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OPEN TUTORING SESSION PRONUNCIATION USING THE IPA EFFECTIVELY. May, 2010. Objectives. Talk about the IPA in order to get familiar with its symbols.
Objectives • Talk about the IPA in order to get familiar with its symbols. • Identify the most important differences between the phonetic systems of Spanish and English and spot the most difficult English sounds for Spanish speakers • Get familiar with some resources that are available to practice pronunciation
In your experience… …what is the IPA? …have you ever had any problem while pronouncing some sounds in English? Which ones? …do you recognize or know which sound is represented by any of the following symbols? /ʃ/ /ɔ/ /θ//æ/ /ʌ//Ʒ/
IPA The InternationalPhoneticAlphabet (IPA) is an international system created to represent sounds of any spoken language. It contains letters of the alphabet that you already know, as wel as some others that do not exist. Consonants [b], [d], [f], [ɡ], [k], [l], [m], [n], [p], [s], [t], [v], [z]. Vowels [a], [e], [i], [o], [u].
StrategyTry to learn the correct way to pronounce and draw the symbols that are different from the normal written letters.
ExercisePracticethe pronunciation of these words with the sounds /ʃ/ /ʒ/ /ʤ/ /ʧ/ /ð/ /θ/ /j/ • Pleasure • Profession • Teacher • Magic • Yesterday • Think • Brother /ˈple ʒər/ /prə ˈfe ʃən/ /ˈti:ʧər/ /ˈmæ ʤɪk/ /ˈjes tər deɪ/ /θɪŋk/ /ˈbrʌ ðər/
ExerciseFind the phonetic transcription of the following words and then practice their pronunciation of sounds /ʧ/, /ʤ/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /ŋ/, /θ/ and /ð/ • Measure • Nation • Bathtub • There • Tongue • Age • Question • Lawyer /ˈme ʒər/ /ˈneɪ ʃən/ /ˈbæθ tʌb/ /ðer/ /tʌŋ/ /eɪʤ/ /ˈkwes ʧən/ /ˈlɔ: jər/
Vowel Sounds [a], [e], [i], [o], [u]
StrategyTry to learn the correct way to pronounce and draw the symbols that are different to the normal written letters.
ExercisePractice the pronunciation of these words with the sounds /ə/ /ɔ/ /ʌ/ /æ/ /ɪ/ /ʊ/ /ɜ/ • Woman • Sofa • Butter • Map • Third • Tall • Building /ˈwʊmən/ /ˈsoʊ fə/ /ˈbʌ tər/ /mæp/ /θɜ:rd/ /tɔ:l/ /ˈbɪl dɪŋ/
ExerciseFind the phonetic transcription of the following words and then practice their pronunciation of sounds /ə ɔ ʌ æ ɪ ʊ ɜ/ • Full • Have • Draw • Intelligent • Cousin • Under • Thursday • /fʊl/ • /hæv/ • /drɔ:/ • /ɪn ˈte lə dʒənt/ • /ˈkʌ zən/ • /ˈʌn dər/ • /ˈθɜrz deɪ/
Tongue Twisters • - Black back bat. • - I sawSusiesitting in a shoeshineshop whereshesits • sheshines, and wheresheshinesshesits. • - How can a clamcram in a cleancream can? • - Thethirty-threethievesthoughtthattheythrilledthethronethroughoutThursday.
Why is the use of the IPA necessary? • IPA makes the learning of pronunciation easier • IPA allows learners to work autonomously on pronunciation • IPA makes the association of words with the same pronunciation easier: to, two, too /tu/ • IPA allows the differentiation of words with similar endings: thought /θɔt/, though /ðoʊ/, tough /tʌf/ and through /θru/.
Suggestions • Identify the sound and the phonetic symbol that represents it. • Practice the pronunciation of the sounds whose symbols are different from the alphabet letters. Remember to pay special attention to the position of the lips and the tongue as well as the amount of air that is needed to produce the sounds. • Use the IPA every day to prepare the new vocabulary you may encounter in the following lesson. Choose at least 5 words daily.
Useful Resources http://www.upodn.com/phun.asp
By learning to use the IPA, I will understand that: • As I learn new vocabulary, it is important that I get familiar with its pronunciation. • Minor changes in pronunciation can alter meanings significantly. • There are sounds especially difficult for Hispanics since they are not present in their native language. • I can find patterns that can help me understand how to pronounce certain words. • This strategy is there to help you. Using the online tools will facilitate understanding of it.