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Classification of Different types of Plant & Machinery & machine in each type. Anup A. Mohabansi. Why Immovable property valuer should have Basic knowledge of Plant & machinery Gen eg. Since knowledge of Structural Engineering is must for Architect / Designer for better planning like wise.
Classification of Different types of Plant & Machinery & machine in each type Anup A. Mohabansi. Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Why Immovable property valuer should have Basic knowledge of Plant & machinery Gen eg. Since knowledge of Structural Engineering is must for Architect / Designer for better planning like wise • [1] in most of the Valuation assignments immovable Property Valuer & Plant and Machinery valuer have to work jointly. • [2] Basic Knowledge of Plant and Machinery is very essential • [3] Best use of existing specific plant to any other alternative plant can be thought of and accordingly valuation of immovable property can be justified • e.g. a unit of automobile plant can easily converted to Manufacturing plant for construction equipment , Textile Plant & others • [4] as per existing situation valuer can think of permissible & alternative use in that location • e.g. machine foundations of existing plant can be reused for some other plant. • [5] Due consideration can be given to environmental aspect if we know the effluent • eg. Sugar industries effluent like Molasses can affect the Real Estate Value in Vicinity. Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
for manufacturing items, Plants are establish • Plant is sole process of Manufacturing an items • normally the plants consists of • Numbers of different type of machinery, • Ancillary plants • Service system • Controlling unit • Raw Material storage • Finish Goods storage Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
As per valuation norms All movable assets which concern the industrial plant, Machinery will fall under one of the following group • 1] Plant and machinery • 2] Service system • 3] Loose Tolls & Equipments • 4] Fixtures & Fittings • 5] Office & other Furniture • 6] Office Equipments (Computer Hardware, Software, Typewriters, • Printing, Xerox & others) • 7] Vehicles • 8] Raw Material Stock • 9] Finished Stock Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Type of Plants • [A] Automobiles Plants Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
[B] Bottle Manufacturing Plant Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Machinery Required for Bottle Manufacturing Plant • Bottle Unscrambler • Carbonation Equipment • Double-Sided Pressure Sentive • Flash Pasteurizer • Heat Shrink Packer • High Speed Rotary Blow Molder • Injection Molding System • Rotary Rinser, Filler, Capper with CIP • Shrink Sleeve Labeler Up to 400 CPM • Shrink Sleeve Labeler Up to 250 CPM • Single-Sided Pressure Sensitive Labeler • Stretch Blow Mold System • Suspending Rotary Rinser, Filler, Capper with CIP • Tunnel Pasteurizer Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Rotary Rinser, Filler, Capper with CIP • Shrink Sleeve Labeler Up to 400 CPM • Shrink Sleeve Labeler Up to 250 CPM • Single-Sided Pressure Sensitive Labeler • Stretch Blow Mold System • Suspending Rotary Rinser, Filler, Capper with CIP • Tunnel Pasteurizer Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Cement Plant Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Rotary Kiln Cement Plant Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Manufacturing Process 1. Crushing & Proportioning:Limestone rock is the principal raw material, the first step after quarrying in the processes is the primary crushing. Mountains of rock are fed through crushers capable of handling pieces as large as an oil drum. The first crushing reduces the rock to a maximum size of about 15 cm (6 po). The rock then goes to secondary crushers or hammer mills for reduction to about 7.5 cm or smaller.2. Raw milling & Blending:The next step in the process is to grind the above particles to a size of 90 microns or less which is done in a raw mill, a closed circuit ball mill equipped with high efficiency separator. After achieving the 90 microns size the fine grinded material also known as raw meal is sent to the continuous blending silos (CFC) for homogenization & extracted by means of load cell hopper for the next step which is feeding to the kiln pre heaters.3. Pyro processing:The raw material is heated to exceeding 1,450 °C (2,700 degrees F) in huge cylindrical steel rotary kilns lined with special firebrick. Kilns are frequently as much as 3.7 M (12 pi) in diameter, large enough to accommodate an automobile and longer in many instances than the height of a 40-story building. Kilns are mounted with the axis inclined slightly from the horizontal. The finely ground raw material or the slurry is fed into the higher end. At the lower end is a roaring blast of flame, produced by precisely controlled burning of powdered coal, oil or gas under forced draft.4. Burning and cooling:As the material moves through the kiln, certain elements are driven off in the form of gases. The remaining elements unite to form a new substance with new physical and chemical characteristics. The new substance, called clinker, is formed in