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New Romania-Ukraine relations: towards friendship, cooperation and alliance View from Romania

Explore the evolving dynamics of Romania-Ukraine relations and the priorities for cooperation outlined in a speech by Teodor Baconschi, Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister in Kyiv on December 2nd, 2011. Despite historical differences, the text emphasizes the potential for a common future shaped by cooperation in various domains. Key drivers for cooperation include economic, transport, and energy collaboration, settlement of territorial disputes, and fostering a shared European identity. Initiatives such as the Black Sea NGO Forum and environmental partnerships aim to revitalize regional cooperation and address common challenges. The text also underscores the importance of eliminating discrimination against national minorities and promoting their rights in line with European standards. Enhancing economic relations, joint projects, and cross-border partnerships are identified as essential for fostering sustainable cooperation between Romania and Ukraine. Explore the strategic dimensions of the Black Sea Synergy and opportunities for joint initiatives in the Black Sea region, emphasizing common goals of peace, stability, and prosperity.

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New Romania-Ukraine relations: towards friendship, cooperation and alliance View from Romania

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  1. New Romania-Ukraine relations:towards friendship, cooperation and allianceView from Romania Priorities for cooperation and partnership between Romania and Ukraine Kyiv, December 2nd, 2011

  2. Dear Ukrainian neighbour… “In spite of our different social, ethnic and linguistic backgrounds, we do connect to each other in some key moments and Romania is compared, or wants to compare itself with Ukraine. Although we have our differences, we do acknowledge your country’s superiority in some domains, and its power of change, and we also want to emulate that…”

  3. Dear Romanian neigbour.. “The Romanians need to pay tribute to their Romanian and European politicians, who no matter what, at different conflict times, were united around the single European direction of your country's development. But I am also happy to live in my home country where I probably feel most comfortable. Among my Ukrainian friends and among a large part of Ukrainian youth I meet people who want to live a European life. And these are the people who will be ruining the stereotypes about Ukraine in Romania or in any other country!”

  4. “We can not change geography, we can not change the past, but together we can shape a common future in this region.” Teodor Baconschi, Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister

  5. Key drivers for cooperation Strengthening economic, transport and energy co-operation Intensified negotiations about the agreement on small border traffic Relaunching the work of the intergovernmental commission monitoring the situation of the Romanian and Ukrainian minorities in both countries Political dialogue, political consultations on European issues and cross-border economic projects

  6. Priorities for cooperation Territorial disputes settlement Identity clarification within the European space to foster cooperation Economic relations Environmental policies Academic exchange and cooperation

  7. Territorial disputes settlement The only way toward Europe is that of common sense and the elimination of interstate conflicts.

  8. The Black Sea Sinergy – strategic bridge with cultural, political and economic dimensions Programs for cooperation: The Black Sea NGO Forum Environment Partnership - a tool for revitalization of regional cooperation, first sector of partnership under the Black Sea Synergy “label” Demarcation of maritime borders and exclusive economic zones in the Black Sea with the involvement of international bodies in providing ways and means for an objective assessment of the situation Programs for cooperation: Organization of Black Sea Economic Cooperation Securing collaboration venues or common projects of the Romanian and Ukrainian border villages as well as avoiding the practice of an aggressive foreign politics Programs for cooperation: Cross-border partnerships and project initiatives

  9. Identity clarification within the European space to foster cooperation Our countries presence in the European Union, a triumph not only for the people, but also for the Union itself. The only path that can in the end bring far more productive relations between our people…

  10. Eliminating ethnic and linguistic discrimination elements and provision for the national minorities in the two countries of a treatment according to European legislation Recommended measures: - the right to education in the native language for minorities - protect minority rights - offer support to keep the identity, language and traditions Situation in Romania: Ukrainian minority in Romania is offered the right to be automatically represented in Parliament. Their activities are publicly funded and they can attend Ukrainian schools. Ukraine to foster closer relations with the European Union as well as an increased dialogue at the civil society level Ukraine to approach the European standards, legal framework and the Council of Europe recommendations

  11. Economic Relations The search for peace, stability and prosperity underpins the EU’s policy towards its neighbourhood

  12. The business related field - the most resourceful when it comes to building mutual relations for a win-win approach. Programs for cooperation: Governmental cooperation between the two countries Joint programs Cooperation protocols Support in development of cooperation and partnership with Ukraine not only bilaterally but also in European affairs, regional and global. Development of business programs, involvement of the business sector Companies need to open to each other, to stimulate contacts between people, investment and interconnectivity of energy networks. European funds for trilateral projects between Romania, Ukraine and Moldova: The European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument http://ec.europa.eu/world/enp/funding_en.htm Intensification of the economic diplomacy type relations Involvement of both countries in joint projects in the Black Sea region Energy security - joint exploitation of oil and natural gas in previously disputed areas Organization of Black Sea Economic Cooperation

  13. Environmental policies …jointly explore possibilities of cooperation in the energy and environment sector. Environment security is a team sport!

