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Plaque is a soft, sticky, colorless film of bacteria that continuously deposits on our teeth If plaque is not treated, it can harden into tartar that attaches to the enamel and below the gum line. Formation of plaque is a sign that the patient is neglecting dental hygiene
Plaqueisasoft,sticky,colorlessfilmofbacteriathat continuouslydepositsonourteeth Ifplaqueisnottreated,itcanhardenintotartarthat attaches to the enamel and below the gum line Formation of plaque is a sign that the patient is neglecting dentalhygiene what isPlaque?
Plaquebeginsformingonteeth4to12hoursafter brushingwhichiswhyitisveryimportanttobrush twiceadayandflossdaily. High consumption of sugary and sweet food or snackingbetweenmealsandnotcleaningyourteeth afterwards. Atinitialstages,plaqueisnotvisibletothenakedeye. Avoidingregulardentalcheck-upscanbeharmful. causes ofplaque BRUSHING, CLEANING, REGULAR DENTALCHECK-UPS
Visityourdentisttocheckifyouhaveplaqueandask foraclinicalplaqueremovaltreatment. Use Fluoridatedtoothpaste Rubyourteethwithorangepeel Munchonsesameseedsandfigs Switch to electrictoothbrush Remedies
Afterplaqueremoval,abstainfromcoloredfoodand drinksandalsotemperaturechanges. Smokingleadstoteethdiscolorationandthisiswhyitis recommended that smokers get dental cleaning done after every 3months Gumswillbecomemoresensitiveafterplaquecleaning; you may encounter bleeding or pain, which will vanish in notime. After Plaqueremoval
Brush twice aday Ask your dentist about the perfect techniquesforbrushingandflossing Cleanbetweenyourteethusingfloss Visit your dentistregularly Stopavoidingfruitsandvegetables Avoid eatingsugary foods often Tips to avoid plaque infuture
Oral health isreflection of physiological, social and psychological factors that are essential to our quality oflife. Dr. Firas Nashef, New OrchardDentistry