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Learn about the RPPR format for progress reports mandated by OMB, with key hints and updates from OSP for UW researchers. Feedback and helpful resources available.
Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPR) update Presented by: Office of Sponsored programs January 10, 2013
RPPR is a mandated reporting format for interim progress reports Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requires all federal agencies to implement the RPPR format. Implementation schedule for each agency is different. Implementation plans per agency are updated on the RPPR website, hosted by NSF: http://www.nsf.gov/bfa/dias/policy/rppr/
What has the RPPR experience been for UW PIs with NIH awards? Last spring, UW participated in “pilot” use of RPPR format for NIH eSNAP eligible awards. OSP gathered feedback from participants. Helpful hints were compiled for UW research community use and is available on the OSP website: http://www.washington.edu/research/index.php?page=rppr
Some key hints for NIH RPPRs: All contact information is pre-populated from eRA Commons. If out of date, the eRA Commons profile must be updated by the PI. Progress on accomplishments has to be set out in distinct sections; one pdf attachment does not suffice. Publications information is drawn from MyNCBI site. PIs must link the MyNCBI account and eRA Common accounts to auto-populate into RPPR progress report.
Agencies actively requiring the RPPR format: Department of Energy Department of Education Department of Justice
Agencies that give the option to use RPPR, for now: NIH, for a subset of award types (see list: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/rppr/ ): Plans to require for all awards in spring 2013 NSF (phased in organizations in 2012): Will implement for all progress reports, and targeting Feb. 1st for submission on Research.gov (NOT Fastlane)
Which progress reports come through on a “non-competing renewal” eGC1 and reviewed by OSP? NIH HRSA All other submission of interim progress reports do NOT come through on an eGC1. If you need business official sign-off, due to sponsor requirements, please contact your OSP Grant and Contract Coordinator directly: http://www.washington.edu/research/index.php?page=ospContact
Updates to internal process as RPPR is implemented by agencies: OSP is collecting information from peer institutions that delegate submission of progress reports to PIs, for NIH awards. OSP will gather feedback from UW units that have high volume/dollar amount NIH and HRSA awardsand School/College reviewers. OSP will begin discussions with compliance offices. ORIS reviewing streamlined submission options, using SAGE. Updates on internal process will be shared at future Research Administration Process Improvement Team (RAPIT) meetings and MRAM. Your experience with RPPR is valuable. We continue to want your feedback on preparing the RPPR in eRA Commons. Let us know! Contact: Kristina Hyman, Program Operations Specialist, OSP (hymank@uw.edu).