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Training Early Childhood Care Providers in the Principles and Skills of Applied Behavior Analysis Beth Bishop, MOTL/R, Ashley Shier, M.Ed , Allison Stepp BS Team Leads: Stephanie Weber, PsyD and Kimberly Kroeger-Geoppinger, PsyD. Background and History
Training Early Childhood Care Providers in the Principles and Skills of Applied Behavior Analysis Beth Bishop, MOTL/R, Ashley Shier, M.Ed, Allison Stepp BS Team Leads: Stephanie Weber, PsyDand Kimberly Kroeger-Geoppinger, PsyD Background and History Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurobiological disorder of development that causes differences in the way an individual’s brain processes information. ASD may impact the way in which an individual uses language, communicates with others, and manages oneself in the social world. Often, individuals with ASD have behaviors that are repetitive, non-functional, or restricted in nature. As professionals who work with individuals with ASD, we are accountable for building capacity in our community to increase knowledge about autism and to help teachers and Early Childhood Care Providers (ECCPs) in the community to demonstrate competence in delivering interventions in general education classrooms and childcare settings. Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (LEND) Program The Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center The University of Cincinnati University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities • Reactions and Quotes from Participants • One participant liked the “focus on practical understanding and skill development.” • “In the early childhood field there is little to none that is given to use in preparing to have a classroom where there could be an autism diagnosis. The information was so helpful and more classes need to be provided for early childhood educators.” • Discussion • Discussion of Results • Future trainings should incorporate measures competency levels across learned skills and subjective improvement of confidence levels (i.e., self-efficacy) • Participants unanimously requested more time and more classes to learn skills and participate in the EIBI classroom • Utilizing LEND trainees to train participants allowed the trainees to develop skills in leadership, teaching and mentoring, and interdisciplinary team work • Barriers/Limitations: • Difficulty contacting and maintaining contact with some policy partners • Participants from Children’s Home of Cincinnati were unable to practice skills with EIBI students due to badging issues • Scheduling conflicts prevented some participants from attending all sessions • Individuals who did not participate in-person were unable to receive credentialing credit based on current practices in the state of Ohio, which limits the potential for future knowledge building via video/internet • Next Steps • Evaluate the current program and data to determine which areas need more focus and training • Consider options for expanding the program to reach more area ECCPs in the community • Project Aim • To provide training for Early Childhood Care Providers (ECCPs) on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) principles within the EIBI autism classroom, including basic instruction in ABA, behavior management and reduction, treatment strategies (speech therapy (ST), occupational therapy (OT), and pre-academic interventions), and skill acquisition techniques • Goals • Increase knowledge of providers in the area on ASDs • Demonstrate competence in delivering interventions in • early childhood settings • Facilitate greater collaboration with community providers • MCH Leadership Competencies • MCH Knowledge Base • Communication • Developing Others Through Teaching and Mentoring • Interdisciplinary Team Building • Working with Communities and Systems • Problem Statement • What is the effectiveness of a brief, immersion ABA-focused teacher training for day care providers/teachers who work with children with ASD? • Train the Trainer • LEND trainees in School Psychology, Occupational Therapy & Speech Therapy learned material in first semester LEND to be presented to ECCPs during second semester LEND • Trainees reviewed the literature, interviewed resident experts in ASD to determine appropriate and evidence-based interventions utilized in the field, and observed and participated in Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) classroom activities. • Needs Assessment • Interviewed parents of children in the EIBI classroom and learned • about the strengths and weaknesses related to service provision in • the Cincinnati area • Interviewed Director of Regional Autism Advocacy Council and • learned about potential agencies in Cincinnati for which positive • connections could be made • Recruitment • Ohio’s Step-up to Quality credentialing was obtained prior to recruiting participants (11 hours of credit) • Teachers from Children for Children’s, a day care and educational setting serving children of CCHMC employees • Mental health care providers from Children’s Home of Cincinnati Results Attendance Five of six participants completed the training. All three LEND trainees completed the learning and teaching portions. Pre/Post Test Results Participants’ knowledge as measured by increases in pre and post-test scores ranged from 4% to 35%. Methods Participant Training • Phase I: Knowledge Building • Topics taught: ASD diagnostic criteria, reinforcement and punishment, types of intervention (ABA, OT, Speech, pre-academic interventions), functions of behavior, common interventions for challenging behavior • Phase II: Skill Building • Skills addressed: Identifying interventions for problem behavior, conducting discrete trials using positive reinforcement, developing task analyses, identifying ways to expand a child’s play skills in a classroom or playground setting • Phase III: Classroom Participation • Skills practiced: Demonstrating appropriate prompting levels needed, describing three ways consistency across settings facilitates success for children with ASD, continuing to conduct discrete trials with use of effective positive reinforcement with a child with autism LEND trainees’ results on measure of knowledge before the information was provided (first semester) and after they taught information to participants. • First, we would like to thank the families of the EIBI students for allowing us to work with and learn from their children. We would also like to thank our community partners: Kay Brown of the Regional Autism Advisory Council, Children’s for Children, and Children’s Home of Cincinnati. Lastly, we would like to thank the EIBI staff for accommodating and assisting in training the participants. Participants and LEND trainees gather for a picture upon completion of the training An EIBI student participating in an interactive story time.