pieces about the size of marbles.Clinker is discharged red-hot from the lower end of the kiln and generally is brought down to handling temperature in various types of coolers. The heated air from the coolers is returned to the kilns, a process that saves fuel and increases burning efficiency.5. Cement milling, Storage & Packing:Portland cement, the basic ingredient of concrete, is a closely controlled chemical combination of calcium, silicon, aluminum, iron and small amounts of other ingredients to which gypsum is added in the final grinding process to regulate the setting time of the concrete. Lime and silica make up about 85% of the mass. Common among the materials used in its manufacture are limestone, shells, and chalk or marl combined with shale, clay, slate or blast furnace slag, silica sand, and iron ore. The above mixture Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Machinery Required for Cement Plant • Air BlastersCement Grouting PumpCement MachineryClinker Grinding UnitFeedersGrinding EquipmentsKilnsPneumatic Conveyors Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Chemical plant • Chemical Plants is an industrialprocessplant that manufactures chemicals, usually on a large scale. Petrochemical plants are usually located adacent to an oil refinery to minimizetransportation costs for the feedstocks produced by the refinery. Specialty chemical plants are usually much smaller and not as sensitive to location Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Machinery Required for Chemical Plants • Bottle Washing MachineChemical DryerChemical Handling EquipmentChemical MachiningChemical MixerChemical Process EquipmentChemical Process PumpsCompressed Air DryerDistillation ColumnsDistillation EquipmentFertilizer PlantsGas DryersIndustrial MixersLaboratory CentrifugeMS TanksPowder FillerProcess Reaction VesselsRotary Vacuum DryersScreening Machinery Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Main Division of chemical Plants • Reaction VesselJacketed VesselLimpet Coil VesselTop Open VesselEvaporation Pan Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Types of Jacketed Vessel Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Limped Coil Reaction Vessel Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Dairy Plants • Processing: Boilers, Processing: Butter, Processing: Cheese, Processing: Ice Cream, Processing: Khoa, Processing: Packaging Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Machinery required for dairy Plant • Control Panels/Switchboards/MotorsConcentration/Separation EquipmentConveyorsCream Separators Filling MachinesFlow MetersHeat ExchangersHomogenisersInsects Control SystemsPasteurizersPipesPneumatic Blowers & BoostersPressure VesselsProcess PumpsProgrammable ControllersSolenoid Pneumatic ValvesTemperature ControllersThermic Fluid HeatersMiscellaneous Equipment Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Filling Plant Circulation Storage Tanks Heat Exchanger Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Cream Separator Processing Tank Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
[F] Ferro Alloy Plant • The chromite received from Sukinda is first ground and then pelletised to obtain green pellets, which are fired at around 14000C in a vertical shaft furnace to impart strength. The plant has facilities to pre-heat these pellets in a rotary kiln to around 8000C but, this unit is now not in use and has been substituted by a vertical shaft pre-heater. Pre-heating is important since every 1000C rise in feed temperature reduces the subsequent electrical energy consumption by 70 kwh per tonne of ferro-chrome (70-80% of the cost of ferro0chrome manufacture is on electrical power). Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Smelting of the pre-heated pellets along with some hard lumpy chrome one as well as briquettes made from pellet fines is carried out in a totally enclosed submerged electric arc furnace. Coke and quartzite are also charged into 25 MVA submerged are furnace which is ferrochrome. Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
[G] Gases Plants Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Gases Plants mainly divided into four parts • [1] Air Separation Plants,[2] Oxygen Plants, [3] Nitrogen Plants, [4] Acetylene Plants Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Pharmaceutical Plant • Machinery required for Pharmaceutical Plant • Capsule Coating Machine• Capsule Filling Machine• Capsule Inspection Machine• Capsule Polishing Machines• Capsule Polishing Pan• Capsule Printing Machine• Circulation Dryer• Colloid Mill• Container Filling Machine• Corrosion Resistant Pumps• Cream Making Plant• Dissolution Tester• Distilled Water Still• Double Rotary Tabletting Machine Ampoule Filling Machine• Ampoule Printing Machine• Ampoule Sealing Machine• Ampoule Washing Machine• Automatic Bottle Filling Machine• Automatic Bottle Washing Machines• Automatic Cap Sealing Machine• Automatic Capsule Filling Machine• Automatic Counting Machine• Automatic Tube Filling Machine• Bottle Filling Equipment• Bottle Inspection Table• Capping Machinery Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
