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EC5001 Introduction to eCommerce

EC5001 Introduction to eCommerce. Course Introduction. Semester A, 2012/13 Dr . Dongming Xu. Agenda . Introduction Course Overview & Schedule Term Project Lecture: Introduction to EC Tutorial: Case studies. Objectives. The purpose of the Part I is threefold

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EC5001 Introduction to eCommerce

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  1. EC5001 Introduction to eCommerce Course Introduction • Semester A, 2012/13 Dr. DongmingXu

  2. Agenda • Introduction • Course Overview & Schedule • Term Project • Lecture: Introduction to EC • Tutorial: Case studies

  3. Objectives • The purpose of the Part I is threefold • With a focus on the PRACTICAL rather than theoretical • To provide an understanding of the concepts of the technology and information systems underlying EC from the managerial/business perspective • To learn from real-world EC practices • To apply the concepts learnt to real cases

  4. Learning Approaches • This is the first half of the course • Interactive and participative approach • Please keep a manager’s perspective • Let’s be learning partners!

  5. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)

  6. Staff (Weeks 1-6) • Dr. DongmingXu • Office: P6812 • E-mail: dongming.xu@cityu.edu.hk • Consultation: 3-5pm Thursday (Week 1 to Week 6) • MrHonglin Deng • E-mail: hldeng2@student.cityu.edu.hk

  7. Course Overview (1) Introduction to EC (2) E-Business Strategy (3) E-Retailing (B2C) (4) E-Marketplace (B2B) (5) e-supply Chain Management and Globalization (6) Mobile and Social Commerce

  8. Lecture and Tutorial (Week 2-6) • Lecture ( 2 hours) • Date/Time: 7-9pm Thursday • Venue: AC1-B5311 • Tutorial (1 hour) • T61 • DongmingXu • Date/Time: 9-10pm Thursday • Venue: AC2-5500 • T62 • Honglin Deng • Date/Time: 9-10pm Thursday • Venue: AC2-5503

  9. Class Activities • Lecture • Theoretical issue discussion • E-business writing strategy • Tutorial • Case study • Students need to prepare the case before the tutorials • Read the case • Prepare the questions • Individual presentation

  10. Case Study Components • Each case will be discussed in the following (but not limited to) three components • Main value: e.g., EC model, Creation of New Transaction Models and Services, strategies, • Benefits: Benefits to individual /industry/ society, Barriers, EC Security, Ethical, Legal and Social Issues, etc. • Future development: e.g. what will be the future strategies that the company can take to improve its competition power.

  11. Class Schedule (Tentative)

  12. Materials • Textbook • Turban E., King, D., Lee, J., Liang, T.P., and Turban, D. Electronic Commerce: A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective 2012, Prentice Hall, 2012. • http://www.prenhall.com/turban • References • Other supplementary readings will also be made available electronically

  13. 2 individual assignments (15%) Weeks 9, 11 Term project (25%) Week 1-13 Individual presentation (case discussion)(5%) Week 2 - 6 Attendance & participation (5%)(also needed for CEF applications) You are encouraged to discuss with fellow students in classes and tutorials; and consult relevant published materials. But all submitted work must be your own. Plagiarism will be severely penalized. Assessments Must obtain at least 30% of full exam mark to pass

  14. Overall Course Assessments

  15. Assumptions • Language of Instruction and Communication • The language of instruction and communication in the classroom is English • Academic Integrity and Honesty • Cheating, plagiarism, and collusion are serious offenses resulting in an F grade and disciplinary action • Professional Conduct • Although the class discussion will be conducted in an open atmosphere, students should learn to develop professional business manners in asking questions and replying to questions from both the instructor and other classmates • The importance of coming to class on time, of reading and preparing for the material to be discussed in the class should be clear to all students • Please avoid private conversations that may distract your classmates and your instructor • Turn off the ringer of your cell phones! Otherwise, it will be collected to the front if it rings.

  16. Any Questions?

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