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CPD and Short Course Development. W HY. Professor Andrew Eder Associate Vice-Provost (Enterprise). Changing face of global opportunity and demand.
CPD and Short Course Development WHY Professor Andrew EderAssociate Vice-Provost (Enterprise)
Changing face of global opportunity and demand • For students starting certain three year degree programmes, up to half of what they learn in year one will be outdated by the end of their studies… • Top 10 currently “in demand” jobs didn’t exist 5 years ago and up to 60% of new UK jobs will be in STEM related professions within 5 years… • Majority of today’s graduates will have 10-14 jobs by age 38…1 in 4 will have the same job for less than a year and 1 in 2 will be with the same company for less than 5 years • 370,000 births globallyeach day with increasing life expectancy… • China and India have more gifted and talented students than we have students and China will soon be the number one English speaking country in the world… • One of the first MOOCs courses in 2011 had 7,200 participants including an 81 year old male, a single mother with 2 children and a 15 year old child prodigy from Mongolia… Nature; March 2013 Shift Happens; 2013
Impact Income
Vision To maximise UCL's global educational impact through the development of a broad range of innovative CPD and Short Courses
Defining and Scoping CPD and Short Courses • Skills and knowledge for personal development and career advancement • Non-credit bearing with ability to transfer to credit-bearing via assessment
Strategic Aims • Phase 1: To work with the UCL community to develop a strategic plan for growth of a broad range of innovative CPD and Short Courses • Phase 2: To facilitate academic and business policy development to support the vision • Phase 3: To identify and collaborate with external partners to realise and enhance the vision
Core Values CPD and Short Courses should be of the highest standards of academic and intellectual rigour - consistent with UCL's other educational activities Courses should provide participants with the most up-to-date material - reflecting UCL's global leadership in research The student experience for CPD and Short Courses should be outstanding- and use of the full breadth of technological advancements is strongly encouraged Ensuring that staff members delivering CPD and Short Courses are valued for their work- and recognised appropriately for career progression and academic promotion CPD and Short Courses will demonstrate educational effectiveness and positive learning outcomes through rigorous evaluation We are committed to using CPD and Short Course development to stimulate innovation in our mainstream curriculum
Moving Forward • Establish a CPD and Short Course Facilitation Group - high-level strategy group • Inaugural meeting held on Wednesday 24th April 2013 and quarterly • ToR and Membership agreed – “academic”, “commercial” and “toolkit” workstreamsestablished • Enterprise Town Hall Meeting to enhance profile and awareness across UCL • Held on Wednesday 8th May 2013 in conjunction with UCL Consultants • Link to UCLC re consultancy managers, opportunity identification, business planning and management support • Create a CPD and Short Courses Forum - open to all staff • Synergy with Distance Learning Forum • First meeting on Wednesday 3rd July 2013 and then quarterly • Strategic planning - one year plan submitted and three year plan under development • “quick wins” re stakeholder meetings, CPD & SC team, e-learning platform, market research, development fund • long term strategy re branding, infrastructure, academic and business policy development, external partners
CPD & Short Course Development - Team Professor Anthony Smith Vice-Provost (Education) Roger de Montfort Managing Director, UCL Consultants
CPD and Short Course Facilitation Group - Workstreams
UCLeXtend • PELP (Public E-Learning Platform) Project: – branded “UCLeXtend” • Sponsorship of the Vice-Provosts for Enterprise and Education • Initiated in June 2012 to develop a platform for non-credit bearing courses • Pilot launch in May 2013 with a two year development bid submitted • Development, design and support at no cost to early adopters
Market Research • Profile the Global CPD and SC market including MOOCs • Identify potential markets and their CPD and SC requirements • Relate what UCL has available or can develop for these markets • Target organisations to partner with to deliver courses with or to • Build an evidence-based segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) strategy • Initiated in July 2013 • Reports in January 2014
Making contact – Andrew Eder • My role – to facilitate, encourage, support and incentivise and NOT to manage • Delighted to meet • At UCL on Wednesdays and Fridays – based at the Eastman • Via Shauna Kearney (s.kearney@ucl.ac.uk) in UCL Enterprise • Email cpd@ucl.ac.uk or a.eder@ucl.ac.uk • Any questions?