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Tim Dawkins Director of Business Development NCFE

Tim Dawkins Director of Business Development NCFE. Advanced Apprenticeships. @t1md @InclusionCESI #YEC2013. Carole Carson Chief Executive, Babington College. Youth Employment Conference 2013. DELIVERING HIGHER APPRENTICESHIPS:. Latest Insights From A Leading Provider. Carole Carson

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Tim Dawkins Director of Business Development NCFE

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  1. Tim DawkinsDirector of Business Development NCFE Advanced Apprenticeships @t1md @InclusionCESI #YEC2013

  2. Carole CarsonChief Executive, Babington College Youth Employment Conference 2013

  3. DELIVERINGHIGHERAPPRENTICESHIPS: Latest Insights From A Leading Provider Carole Carson Managing Director Babington Group

  4. ABOUTUS... Babington was founded in 1974 and has continually provided high quality training within Accountancy, Business Administration, Customer Service, Providing Financial Services, Team Leading & Management. Always at the forefront of innovation, Babington is a pioneer of the Apprenticeship programme, with the first Accountancy Apprentice in the country and the first Insurance Apprentice in the North of England. Babington continues its success working closely with the government funding agencies, such as the National Apprenticeship Service, to deliver high quality vocational training for individuals, providing alternative route way to the more traditional academic pathway of University. Babington believes that specialised, highly work-relevant training will be as much in demand in the future as it is in the present. Having tailored training programmes that co-ordinate all aspects of learning has proved to have clear advantages for both employers and learners. Progression from School into the “World of Work” gives true and meaningful opportunities to learn and earn. We promote and encourage excellence of our apprentices and have had a number of teams enter the prestigious World Skills UK competition. Lastly we celebrate the achievements of our learners by holding a yearly Graduation Ceremony to recognise, praise and congratulate our fantastic achievers.

  5. BABINGTON HIGHER APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAMMES... We offer pathways of training to enable young adults to build their career within professional services: Accountancy Levels 2, 3 & 4 & beyond BusinessAdministration Levels 2, 3 & 4 Providing FinancialServices Levels 2, 3 & 4

  6. HIGHER APPRENTICESHIP BRAND... Research had identified that there is a shortage of skills in various sectors from Level 3 upwards – Government funding has supported development of Higher Level qualifications to address this shortage. This development has lead to an increase in the number of apprenticeships delivered at both Level 4 – Level 5 over the past year. Increasing number of Training Provider’s delivering Higher Level apprenticeships. Higher Apprenticeship numbers have been increasing over the last 3 years, whereas other qualifications have seen a decline - University numbers. Higher Apprenticeship is a true alternative to the more traditional higher level qualification gained through University and FE Colleges; providing valuable on the job experience at the same time. On average, an apprentice will earn £100,000 more throughout a lifetime than other employees.

  7. HIGHER APPRENTICESHIP DELIVERY.. Babington currently have over 250 learners learning at Level 4 or above (approx. 13%) – 90% have progressed from their Level 2 qualification. Engagement with schools is critical to “educate” an alternative, valuable pathway of learning. Effective relationships with employers creates a partnership between the organisations to provide appropriate ‘blended’ learning for success. The quality of the learning experience is paramount to ensure engagement and progression. Tutors / Trainers need to be qualified and have current industry experience and be adaptable to meet the needs of the learner and employer.

  8. HIGHER APPRENTICESHIP SUCCESS.. • Delivery of Boots Apprenticeship Programme – Level 4 Business and Administration, Technical Certificate is Level 4 Diploma in Business and Administrative Management. • Offer to ‘A’ level students • 2 year programme • Mix of 3 placements at Boots • Running alongside Graduate programme • Learner Quotes: • “I wanted to get into Work straightaway, I didn’t want to go to University and have to wait 3 years before getting a job” • “You get more opportunities from an apprenticeship than you would from a normal job or course because of combining training with work experience” • “You get a change to do many different things, its exciting and rewarding” • Employer Quotes: • “It’s a great way of bringing talent into a business.” • “Apprentices bring in fresh thinking, new ideas, they are hard working and want to develop” • It gives lots of opportunities, its hard work but very rewarding”

