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OFFERED BY INSTRUCTIONAL COMPUTING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI – ST.LOUIS. A WEB DEVELOPMENT SHORT COURSE. What is a webpage?. It is A TEXT FILE full of hints for your internet browser . Those hints are called “ TAGS ”

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  2. What is a webpage? It is A TEXT FILEfull of hints for your internet browser. • Those hints are called “TAGS” • “TAGS” tell your browser how to make your web page look. • Where it should place an image, text, a link to another document, etc.

  3. Where the web page is stored? • While you are working on webpage, you can save it on your computer, it does NOT have to be published on the WWW. • If you want your page to be available online, it will have to be uploaded to the remote computer called a “server”

  4. Programs that can be used to create a web document at UMSL computer labs • Notepad • NVU • ADOBE Dreamweaver MX • Hotdog Professional • Microsoft Word 2007 • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007

  5. Common rules • The start page should be called “index.html” • Following pages may have almost any name Some restrictions apply: The filename should have a *.html or *.htm extension Recommendation – File name should not contain spaces and special characters

  6. Let’s create the first web page of your website • To create a simple website we can use a simple tool NOTEPAD

  7. Now let’s save your webpage 1. Click “Save as” in file menu2. Change the file type from *.txt to “All files” • The best place to save the file is a folder in your“K: drive”called “public_html”. • This folder isopen to public. People from all over the world can read files in it buttheycannot delete them. • “K drive” is nothing else but a storing space on the remote computer called“admiral.umsl.edu”.

  8. Now let’s check your web page • The address for your webpage is : http://www.umsl.edu/~Your(SSO)ID • This link is an internet address for your “public_html” folder.According to the rules, the first file is named “index.html” • If you have such file in your“public_html” folder it will show up in your browser window

  9. Here it is ... Wait……This is not exactly what we wanted, is it?. There are no line breaks! How can we fix this?

  10. HTML stands for the HyperText Markup Language • HyperText – text containing links to other texts • Markup Language – defines hints/Tagsfor the browser. • Tagsare only visible for the browser. • The Browser interprets the Tags • The result shows up in the BrowserWindow.

  11. For example in html we write something like this: This is a <b> bold </b> - The browser will show us the result: This is abold - If we want a line break at the end of line: This is a<b> bold </b><br>new line - The browser will show : This is abold new line

  12. Let’s make changes to our webpage

  13. And we got what we wanted!

  14. Let’s try to use software suited for building web pages START>Programs>Web Publishing>Macromedia Dreamweaver

  15. Toolbars Menus Properties panel

  16. Dreamweaver has 3 types of views • Design view • Code View • Code And design view (split) You can switch back and forth between them using these 3 buttons

  17. Step 1 : SAVE YOUR WEBPAGE

  18. With Dreamweaver you can easily modify the page’s properties Path: from the top menu choose Modify/Page Properties

  19. You can modify text • You can make it bold, Italic • Change color • Size • Font type • Center text • Create a link

  20. Probably the most important part of a website are “links”

  21. A big part of a web page are images

  22. You can preview your web page in a browser at any time

  23. More information on web page development • You can find html reference books in the following computer labs • SSB 103 • TJ 316 • Ward E. Barnes • Of course there is a lot of help online too: • http://www.w3schools.com • http://www.w3.org

  24. Questions? SSB 103 SSB 452 Math TLC (UC 050) Ward E. Barnes Library Thomas Jefferson Research Commons If any further questions arise, please contact a lab consultant in any of the following Instructional Computing Labs.


  26. Additional Information • http://www.micros.umsl.edu • The Microcomputer Program at the University of Missouri-St. Louis offers day and evening computer courses as part of the Chancellor's Certificate series. • http://mell.umsystem.edu • Microsoft E-Learning Library has tutorials on many MS Office products available to all UMSL students and staff • http://www.umsl.edu/stg • The Online Student Technology Guide has answers to many computing questions.

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