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Despatch of other accountable mail. Preparation of Insured Envelopes. Rule 201(3) Volume VI part I. Insured letters are not dispatched loose. They are enclosed in specially designed envelopes known as “Insured Envelopes” (supplied by the department)
Preparation of Insured Envelopes Rule 201(3) Volume VI part I Insured letters are not dispatched loose. They are enclosed in specially designed envelopes known as “Insured Envelopes” (supplied by the department) Insured envelope is to be prepared and addressed to Postmaster/SPM of office of delivery (prepared for single ins letter or ins VP letter) If two or more insured letters are there to same destination PO, Insured bundle is to be prepared. ( Ins letters kept inside the same ins envelope)
Preparation of Insured Envelopes Rule 201(3) Volume VI part I Check the condition of Ins Letter, seals put by the customer. Take good Insured envelope, impress name stamp in the space provided on the address side of it Write the Ins article number, date and weight in the space specified on the envelope Place insured letter along with Acknowledgement Due inside the Insured envelope in such a manner that Sealed side of the insured letter should be below the address side of insured envelope in presence of Postmaster. Close the insured envelope in presence of postmaster
Preparation of insured envelope • Seal the insured envelope using Insurance seal of the office using red sealing wax on the reverse side. • Ensure sufficient number of seals • Weigh the Ins envelope and write the weight both in words and figures in grams in the space provided on it • Impress date stamp on reverse side of the sealed envelope • Insured envelope should be addressed to Postmaster of office of destination
INSURED LETTER FOR Rs.100/- (RUPEES ONE HUNDRED ONLY) TO, Raja Shetty Tulasi & TulasiJewlers FROM: NO.234, Ashoka Road KrishnaiahShettyMYSORE – 570 001 JOY JEWELLERS Mount Road Chennai – 600 001 Postage Stamp/ Frank impression (If any) INS No. & Date O/o Booking (weight in words In grams) OR Paste Computer Receipt Front Side view of Insured Letter FOR OFFICE USE
Reverse Side view of Insured Letter M & M M & M M & M M & M M & M Date Stamp M & M M & M
Preparation of Insured Bundles • Insured bundle is prepared , if there are two or more insured Letters including Insured Value Payable Letter addressed to the same office of destination(PIN) Advantages: • To eliminate multiple handling by intermediary offices • To avoid delay in transmission • Bundle will be opened at office of delivery only as it is addressed to it
Preparation of Insured bundle • Procedure for preparation of Insured bundle is same as that of Insured envelope except • IB list is to be kept inside the bundle(Envelope) • All the article numbers are entered in the specified column on the envelope • On the top right hand corner of the envelope, letters IB- followed by number of articles to be written (IB-2, IB-3 etc) • Gross weight of envelope will be written in words in grams • Affix bundle bar code and scan the same while closing IB in Despatch Module Rule 201 Volume VI part I
PREPARATION OF INSURED BUNDLE LIST • Insured Bundle list printed in duplicate • Postmaster/Supervisor puts his dated signature in the list • Date stamp is impressed • Weight of the IB is noted on the office copy of the IB list Rule 201 Volume VI part I
Insured Bundle Report Rule 201 Volume VI part I
Closing of insured bag - procedure • Insured Parcels are protected and sent inside insured bag • Insured bag is addressed to the parent sorting office • Insured Parcels are invoiced in the parcel list • Parcel PA shows the Ins Parcel (incl. VP)to the Supervisor • Supervisor Checks the condition and weight of the parcel, checks entries in the parcel list & Signs • Parcel PA takes a good canvas bag & Prepares bag label addressing it to destination office • PA places the Ins. Parcels inside the bag & Closes the bag in the presence of supervisor • PA weighs the bag – the weight is noted it on the label & parcel abstract in the presence of the Supervisor
DESPATCH OF REGISTERED PARCELS • Sort the parcels ordinary/Insured • Generate Parcel list in duplicate from Despatch Module • Signature & Date Stamp • Close Insured Bag (if any) • Closed Parcel Bag after including copy of parcel list
Despatch Module Parcel List Rule 90 Volume V
Despatch Module Parcel List Report Rule 90 Volume V
Closing of Insured Parcel Bag Rule 92 Volume V ,197(3) Vol VI part I Insured parcels are not sent loose, They are protected and enclosed in a bag called insured bag. Postmaster checks the condition, weight, and entries on insured parcel. Bag label is to be prepared
Closing of Insured Parcel Bag Place insured parcels in the presence of postmaster inside the bag. Weigh the bag in presence of Postmaster and note the weight on label, office copy of Parcel list and in “Parcel abstract”. Close the insured bag in presence of postmaster with two knots in the opposite side and double seal.
Closing of Parcel Bag • Parcel bag is closed when prescribed or justified • Place parcels, Insured bag(if any) & parcel list inside the bag • Close the bag in the presence of Supervisor Rule 91 Volume V
Closing of Parcel Bag • If there is no Insured bag, parcel bag closed by parcel PA independently • Transfer parcel bag to Mails PA under acquittance. • If parcel bag is not prepared, parcel PA transfers parcel list & parcels & insured bag (if any) to sorting PA for inclusion in ‘S’ bag under acquittance
Parcel Abstract • Parcel Abstract is generated in despatch module on completion of all the parcel related transactions • It is divided in to two parts RECEIPT and ISSUE • Despatch PA to ensure that the Abstract tallies (receipt side and Issued side must be same). • Both PA and Supervisor to sign • PA to submit the abstract along with relevant reports to the supervisor for verification Rule 155 Volume VI part I