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Explore various forms of government including anarchy, theocracy, aristocracy, oligarchy, monarchy, dictatorship, totalitarianism, democracy, republic, and different democratic systems in the US and Rome.
Types of Government Objective 1.08
Anarchy • A state of society without government or law • Political and social disorder due to the absence of government
Theocracy • Form of government in which God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil rule • The God or deity’s laws are interpreted by religious authorities
Aristocracy • Class of persons holding exceptional rank and privileges, especially the inherited nobility • Government led by the elite, or privileged upper class
Oligarchy • Form of government in which all power is vested in few persons or in a dominant class or clique
Limited Monarchy • Monarchy that is limited by laws and a constitution • Great Britain today
Absolute Monarchy/Autocracy • All-powerful ruler • Great Britain before the Magna Carta in 1215
Dictatorship • A country, government, or the form of government in which absolute power is exercised by a dictator • Fidel Castro-Cuba
Totalitarianism • Absolute control by the state or a governing branch of highly centralized institution • Today: China, Cuba, and North Korea • Past: Germany-Hitler, Soviet Union-Stalin, Italy-Mussolini
Democracy • Form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system • U.S. and Canada
Republic • No leaders inherit office • Voters hold power • The people elect representatives and give them responsibilities and power to conduct government • Established in ancient Rome-509 B.C.
Direct Democracy • All citizens participate first hand in governing • Not present today-established in ancient Athens
Representative Democracy • Citizens elect leaders to represent them in government • U.S. today