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ROBOTICS COE 584 Deliberative & Hybrid Control. Lecture Outline. Deliberative control Hybrid control Types of layer organization selection advising adaptation postponement Examples of hybrid control AuRA, Atlantis SSS, PRS. Deliberative Systems.
ROBOTICS COE 584 Deliberative & Hybrid Control
Lecture Outline • Deliberative control • Hybrid control • Types of layer organization • selection • advising • adaptation • postponement • Examples of hybrid control • AuRA, Atlantis • SSS, PRS
Deliberative Systems • Purely deliberative systems are considered the classical control architecture, since they were the first to be tried • In AI, classical deliberative, planner-based architectures were used for reasoning about actions in various non-physical domains, such as chess • As a result, the same architectures were applied to robotics as well
In the 1960’s: Shakey • In the late 1960's, the state-of-the-art in machine vision was used to process visual information on a robot called Shakey, the forerunner of many AI-inspired robotics projects. • Shakey used a classical planner as the underlying structure to decide what to do. • What is planning?
Planning as Search • Planning is looking ahead, searching • The goal is a state • The robot's entire state space is enumerated, and searched, from the current state to the goal state • Different paths are tried until one is found that reaches the goal • If the optimal path is desired, then all possible paths must be considered in order to find the best one
SPA = Planner-based • Planner-based (deliberative) architectures typically involve three generic sequential steps or functional modules: • 1) sensing (S) • 2) planning (P) • 3) acting (A), executing the plan • Thus, they are called SPA architectures • SPA has serious drawbacks • What are they?
Problem 1: Time • Complex state spaces: • very slow plan generation • Dynamic worlds: • out of date plans (latency)
Problem 2: Space • Representation of state space may be very large • Search tree (intermediate plan data) may be very large • Modern machines have virtual memory (page to disk), but swapping is very slow
Problem 3: Representation • Representation for planning has two parts: • Knowing the state of the world • Predicting the outcome of actions • State representation assumed to be: • complete • accurate • current • predictable
Problem 3: Representation • Sensors have: • noise • inaccuracies • aliasing (partial observability) • Effectors are: • unpredictable • unreliable • None of the assumptions are valid!
Problem 4: Execution • Execution is assumed to be: • sequential • reliable • unique (one actor) • But: • blind execution of long sequences of unreliable actions will fail • E.g., p(success | 1 action) = 0.90 • => p(success | 10 actions) = 0.35
Deliberative Summary • In short, deliberative (SPA) approaches: • require search (slow) • require representations (hard) • encourage open-loop execution (dangerous)
Opposition to SPA • As a consequence, much opposition from real robot practitioners mounted against SPA architectures • In the early/mid 1980's alternatives were proposed • reactive systems • hybrid systems • What happened to purely deliberative systems?
Role of Pure Deliberation • Pure deliberation is alive and well in other domains, like game playing (chess, go, etc.) and other static worlds with plenty of time to plan
Planners Live On in Robotics • The SPA approach has not been abandoned, it has been expanded • Given the two fundamental problems with purely deliberative approaches, we can augment them: • search/planning is slow, so save/cache important and/or urgent decisions; • open-loop plan execution is bad, use closed-loop feedback, and be ready to respond or re-plan when the plan fails.
Reusing Plans • Some frequently useful planned decisions may need to be reused, so to avoid planning, an intermediate layer may cache and look those up • These can be • intermediate-level actions (ILAs) • macro operators: plans compiled into more general operators for future use
Universal Plans • Suppose for a given problem, all possible plans are generated for all possible situations in advance, and stored • If for each situation a robot has a pre-existing optimal plan, it can react optimally, be reactive and optimal • It has a universal plan • (These are complete reactive mappings)
Viability of Universal Plans • A system with a universal plan is reactive; the planning is done at compile-time, not at run-time • Universal plans are not viable in most domains, because they require that: • the world must be deterministic • the world must not change • the goals must not change • The world is too complex (state space is too large)
Situated Automata • A formal notion of finite state machines whose inputs are connected to sensors and whose outputs are connected to effectors are called situated automata. • Situated means existing in and interacting with a complex world, and automata is the formal name for FSMs (formally: finite state automata). • Situated automata are used to create reactive principled control systems.
Control w/ Situated Automata • Situated automata can be constructed in two basic ways: • By hand (i.e., the designer puts FSMs together), as in the Subsumption Architecture). • By pre-compiling a complete plan (similar to Universal Plans, but reduced down to circuits of FSMs). This requires the use of a special programming language that implements the right semantics and compiles down into FSM circuitry, as Rex and Gapps.
