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Interfaces - presented at the SWT #10. Detlef Koschny and the Science Operations Team Research and Scientific Support Department ESA/ESTEC detlef.koschny@rssd.esa.int. To clarify the situation with interfaces, formats, etc.
Interfaces - presented at the SWT #10 Detlef Koschny and the Science Operations TeamResearch and Scientific Support DepartmentESA/ESTEC detlef.koschny@rssd.esa.int To clarify the situation with interfaces, formats, etc. Summary: There are three different interfaces, but we now all speak the same language (ITL).
Interfaces vs. project phase • On test floor • responsible is Alenia • uses CCS (Central Checkout System) • Syntax of operational files: ELISA • During commissioning phase • ESOC is responsible • Uses MOIS (Mission Operation Information System), based on Microsoft products (Excel, Visio, …) • Operations will be done using interactive approach, “paper” procedure required called Flight Control Procedures (FCPs) – inputs from experimenters previously collected via paper • ESOC collects inputs for database (Telecommands, TCs) • During nominal science operations • Only interface is RSOC • Operations is done with TC sequences (a sequence of TCs that is triggered from the Mission Timeline (MTL) – does not allow telemetry checks) • Uses Experiment Planning System (EPS), takes ITL syntax
Interfaces vs. project phase • The only complication… • There will be a transition phase between FCPs and TC sequences after commissioning • Already in the commissioning phase we have two scenarios where the Science Operations Team is coordinating: Pointing and Interference Scenario • The good news: • There is a converter from ITL to ELISA • ESOC will accept all new input in ITL syntax • ITL syntax – some background • ASCII files in a syntax that allows to specify Operational Requests (OIORs), Telecommand Sequence definitions (CS), Flight Control Procedures (FCPs) including TM checks and special instructions to operators. • Really should be called ITL/EDF syntax… • Information on how to provide the info was sent out to at least everybody on my email list on the operational responsible – documented on our livelink server: http://astro.estec.esa.nl/livelink, Rosetta/Tools/EPS/User Manual (incl. Templates)
Interfaces – Test floor Experiment Alenia team/ CCS Old: ELISA Converter ELISA New:ITL ELISA files CCS: Central Checkout SystemELISA: File syntax for CCSITL: Input Timeline, file syntax for RSOC software
Interfaces – Commissioning Experiment RMOC SCOS 2000,MOIS Old: Paper input for FCPs Converter Now:ITL Excel+ paper Flight ControlProcedures FCPs: Flight Control Procedures (paper procs used for operations by ESOCRMOC: Rosetta Mission Operations CentreSCOS: Spacecraft Operating System – used by ESOC to operate RosettaMOIS: Used by ESOC to produce FCPs and Telecommand Sequences
Interfaces – Science Operations Also used in Pointing and Interference Scenarioduring Commissioning Phase Experiment RSOC EPS,PTB RMOC SCOS 2000,MOIS OIOR(ITL syntax) POR TC sequencecalls CS updates(ITL syntax) CS updates(Excel) OIOR: Orbiter Instrument Operations RequestITL: Input Timeline (file syntax used by RSOC)RSOC: Rosetta Science Operations CentreEPS: Experiment Planning System – planning software used by RSOCPTB: Project Test Bed – environmental simulator used by RSOCPOR: Payload Operations Request – file syntax used from RSOC to RMOCCS: Telecommand Sequence