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HISTORY OF THE EASTERN HEMISPHERE. F I N A L. Neolithic Civilization. Religion. Empires. Technology. Modern History. $200. J E O P A R D Y. $300. $400. $500. Neolithic Revolution - $100.

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  2. F I N A L Neolithic Civilization Religion Empires Technology Modern History $200 J E O P A R D Y $300 $400 $500

  3. Neolithic Revolution - $100 The Neolithic Revolution was a transition from Hunting/Gathering nomadic peoples to this. Answer

  4. Neolithic Revolution - $100 Agricultural and Settlements Back to Categories

  5. Neolithic Revolution - $200 The first evidence of the Neolithic Revolution was seen in this region, around 10,000 years ago. Answer

  6. What is the Middle East? Back to Categories

  7. The Neolithic Revolution - $300 The area around the Tigris and Euphrates River valley is commonly known by this name. Answer

  8. The Neolithic Revolution - $300 What is the Fertile Crescent? Back to Categories

  9. The Neolithic Revolution - $400 This is the name for the process through which wild animals are tamed for use by humans. Answer

  10. The Neolithic Revolution - $400 What is domestication? Back to Categories

  11. The Neolithic Revolution - $500 The earliest known cave paintings, which depict wild animals and hunting parties, were found in this country Answer

  12. The Neolithic Revolution - $500 What is a France ? Back to Categories

  13. Religion - $100 This is the name for the sacred book of the Jewish religion. Answer

  14. Religion- $100 What is the Torah? Back to Categories

  15. Religions - $200 He is the central prophet of the Muslim religion. Answer

  16. Religions- $200 Who is Muhammad? Back to Categories

  17. Religions - $300 The life and teachings of Jesus, the central ideas of Christianity, can be found in these for books. Answer

  18. Religions- $300 What are the Gospels? Back to Categories

  19. Religions - $400 The predominant religion of the Indian subcontinent, this faith is composed of many different cultural beliefs. Answer

  20. Religions- $400 What is Hinduism? Back to Categories

  21. Religions - $500 Buddhism, a religion dedicated to uncovering the nature of reality, is based on the teachings of this man. Answer

  22. Religions- $500 Who was Buddha? Back to Categories

  23. Empires- $100 This emperor and king of Macedonia, founded one of the largest empires of the ancient world, before dying at the age of 32. Answer

  24. Empires- $100 Who was Alexander the Great? Back to Categories

  25. Empires - $200 This Indian empire existed from around 320 to 550 AD, and allowed for a period of unprecedented scientific development. Answer

  26. Empires- $200 What was the Gupta Empire? Back to Categories

  27. Empires - $300 According to tradition, Rome was founded by these two brothers. Answer

  28. Empires- $300 Who were Romulus and Remus? Back to Categories

  29. Empires- $400 This Egyptian form of writing consists of pictographs that can stand for an object on it’s own, or as a syllable of another word. Answer

  30. Empires- $400 What are hieroglyphics? Back to Categories

  31. Empires - $500 This empire, the largest that ever existed, stretched from the Sea of Japan, all the way to the Danube River. Answer

  32. Empires- $500 What was the Mongol Empire? Back to Categories

  33. Technology- $100 Some of the major technological advances from this time period include polished stone axes and metal tools. Answer

  34. Technology- $100 What is the Neolithic Period? Back to Categories

  35. Technology- $200 The earliest recorded use of wind power, this type of vessel is depicted on an Egyptian pot from 3,200 BC. Answer

  36. Technology- $200 What is a sail boat? Back to Categories

  37. Technology- $300 The earliest evidence of tool use can be found in the western part of this continent. Answer

  38. Technology- $300 What is Africa? Back to Categories

  39. Technology- $400 This weapon, used by English soldiers during the Hundred Years Was, gave them the ability to fight against much larger armies from a distance. Answer

  40. Technology- $400 What is a Longbow? Back to Categories

  41. Technology- $500 The first records of this explosive Chinese invention are from around the year 800. Answer

  42. Technology- $500 What is Gunpowder? Back to Categories

  43. Modern History - $100 The immediate cause of World War One, was the assassination of this Austrian Archduke. Answer

  44. Modern History- $100 Who was Franz Ferdinand? Back to Categories

  45. Modern History - $200 This strategy was used by Gandhi in his fight for Indian Independence. Answer

  46. Modern History- $200 What is Civil Disobedience? Back to Categories

  47. Modern History- $300 This Chinese political leader was the leader of the Chinese communist forces, and the first communist dictator of that country. Answer

  48. Modern History- $300 Who was Chairman Mao? Back to Categories

  49. Modern History - $400 Colonial expansion in Africa, or taking new territory despite the fact that people are already living there, is also known by this term. Answer

  50. Modern History- $400 What is Imperialism? Back to Categories

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