  14. Ecology related trends Addressing environmental issues and those related to the operation of the Danube basin and the protection of biodiversity in the Danube Delta as a priority over economic projects that may affect the biodiversity Implementing common environmental projects at the Black Sea

  15. Prospects of cooperation in preserving the eco-system of the Danube Delta Benefits of improved relations between Romania and Ukraine include an agreement on the collaborative monitoring and management of migratory birds and fisheries in the trans-boundary protected area, and development of a vegetation map of the entire Delta. This bilateral initiative has served as a model for wider cooperation throughout Europe, and has been expanded under the recently declared lower Danube green corridor, whereby the Ministries of Environment of Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine have agreed to conserve and manage wetland and flood plain habitats of the region. Cross-border natural park, support for regional development An opportunity for the transboundary regions is represented by tourism development and promotion, also turning the transboundary areas in tourist destinations. Outcomes: development of under-developed local communities (with mono-industrial activities farming, mining) and diversification of the local economies; safer and better environment – eco-tourism brings sustainable development, it pose no danger to the environment and also tourism can provide the highest economic growth and can create new green jobs for the locals local human resources in the rural communities (courses of foreign languages, catering, management, courses for guides). December 10th 2009, Viseul de Sus Collaboration Agreement regarding establishment of the Romanian- Ukrainian Cross Border Biosphere Reservation – the “Maramuresului Mountains”

  16. Academic exchange A small group of young students and ONE GREAT idea: bring the world closer!

  17. The academic field - the most accessible area for fostering cooperation and enhancing bilateral relations. The only level where youth has enough power and energy to actually change the perspective, understand the real extent of the neighbouring issues and transform the public perception. The following program initiatives are potential drivers for academic collaboration: Exchanges of the academic nature, partnerships between universities Involvement of youth and students in educational and cultural collaboration in order to promote dialogue between Romania and Ukraine Academic research projects

  18. Leaders of change – global youth cooperation What do they offer? Energy, intelligence and unconventional resources Entrepreneurship rather than conventional employment New and vibrant ideas Interest in trying out things and the patience to learn from mistakes Easy problem recognition and orientation towards real solutions Strong forces in social movements

  19. Leaders of change – global youth cooperation What do they need? To foster education in the practical aspects and complexities of policy-making; To generate a greater exchange of views between young and seasoned professionals; To promote cross-cultural interaction and cooperation among younger professionals; To enrich dialogues with generational perspectives. 

  20. Leaders of changePractices Global Romania Society of Young Professionals Case study Background - the year: 2006 - vision: enable connections among people who work on similar issues/fields but live in different locations - people: a group of Romanian students and young professionals living abroad

  21. Leaders of changePractices Public Policy “improve public policies in Romania, by leveraging our global expertise and making use of best practices from across the world. Whether increasing access to voting for Romanians abroad or improving the quality of higher education in Romania through mentoring and professional services to students, we are confident we can have this positive impact.” Projects Arcadia - to create a network of policy makers, scholars, activists with expertise in development and Romania relations with the developing world YoungDiplo - A complete educational program for second and third year college students in Romania, interested in international relations (IR), an alternative to the current curriculum in IR Diaspora Votes - Campaign advocating for the introduction of electronic vote through internet for Diaspora. Public policy proposal document for Romania, presented in the Romanian Senate in November 2010

  22. Leaders of changePractices Knowledge transfer “We strongly believe the precious expertise, education and experience our members have acquired abroad can and should be shared with and transferred to Romania in an effort to contribute to Romania’s development and modernization. Moreover, we see transfer of knowledge as an excellent way to connect Romania to the outside world and to play our part in putting Romania on the map.” Projects: Mentorship for success - access to mentors Access to Education - information instrumental YoungDiplo

  23. Leaders of changePractices Active citizenship If each of us spent less time and energy whining about what we don’t like or what doesn’t work well in Romania and use that time and energy to actually do something about these problems, we would be in a fundamentally better position today. GRASP supports active citizenship by serving as a prime example of a volunteer-powered organization. Through our projects, we are demonstrating how much can actually be achieved when people focus on the solution instead of the problem, when people think beyond themselves and when people actually care! Projects Dear Romania, Write our Future - a call to  action to the Romanians in the most diverse communities around the country and across the globe to send love notes to their country and voice their opinion about issues Project Romania 2020 - What We Can Do for Romania in the Next Decade, the signature program of the network consisting of working groups in the fields of business and finance, culture and arts, democracy and participation, Romania’s image abroad, public policy and public administration, education and research and healthcare were established. Eighteen projects have been launched at the same conference, nine of which are still ongoing.

  24. The project RESURSE Association Piatra Neamt, Dunarii Street, no. 5 Neamt County Romania Liviana Mustafa liviana.mustafa@gmail.com

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