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Ajka from the point of view of Valencia

Ajka from the point of view of Valencia. Hi , my name is Paula. I’m 16 years old and I’m Spanish . Hi , my name is Julia and I’m 16 years old . I’m from Spain . Hi , my name is William. I’m 16 years old , and I’m Spanish .

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Ajka from the point of view of Valencia

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ajkafrom the point of viewof Valencia

  2. Hi, my nameis Paula. I’m 16 yearsold and I’mSpanish. Hi, my nameis Julia and I’m 16 yearsold. I’mfromSpain. Hi, my nameis William. I’m 16 yearsold, and I’mSpanish. Hello, my nameis Kevin and I’m 16 yearsold. I’mfrom Valencia, Spain.

  3. BrodyImreGimnazium.

  4. The principal of theBrodyImreGimnaziumwithourteachers.

  5. Hungary • Capital: Budapest • Language: Hungarian • Population: 10,005,000 • Currency: Forint

  6. Its climate is continental, being its average temperature 9,7 ºC • Hungarian landscapes are usually flat plains with eventual hilly zones. There are ten beautiful national parks.

  7. Foundation: Hungary was founded in 895 b.C. • Most spread religion: Christianity , 74.4% people • Geographical situation: Hungary is surrounded by Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. • Most important river in Hungary is the Danube

  8. Ajka

  9. Population: 35,000 inhabitants • Area: 95.05 km2 • Firstly the area was inhabited by Celts • It was a industrial area during the Comunist period

  10. Landscapes: • Ajka is surrounded by green forests and is placed in the hills of Bakony and at the north of Balaton lake. Balaton lake

  11. Ajka’shistory: • Celts lived in the zona of Ajka since 1000 BC . The territory was conquered in 2nd century by the Romans. The Hungarians occupied the area in the early 10th century. • Origins of the name of Ajka: this village was named this way by the influence of the Ajka clan, which got its name from Heiko, its antecesor, who was relationed with Gisela, the Bavarian Princess. • First Ajka mention is dated around 1214.

  12. Ajka’seconomy: • Due to the discover of vast bauxite resources , this town prospered and got industrialized in the second half of the 19th century. • Later on, in 1937 the world's first krypton factory was built in Ajka • Most of the population is working class

  13. Questionsto Ajka teenagers

  14. Whichis the most popular sport at yourschool?

  15. Isthereanyfunny hobby in yourschool?

  16. Howmuch time do youspendsurfing the net?

  17. Which are yourfavouritesites?

  18. Which are the most popular subjects at yourschool?

  19. Which are the mostplayed musical instrument at yourschool?

  20. Whatkind of music do you listen tothemost?

  21. Whichisyourfavouritedish?

  22. And that’sall folks!

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