  9. HIGHER APPRENTICESHIP SUCCESS.. • Delivery of Accounts through AAT – mainly via SME’s • Complete Level 2 progress to (equivalent 5 GCSE’s) • Complete Level 3 progress to (equivalent to ‘A’ Levels) • Complete Level 4 progress to (equivalent Foundation Degree) • Progress to promote specialisms e.g. ACCA / CIMA / ACA • Deliver ACCA and CIMA • Two such individuals followed this pathway: • Louise – gained placement at local school in Derby in Finance Dept. Started her Level 2 programme. Completed her Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 and additionally was part of a team of 3 who achieved a Bronze medal at World Skills. At completion of Level 4 apprenticeship, applied for a job at Rolls Royce plc., due to her previous success with her learning she was offered a position at Rolls Royce and doubled her salary. • Daniel – started his Level 2 apprenticeship at a small firm of chartered accountants. Completed his Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 and won a Bronze medal as part of the same team at World Skills. Following completion of his Level 4 he went on to win the individual Gold medal at World Skills in 2012. Following this he was offered a position of Finance Manager at a local company.

  10. Advanced Apprenticeships The student’s perspective… Play video clip http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-19685050

  11. Selene ShawAdvanced Apprentice, DiVA Youth Employment Conference 2013

  12. Paul FothergillDirector Education and Skills, PWC Youth Employment Conference 2013

  13. www.pwc.com Higher Apprenticeships for Professional ServicesYouth Employment ConventionWednesday 9th MayPaul Fothergill

  14. Agenda • Higher Apprenticeship for Professional Services (HAPS) • Journey • What is it • PwC Higher Apprenticeship programme • Some key facts • Our experiences

  15. Background to Higher Apprenticeship for PS • Development created via Government’s Higher Apprenticeship Fund (2011). • New framework (L4) created for audit, tax and consulting. • Substantial x-sector input. • Issued July 2012, ready for employer use

  16. Professional Services Higher Apprenticeship Consultation on Framework content The first framework developed by employers 30+ employers involved in detailed design through working groups Open consultation on full draft framework Input from 12+ Further and Higher Education providers Input from employers of variety of sizes and geographies 450 hits to online consultation All of the ‘Big 4’ engaged 12+ additional written responses Consultation events including provider sessions, AELP forum, live webex

  17. The Higher Apprenticeship programme Framework overview • Both frameworks include a blend of professional qualifications and new, nationally recognised wider business skill qualifications Level 4 Higher Apprenticeship in Professional Services Audit pathway Tax pathway Consulting pathway Professional qualification (ICAEW) - CFAB Professional qualification (ATT) Certificate in Management Consulting (MCA) Practice Component Business Skills Component All 3 pathways also include minimum requirements with respect to literacy, numeracy and ICT skills, personal learning and thinking skills, and employee rights and responsibilities.

  18. The Higher Apprenticeship programme Design Higher Apprenticeships at level 4 and 7, with support from the Higher Apprenticeship Fund Higher Apprenticeship in Accounting, Audit & Tax Round 2 Audit L7 Tax L7 Accounting L7 Higher Apprenticeship in Professional Services Round 1 Consulting L4 Audit L4 Tax L4 Accounting L4

  19. Apprentice Business ChallengeThe Skills Show – 14th-17th November 2012 • New competition jointly developed by ICAEW and PwC. • “Taster” event delivered at Skills Show (NEC) in November. • Full competition launching in early 2013. • Features interactive business game, with apprentices working in teams to analyse organisation with business problem. • Ideas presented to judging panel.

  20. PwC Higher Apprenticeship Programme • Previously only mainstream graduate intake • Launched PwC Apprenticeship programme – September 2012 • Initial cohorts – 60+ tax apprentices & 7 consulting apprentices • Overwhelmingly positive response from organisation • September 2013 intake – approximately 2x previous year, now adding audit practice.

  21. PwC Apprenticeship programme - perspectives • Don’t wait for young people to come to you – go and get them! • Set the bar in your own mind...graduates vs school leavers; • Find the right sort of challenging work; • Integration with existing delivery teams and delivery models; • Big decision for a young person...so variety is key • Create viable progression pathway for your apprentices – what next? • Put in place a support network – informed line managers, coaches, buddies and tutors all have a role to play – but make sure reporting lines are clear. • Feedback from apprentices – learn from their experiences.

  22. Further information Paul Fothergill +44 (0)7739 643978 paul.fothergill@uk.pwc.com Sara Caplan +44 (0) 7799 656 437 Sara.caplan@uk.pwc.com http://www.pwc.co.uk/government-public-sector/issues/higher-apprenticeships.jhtml http://www.pwc.co.uk/government-public-sector/publications/employer-ownership-of-skills-professional-services.jhtml

  23. Your questions. Youth Employment Conference 2013

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