• Drum Blender• Dry Heat Sterilizer• Dust Collector• Empty Capsule Filling Machine• Feeze Drying Machine• Fermentation House Equipment• Fertilizer Process Equipment• Filling Vessel• Fluid Bed Dryer• Freeze Drying equipment• Friability Tester• Furnace Ducts• Herbal Extraction Plant• Homogenizer • Industrial Stirrer• Injectables Section• Jacketed Titling Pan• Liquid Filling Machine• Liquid Manufacturing PlantMass Mixer• Mechanical Sifter • Melter• Membrane Filter System• Metallic Reflaction Insulation• Micro Bag Filter• Multi Mill• Octagonal Blender• Ointment Making Machine Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
• Ointment Mixer• Oscillating Granulator• Pharmaceutical Machines• Pharmaceutical Packaging Machines• Pharmaceutical SparesPharmaceutical Tooling• Planetary Mixer• Polishing Pan• Rapid Mixer Granulator• Ribbon Blender• Roll Compactor• Rotary Bottle Capping Machine• Rotary Bottle Washing• Rotary Bottle Washing Machines• Rotary Vial Washing Machine Semi - Automatic Capsule Filling Machine• Semi Automatic Power Filler• Shell Blender• Single Rotary Tabletting MachineSterile Filtration Equipment• Syringe Filling Equipment• Tablet Coating Machine• Tablet Coating Pan• Tablet Counting Machine Tablet Inspection Machine Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
• Tablet Making Machines• Tablet Press Machine• Tablet Printing Equipment• Tray Dryer• Triple Roller Mill• Tube Filling• Tumble Dryer• Tunnel Dryer• Turn Table• Vertical Autoclave• Vial Capping Machine• Vial Filling Equipment • Vial Filling Machine• Vial Inspection Equipment• Vial Labeling Machine• Vial Stoppering Machine• Vial Washing Machine• Volumetric Bottle Filling• Wet Granulator Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Power Plants • Thermal PlantsHydro Electricity PlantsNuclear power plant / Atomic Energy PlantsTidal Power Wind energy plants Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
AlathiyurLocation: Tamil NaduOperator: Madras Cements Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Neyveli II Location: Tamil Nadu, Operator: Neyveli Lignite Corp LtdConfiguration: 3 X 210 MWOperation: 1986-1988 , Fuel: lignite Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Rayalaseema-ILocation: Andhra PradeshOperator: Andhra Pradesh Power Generation CorpConfiguration: 2 X 210 MWOperation: 1994-1995Fuel: coal EPC: Shandong Electric Power Construction Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
SimhadriLocation: Andhra PradeshOperator: National Thermal Power Corp LtdConfiguration: 2 X 500 MWOperation: 2002Fuel: hard coal Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
TrombayLocation: MaharashtraOperator: Tata ElectricConfiguration: 1 X 150 MW, 2 X 500 MW, 1 X 180 MW CCOperation: 1965-1993Fuel: coal, natural gas, oil Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Nuclear Power The dome-shaped containment building at the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant near Raleigh, NC Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Hydro Electricity Plants Pench,Koyna,Kharghar,Khaparkeda,Bhakranagal,Vaitarna, Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Tidal Power PlantsAnd how it works • The energy potential of tidal basins is large — the largest facility, the La Rance station in France, generates 240 megawatts of power. France is the only country that successfully uses this power source., • the Earth would slow its rotation by 24 hours every 2,000 years. • There are three basic ways to tap the ocean for its energy. We can use the ocean's waves, we can use the ocean's high and low tides, or we can use temperature differences in the water. • Kinetic energy (movement) exists in the moving waves of the ocean. That energy can be used to power a turbine. In this simple example, to the right, the wave rises into a chamber. The rising water forces the air out of the chamber. The moving air spins a turbine which can turn a generator Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Refinery plants Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Machinery Required for Oil & Gas refinery • Gas Turbine Packages for power generation (10 to 34 MW) • Mechanical Drive Gas Turbines (10 to 34 MW) • Steam Turbines for Mechanical Drive • Compressors (Centrifugal, Reciprocating, Oil-free Screw) • Hot Gas Expanders • Turbo expanders • Centrifugal Pumps • Compression/Pumping packages • Heavy Wall Reactors • Air Cooled Heat Exchangers • Steam Condensers • Control & Safety Valves • Product Installation & Maintenance Services • Revamps & Rerates Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Steel Plants Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Ship Building Plants & Integrated Steel Plants • Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP) in Chhattisgarh • Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP) in West Bengal • Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) in Orissa • Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL) in Jharkhand • IISCO Steel Plant (ISP) in West Bengal • Special Steel Plants • Alloy Steels Plants (ASP) in West Bengal • Salem Steel Plant (SSP) in Tamil Nadu • Visvesvaraya Iron and Steel Plant (VISL) in Karnataka Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
A view of the Hot Rolling Division at Hisar Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1
Hot & Cold Rolling Mills Plants Types of Plants_Anup A Mohabansi 1