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Development of the industry, trade in the XIX-beginning of XX century.

Development of the industry, trade in the XIX-beginning of XX century. . Lecture 22. Brief contents:. 1. Development of capital relations in Kazakhstan. The second half of the XIX century is period of active pe­netration of the Russian and a foreign capital into Kazakhstan.

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Development of the industry, trade in the XIX-beginning of XX century.

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  1. Development of the industry, trade in the XIX-beginning of XX century.

    Lecture 22
  2. Brief contents: 1. Development of capital relations in Kazakhstan
  3. The second half of the XIX centuryis period of active pe­netration of the Russian and a foreign capital into Kazakhstan. Payment of land taxes, purchasing of manufactured goods and provisions, sale of handicrafts and agricultural goods had an influence upon the Kazak people going over the commodity-money relations.
  4. Russian capital was mostly concentrated on industry of remaking agricultural goods. Russian manufactures invested their capital into tanning, creamery, soap-works, distillery, brewery and other small enterprises.
  5. For that, in connection with speeding up of transporting raw material goods, develo­ping of enterprises and Russian government launched investments into construction of the state rail­ways.
  6. At the end of the XIX c. there were built the railway: Orenburg-Tashkent railway
  7. Industrial enterprises on primary processing of raw materials didn't need large capital and they were founded by the Russian and Tatar businessmen and merchants. So, in 1854 there was opened a small tannery in Petropavlovsk which were operated by 4 workers and it processed about one thousand leather goods annually for 7000 rubles.
  8. In the middle of the XIX century in Semipalatinsk the­re were functioned о tanneries, four soap-works and four candle-making manufactures. From the period since 1866 till 1870 in Semipala­tinsk region instead of qualification undertaking there were opened 8 tanneries, 9 creameries, 1 brickworks, 1 saw­mill and 116 mills.
  9. In 1886 in Vernyi (name of the city, now Almaty) the first tobacco factory started its work. Gavrilov's factory was one of the first in Semirechye.
  10. Beginning of manufacturing industry belonged to the 70s of the XIX century afterjoining of the Turkestan area. Company of the merchants Ivanov arid Savinkov was organized in 1883 y. who had built a chemical factory in Chimkent. Manufacturing enterprises in the Torgai region were formed slowly- in Aktubinsk and Kustanaiwere established at the beg. of the 70s of the XIX century.
  11. Their formation and migration of the Rus­sians carried in some changes in the economy of Torgai region: there was risen small business in processing the agricultural material. In 1891 in the region there operated 18 tanneries, 10 creameries, 3 sheepskins, 3 intestines and 2 tallow-melting’s, 92 mills (10 watermills and 82 wind­mills), 2 brickworks, 3 potters and 67 smithies.
  12. Comparatively the most developed branch of manu­facturing industry in Kazakhstan at the beginning of the XX century was creamery, flour-grinding and distillery. The distillery and brewery were awarded a premium re­peatedly for the highest quality of the production on the exhibitions of the Turkestan area, European Russia and abroad.
  13. Industry raised in Kazakhstan was founded by commer­cial capital only for primary processing of the raw-mate­rials which was exported arid only a small part of that intended for satisfaction of the needs of the locals.
  14. Thank you of attention!!!
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