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“ The most effective way to manage change is to create it.” Peter Ducker. CURRICULUM 2014. A TIME FOR CHANGE. OUTLINE OF MORNING. Review of the core aims of our curriculum New National Curriculum – Facts Identification of what makes our school special.
“The most effective way to manage change is to create it.” Peter Ducker CURRICULUM 2014 A TIME FOR CHANGE
OUTLINE OF MORNING • Review of the core aims of our curriculum • New National Curriculum – Facts • Identification of what makes our school special. • Exploration of the new curriculum for each year group – identification of the challenges. • Learning Challenges approach to curriculum delivery vs. Mantle of the Expert • Marking policy • Summary and next steps
OUR CORE AIMS… • Look at the sheet – have we got it right? • Are we missing anything?
WHAT DO WE WANT OUR CHILDREN TO BE WHEN THEY LEAVE OUR SCHOOL? Be able to learn independently and love learning! Resilient and reflective. Confident. Competent readers, writers and mathematicians. Able to communicate effectively (high levels of oracy) Able to get on well with others – be able to show empathy. IT competent – able to use new technologies which may not even have been invented yet Honest, empathetic and trustworthy – effective members of society Responsible. Young adults with high aspirations for themselves.
OUR CORE AIMS… • What do we need to add? • Now rag rate our current curriculum against these aims?
NEW NATIONAL CURRICULUM - FACTS • Pupils of compulsory school age in community and foundation schools, including special schools, and in voluntary aided and voluntary controlled schools must follow the National Curriculum. • Schools are free to choose how they organise their school day, as long as the content of the National Curriculum programmes of study is taught to all pupils.
NEW NATIONAL CURRICULUM - FACTS • By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programmes of study. • The new National Curriculum identifies what to teach but not how to teach. • The new National Curriculum does not have levels of attainment, but expectations at each banding.
NEW NATIONAL CURRICULUM - FACTS • ‘Literacy’ title has been replaced by ‘English’. • No PSHE or RE contained within the Curriculum 2014 (but still to be taught). • Act of daily worship expected.
NEW NATIONAL CURRICULUM - DFE • English, Maths and Science are the building blocks of education –improving our performance in these subjects will be essential. • In Maths there will be greater rigour. There will be a greater emphasis on arithmetic, and the promotion of efficient written methods of long multiplication and division. There will also be more demainding content in fractions, decimals and percentages. • In Science there is a stronger focus on the importance of scientific knowledge and language and a greater emphasis on the core scientific concepts underpinning pupils’ understanding. For the first time primary aged children will learn about evolution and inheritance.
NEW NATIONAL CURRICULUM - DFE • The proposed English programmes of study will embody higher standards of literacy. Pupils will be expected to develop a stronger command of the written and spoken word. Through the strengthening of the teaching of phonics pupils will be helped to read fluently. • The study of languages is compulsory in Key Stage 2. • Replace the current ICT curriculum with a new computing curriculum with a much greater emphasis on computational thinking and practical programming skills.
NEW NATIONAL CURRICULUM - DFE • It is essential to distinguish between the statutory National Curriculum and the whole school curriculum. All schools must provide a curriculum that is broadly based, balanced and meets the needs of all pupils. • Academies and Free Schools have the freedom to depart from the National Curriculum. All schools must teach religious education at all key stages and secondary schools must provide sex education. • In other subjects and key stages we are aiming to give teachers more space and flexibility to design their lessons by focusing only on the essential knowledge to be taught in each subject.
TIMETABLE FOR CHANGE Note: Current Y4 pupils will be the first pupils to be assessed using ‘new’ SATs tests in 2016 so they will need to start being taught English, Maths and Science using the Curriculum 2014 as soon as possible so they will not be disadvantaged. DFE: “The majority of the new national curriculum will come into force from September 2014, so schools have a year to prepare to teach it. From September 2015, the new national curriculum for English, Mathematics and Science will come into force for Years 2 and 6.”
WHAT MAKES OUR SCHOOL SPECIAL? • In the groups from earlier think about the things that make our school special and the impact this has on our children. • Think about the things which are challenges for us and what we try to do (or need to do) to overcome these. • Group leaders record these thoughts on the A3 sheets.
NATIONAL CURRICULUM • In your current year groups (EYFS look at Year 1) look through the new curriculum requirements and discuss the following: • What are the challenges of this new curriculum? • What development would you need?
HOW WILL WE DELIVER OUR CURRICULUM? • MANTLE OF THE EXPERT or something else? • https://www.surveymonkey.com/home/
LEARNING CHALLENGES APPROACH? Oracy Plan for the context of our school and our children Enquiry based learning BIG Question Pre-learning Get the pitch right Reflection Review and celebrate Clear learning outcomes With defined knowledge and skills Small Question Small Question Small Question Small Question Small Question Small Question Application of basic skills
KEY CONSIDERATIONS Context Hook Meeting NC requirements Progression and Continuity LEARNING CHALLENGE Reflection Locality Oracy Interest
YEAR 2: Why Would a Dinosaur Not Make a Good Pet? Working Scientifically: sorting and classifying things according to whether they are living, dead or were never alive, and recording their findings using charts. English Link: Research into which animals lay eggs and which do not. In addition they would need to find out about the sizes of eggs etc. They will then create fact files about specific dinosaurs. Maths Link: Opportunities through the classification of dinosaurs to tally to make tables and graphs. Habitats Link: This LC is about working out what their own pets need to survive. They will then consider what dinosaurs would have needed and recognise the key components that are required for animals to live and flourish. Creative Art Link: This LC will see children re-create a dinosaur land. It will involve several DT skills as children plan, design, create and evaluate their models. Expressive Art Link: Children will try and simulate the sounds that would have heard in land where dinosaurs roamed. They will use a range of instruments to create the sounds and then aim to have the sounds linked to the dinosaur land models they have created. These will then feature as part of their reflection. Harry’s Dinosaurs Ian Whybrow Tyrannosa -urus Trip Julia Donaldson
YEAR 5: Why should the rainforest be important to us all? English Link: LC4 provides opportunities for children to carry out their own research and to present their findings in a range of interesting ways which may involve ICT. LC3 will provide opportunities for children to use their persuasion skills when making cases for saving the rainforests. Maths Link: LC5 provides opportunities for children to use their measurements skills. Creative Art Link: LC1 sees children working together to design and create their own rainforests. This will involve dividing tasks up between them and making decisions about what they will have within the rainforest. LC6 sees children using large leaves to create their own designs and prints. LC7 – Design and build shelters. Forever Forest Kristin Joy Pratt Serafini The Great Kaphak tree Lynne Cherry The Lorax Dr Seuss
UPDATE TO MARKING POLICY • Pink for perfect – no spelling or grammar mistakes, meets the LO. • Green for growth – mistakes related to the CG comment or spelling and grammar (appropriate for the developmental stage of each pupil) • Purple Polishing Pen – children correct their ‘green’ mistakes and answer the CG.
HAVE A GO! • Look at the examples of writing on the sheets and have a go at marking them using the two colours (pink for perfect and green for growth) • Any issues or questions?
SUMMARY • New NC to be in place for September 2014 – start trialling in Summer term. • Curriculum delivery approach and planning needs to start happening this year. • More flexibility with the timings – adapting our timetables (from Summer term). • More emphasis on oracy and the acquisition of knowledge – starting now. • Our curriculum needs to be relevant for our children so we need to ensure we keep in the things we value. • New Marking Policy will need to be explained to the children tomorrow and implemented immediately.