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OPEN TUTORING SESSION TOOLS TO KEEP A CONVERSATION GOING June 2011. Centro Colombo Americano. OBJECTIVES. 1. Identify some benefits of communicating effectively. 2. Explore expressions or conversation strategies you can resort to in order to keep a conversation going.
OBJECTIVES 1. Identify some benefits of communicating effectively. 2. Explore expressions or conversation strategies you can resort to in order to keep a conversation going. 3. Get familiar with different sites you can use to keep in touch with real language use.
Now analyze and reflect Could the guys successfully communicate? Why? What would you recommend they do to be better communicators? Is it important to keep a conversation going? Why?
? Didyouconsiderany of these ideas in yourreflection? COMMUNICATING EFFECTIVELY Buildgoodrelationshipswithothers Havethepossibilitytopracticevocabulary YOU CAN Understand and share ideas Encourageyourselftobe up-to-date
Now discover some conversation strategies Unscramble the words to organize the names of some conversation strategies. • questionsfollow-up ask • conversation use sounds • responses appropriate use • questionsask echo • informationrepeat • question answer and a ask a one similar • questionsaskways in two • I use mean • no in a say way friendly • use and to disagree expressions agree Checkyourworkhere!
Now practice Watch the following videos and identify ideas that exemplify the strategies you discovered before. Write your answers on a piece of paper. Video 1
Now compare A: Did you practice with the CD? B: Did you say CD? Of course I did. I do it everyday! A: Every day? Get a life. Don’t you have to work, study or relax? B: Sure I do, but I know how to organize my time. Do you? A: Well, It’s late, let’s go to class! Ask echo questions Ask echo questions Answer a questionthenask a similar one
Now compare A: You know, I have worked a lot on that project! B: Me too! It has been exhausting. What did you complete already? I mean, did you complete the first chapter? B: No way. I still have to work on the third part of it. Did you? A: Well, not really but I'm not missing much! use expressionstoagree askquestions in twoways Answer a questionthenask a similar one
Now compare use conversationsounds A: Have you seen Black Swan? B: Um... Is that the one with Nicole Kidman? A: Duh! Hello! Where have you been? Natalie Portman is there. B:Natalie who? I have no clue! A: Do you remember the movie The Professional? She was the little girl. She is an excellent actor! B: Is she the gorgeous woman from Star Wars, episodes I and II. A: Yes, she is. Have you seen it? B: Actually, no. I'm going to rent it this weekend. Ask echo questions Ask follow up questions sayno in a friendlyway
Tips Remember to take advantage of every chance you get to practice English: before and after class with your classmates, at the cafeteria, at work, university… Don’t forget to use the conversation strategies analyzed before.
Tools Student’s Book CD Rom Companion website Social Language List
Online resources! ESL Podcast Urban Dictionary ComingSoon.net Lyrics Training
Links!!!! • http://www.eslpod.com/website/index_new.html • http://www.urbandictionary.com/ • http://www.lyricstraining.com/ • http://www.comingsoon.net/
Conclusions By learning to use conversation strategies, I will: • Exchange ideas in a comfortable way. • Keep a conversation going. • Make the conversation interesting. • Create opportunities to talk about trendy topics. • Learn to be a good listener. Be a successful communicator.
Your opinion is important for us, so take your time and evaluate this session!!! Thank you!!!
Some conversation strategies • Ask follow up questions • Use conversation sounds • Use appropriate responses • Ask echo questions • Repeat information • Answer a question and ask a similar one • Ask questions in two ways • Use I mean • Say no in a friendly way • Use expressions to agree and disagree Go back