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Greenprint Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper’s Sustainable Development Program

Greenprint Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper’s Sustainable Development Program. Cindy Bosco Denver Urban Fellow Greenprint Denver Colorado Directors of Environmental Health April 18, 2008 www.greenprintdenver.org. Greenprint Denver. Denver’s Action Plan for Sustainability. Mission Statement:

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Greenprint Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper’s Sustainable Development Program

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  1. Greenprint DenverMayor John Hickenlooper’s Sustainable Development Program Cindy Bosco Denver Urban Fellow Greenprint Denver Colorado Directors of Environmental Health April 18, 2008 www.greenprintdenver.org

  2. Greenprint Denver Denver’s Action Plan for Sustainability Mission Statement: Greenprint Denver develops and implements sustainable solutions and services to make Denver a better place to live, work and play. We also strive to showcase Denver’s national leadership in resolving resource challenges that meet the needs of current Denver residents while securing the economic, social and environmental health of future generations.

  3. What Is Sustainability?

  4. Where Denver Ranks

  5. Defining the Challenges 2005 Greenhouse Gas Levels Across Denver

  6. Greenprint Denver Climate Action Plan GOAL: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions 10% per capita by 2012 (25% by 2020) • ADDITIONAL GOALS by 2012: • 30% Waste Diversion • 20% Increase in development near transit stations • 35 acres of brownfield redevelopment • Position Denver as green economy hub

  7. Defining the Goal

  8. How do we get there? Greenprint Denver’s 7 Point Plan for 2008: • 1. Energy Efficiency • 2. Water Efficiency • 3. Greening Our Homes and Businesses • 4. Green Building • 5. Expanded Recycling • 75,000 Trees • City Leading by Example

  9. Highlight of Year One Successes • 3.2 MW landfill gas-to- electricity plant at DADS • 2 MW solar plant at DIA • 70,000 trees planted by The Mile High Million program • Bluegrass to native vegetation conversions • 100% B20 biodiesel in City diesel fleet • Webb Municipal Building LEED-EB Gold certified • 64 low-flow toilets in City Hall save 900,000 gallons per year • Recycling at Colorado Convention Center and Red Rocks Amphitheatre • 63% increase in tonnage of recycled materials

  10. Greenprint Denver’s 7 Point Plan #1 Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy • Solar access, solar master plan • Ordinance eases solar & wind installs • Fuel cell at Red Rocks • Energy reduction 1% per agency/year • CIP fund for Energy Efficiency • LED holiday lights = 86% energy savings • Computer monitors to sleep = 2 million KW

  11. Greenprint Denver’s 7 Point Plan #2 Water Efficiency • 21% decrease in water usage last summer in our Parks • City Hall toilet replacement: 900K gallons • Water fixture replacement • Xeriscaping: 50% water savings • Washers in Family Crisis Center: 40%

  12. Greenprint Denver’s 7 Point Plan #3 Greening our Homes and Businesses • Green Business Program • Green Your Home Toolkit • Pilots for the community • Mile High Youth Corps: free energy & water upgrades to 2,000 low-income recipients • GEO Grant for “Insulate Colorado” Rebates

  13. Greenprint Denver’s 7 Point Plan #4 Green Building • City Green Building Policy: Lead by example • LEED Silver, Green Concrete, Energy savings • Sharing sustainability metrics • City adopted 2006 ICC • Partner in GEO Energy Star for New Homes • Green affordable housing policy • Webb Building = LEED-EB Gold

  14. Greenprint Denver’s 7 Point Plan #5 Expanded Recycling • Solid Waste Master Plan • Apartment building recycling pilot • Denver Public Schools recycling pilot • Ensure new buildings designed for recycling • 1st Hybrid Trash Truck

  15. Greenprint Denver’s 7 Point Plan #6 75,000 Trees • Tree by Tree: the Mile High Million • Year one: 70,000 Trees • This year: 75,000 • Trees improve storm water, river quality, clean and cool our air, and add beauty to region

  16. Greenprint Denver’s 7 Point Plan #7 Leading by Example • Pilot Programs • Annual Sustainability Goals • On target to be first city with an EMS that includes all city agencies

  17. Greening the Democratic National Convention Developing Legacy Projects for Denver Building a long lasting green legacy that will thrive in our community long after the last delegate leaves Denver. • Greening Businesses • Greening Events • City Facilities • Water Efficiency • Bicycles • Public Recycling

  18. What Can You Do Today? Thousands of Easy Tips: • Reduce shower time by 45 seconds • Unplug electronics • Put your computer monitor to sleep • Replace 3 light bulbs with CFLs • Recycle • Prevent car idling • Landscape with native vegetation • Carry reusable water bottles & coffee cups • Use cloth shopping bags • Earth Day 2008: Take 5 Pledge Visit www.greenprintdenver.org for many more tips

  19. More Information • Web site: www.greenprintdenver.org • E-mail: greenprint@denvergov.org

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