with both fiction and non-fiction. • Individual reading baskets. • An inexhaustible supply of sticky notes.

  14. Acknowledgements and resources • Rae Torres and Lynne McDonald for Independent Reading PD. • Reading with Meaning, Teaching Comprehension in the Primary Grades byDebbie Miller, Stonehouse Publishers • Strategies that Work Harvey and Goudvis

  15. MRPS Writing Process • Writer’s Notebook PD (Deb Sukarna) • Writing Fun Website (Jenny Eather) How it all began...

  16. Writing Lesson • “Author’s” Chat • Get Ready • Conferences • Mini Lesson • Writing Task • Guided Group • Sharing & Reflecting What does the writing lesson look like?

  17. Writing Steps • Plan • Draft • Revise • Edit • Conferencing • Publish All text types follow the same writing process Buddy Teacher

  18. Plan • Writing • Charts • graphic • organisers • Ask yourself: • What do I want to say? • How do I want to say it? • Who will read my writing? • What do I need to know to begin? • Who can I talk to about my ideas and my writing?

  19. Draft Use: •different coloured paper to help you through all the writing steps •complete sentences •spelling lists, dictionaries and your own knowledge about sounding out words •your schema and your imagination to give you ideas in your writing Ask yourself: • Which ideas can I improve on? • Did I say my ideas in order? • How can I write in an interesting way? • Who will read my writing? • Are my thoughts organised?

  20. Revise READ your draft to yourself and ask: • How can I improve my sentences? • How can I improve my wording? • Are my details/ messages clear? • Should I add or take out any parts? • Have I used the best ideas ? • Is my writing in a sensible order? • Am I ready to read it to my buddy? READ your draft to your buddy.

  21. Edit Ask yourself: • Did I listen to my buddy’s suggestions? • Do I need to make any other changes? • Did I check my use of punctuation and capital letters? • Can I find any spelling mistakes? • Have I set out my writing correctly?

  22. Conferencing Let your buddy read through and check your writing. s • Discuss any suggestions with your buddy. • Do you need to make any changes: • to your punctuation? • to your spelling? • to your grammar? • to your setting out? • When you have made your changes, you are ready to show your draft to your teacher.

  23. Publish • What illustrations or graphics should I use? • Do I need any other information like graphs or labels etc? • Who will read my piece of writing and where will it be displayed once it is published? • Am I proud of my published work?

  24. Advantages • Ties in with Independent Reading • Visual Guide in the writing process • Self-monitoring process • Allows for individual differentiation, development & progress.

  25. Photos

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