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3: Literature Reviews and Hypotheses. Literature Review. A literature review is a comprehensive examination of available information that is related to your research topic. Reasons for conducting a literature review. Clarify the research problem and questions Uncover existing studies
Literature Review Aliterature review is a comprehensive examination of available information that is related to your research topic.
Reasons for conducting a literature review • Clarify the research problem and questions • Uncover existing studies • Suggest research hypotheses • Identify available scales, measures variables and methods • Avoid duplication of effort
Key terms • Variables • Gender, Age, Preference, Purchase Likelihood • Constructs • Satisfaction, Brand Loyalty, Intelligence • Hypothesis (-es) • “Good moods lead to more purchases.”
Conceptualization Conceptualization refers to the development of a model that shows variables and the hypothesized relationships between those variables.
Relationships and variables Independent variables Dependent variables
Relationships and variables Control Variables Confounding Variables
Process of Conceptualization • Identify Independent and Dependent variables • Specify relationships between the variables • Develop theory that justifies those relationships • Specify “boundary conditions” for relationships, if any • Identify any control or confounding variables
A Model of New Technology Adoption Income + + Education New technology adoption + Openness to learning - Technology discomfort
Hypothesis A hypothesis is an empirically testable though yet unproven statement developed in order to explain phenomena.
Types of Hypotheses • Null • Alternate • Non-directional vs. Directional • Direct (positive) vs. Indirect (negative) relationships
Examples - Null Hypotheses • There is no significant difference between the preferences toward specific banking method exhibited by white-collar customers and blue-collar customers. • No significant differences exist in requests for specific medical treatments from emergency walk-in clinics between users and nonusers of annual preventive maintenance health care programs.
Examples – Alternate Hypotheses, Non-directional • There is a significant difference in satisfaction levels reported by Safeway and Lucky shoppers. • Significant differences exist between males and females in the number of hours spent online.
Examples – Alternate Hypotheses, Directional • We expect higher satisfaction levels to be reported by Safeway shoppers thanLucky shoppers. • We expect to find that males spend significantly more hours online than females.
Examples – Alternate Hypotheses, Direct (positive) • More studying is related to higher GPAs. • Friendlier salespeople generate higher sales revenues. • Increases in advertising lead to higher sales.
Examples – Alternate Hypotheses, Indirect (negative) • Students with high GPAs consume less alcohol than those with lower GPAs. • The more pressure to close sales perceived by salespeople, the fewer follow up, “relationship-building” sales calls made.
ACTIVITY: Formulating Research Objectives and Hypotheses • Develop a simple research objective. • Formulate a simple hypothesis for your research objective. Specify the following: • Positive / Inverse relationship • Theory behind the relationships • Any boundary conditions for the model • Any control or confounding variables/factors