Domain Knowledge • A key advantage of pre-compiled systems is that domain knowledge, i.e., information that the designer has about the environment, the robot, and the task, can be embedded into the system in a principled way • Then, the system is compiled into a reactive circuit, so the knowledge does not have to be reasoned about (or planned with) explicitly, in real-time
Disadvantages • A key disadvantage of pre-compiled systems is that it quickly becomes prohibitively large to enumerate the state space of a real robot, and thus pre-compiling generally does not scale up to complex systems • Another disadvantage is common to compiled or hard-wired systems: the result is not flexible in the presence of changing environments, tasks or goals
Inventing Hybrid Control • The basic idea is simple: we want the best of both worlds (if possible) • The goal is to combine closed-loop and open-loop execution • That means to combine reactive and deliberative control • This implies combining the different time-scales and representations • This mix is called hybrid control
Organizing Hybrid Systems • A hybrid system typically consists of three components: • a reactive layer • a planner • a layer that puts the two together • Hybrid architectures are often called three-layer architectures (TLA) • The planner and the reactive system are both standard, as we have covered them so far
The Magic Middle • The middle layer has a hard job: • 1) compensate for the limitations of both the planner and the reactive system • 2) reconcile their different time-scales • 3) deal with their different representations • 4) reconcile any contradictory commands between the two • This is the challenge of hybrid systems
Interaction of Layers • Hierarchical integration • Planning guides reaction • Coupled planning & reacting
Dynamic Re-planning • Reaction can influence planning • Any "important" changes discovered by the low-level controller are passed back to the planner in a way that the planner can use to re-plan • The planner is interrupted when even a partial answer is needed in real-time • The reactive controller (and thus the robot) is stopped if it must wait for the planner to tell it where to go.
Planner-Driven Reaction • Planning can influence reaction • Any "important" optimizations the planner discovers are passed down to the reactive controller • The planner’s suggestions are used if they are possible and safe • Who has priority, planner or reactor?
Types of Interaction • Selection: Planning is viewed as configuration • Advising: Planning is viewed as advice giving • Adaptation: Planning is viewed as adaptation of controller • Postponing: Planning is viewed as a least commitment process
Selection Example: AuRA • R. Arkin (1986) • Planning is viewed as configuration • Initial A* planner integrated with schema-based controller • Provides modularity, flexibility, and adaptability
Advising Example: Atlantis • E. Gat (1991) (JPL) • Three layers: controller, sequencer, deliberator • Asynchronous, heterogeneous: reactivity and deliberation • Implemented in ALFA (A Language for Action) • Planning as advice giving, not decree • Notion of cognizant failure • Tested on NASA rovers Rocky 4
Adaptation Example: Planner-Reactor • D. Lyons (1992) • Continuous modification of a reactive control system • Planning is a form of reactor adaptation • Adaptation is on-line rather than off-line deliberation • Planning is used to remove performance errors when they occur • Uses a particular underlying mathematical model called a process algebra • Tested in both assembly cell and grasp planning
Postponing Example: PRS • PRS = Procedural Reasoning System • Georgeff and A. Lansky (1987) • Least commitment via plan elaboration postponement • Tested on SRI Flakey
Another Example: SSS • J. Connell (1992) • SSS = Servo Subsumption Symbolic • 3 layers: servo, subsumption, symbolic • World models are a convenience, not a necessity • Symbolic: where-to-next (discrete time) • Subsumption: where-to-go-now • Servo: making it go (continuous time) • Tested on TJ
More Examples • SOMASS hybrid assembly system • C. Malcolm and T. Smithers (Edinburgh U.) • cognitive/subcognitive components • planning as configuration • Agent architecture • B. Hayes-Roth (Stanford) • physical and cognitive levels • functional boundary blurry • Multi-valued logic • Saffiotti, Konolige, Ruspini (SRI)
Even More Examples • Supervenience • L. Spector (1992, U. of Maryland) • Multiple levels of abstraction • Teleo-reactive agent architecture • Benson and N. Nilsson (1995, Stanford) • Planning yields TR operator tree • Reactive Deliberation • M. Sahota (1993, U. of British Columbia) • Robosoccer
Still More Examples • Theoagent • T. Mitchell (CMU, 1990) • Reacts when it can plans when it must • Emphasis on learning • Generic Robot Architecture • Noreils and Chatila (1995, France) • 3 levels: planning, control system, functional • Dynamical Systems Approach • Schoner and Dose (1992) • Planning is selecting and parameterizing behavioral fields • Behaviors use vector summation
And Still More Examples • Integrated path planning and dynamic steering control • Krogh and C. Thorpe (1986, CMU) • Relaxation over grid-based model with potential fields controller • Planner generated waypoints for controller • Many others (including several for UUVs)
Hybrids Everywhere? • Hybrid systems are the most popular alternative for single-robot control • Behavior-based systems are not used by quite as many researchers, but have more specialized niches (e.g., multi-robot systems) and more practical applications
Textbook Readings • MM 13, 15