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Explore the prevalence of racial discrimination worldwide, its impact on human rights, and the significance of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD). Learn about the key principles and commitments under CERD to combat racial discrimination.
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) Dafri Agussalim
Racial Discrimination Issue • Racial and ethnic discrimination continues to be a major human rights problem in the world today facing both minority and sometimes even majority populations. • Much of the early focus of international attention was on apartheid in South Africa which came to an end in 1994.
However, the struggle against ethnic and racial hatred has continued with the decade of the 1990's being raven with some of the worst ethnic conflicts the world has ever seen in the Balkans and the Great Lakes region in Africa. • Remember: Discrimination have been the root of humanitarian problems/tragedies. World War 1, World War II, and many other cases.
The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination was one of the first human rights treaties, adopted by the United Nations (UN) in 1966, . • The Convention is widely supported, with 173 countries (four-fifths of the membership of the UN) having ratified it (June 2010). • Indonesia ratified it in 1999
What is Racial Discrimination • Any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life. " • (Part I, Article I of the Convention)
CERD Pasal 1 • Segala bentuk pembedaan, pengecualian, pembatasan, atau pengutamaan, berdasarkan pada • Ras, warna kulit, keturunan atau kebangsaan atau suku bangsa • Yang mempunyai maksud atau dampak meniadakan atau merusak • Pengakuan, pencapaian, atau pelaksanaan • Hak asasi manusia dalam bidang politik, ekonomi, sosial budaya atau bidang kehidupan masyarakat yang lain
Ethnicity is explicitly subsumed under this definition by the term "race". Most human rights treaties simply refer to "race" and do not use the terminology of "ethnicity". • The Convention permits distinctions between citizens and non-citizens; but not between different groups of non-citizens.
What do States agree to when they sign the Convention? • not to engage in any act or practice of racial discrimination against individuals, groups of persons or institutions, and to ensure that public authorities and institutions do likewise • not to sponsor, defend or support racial discrimination by any persons or organisations.
to review government, national and local policies, and amend or repeal laws and regulations which create or perpetuate racial discrimination • to prohibit and put a stop to racial discrimination by persons, groups and organisations
to prohibit organisations and propaganda that promote racial superiority, racial hatred, racial violence or racial discrimination • to ensure effective protection and remedies for victims of racial discrimination
to take special measures, as necessary, to ensure that disadvantaged racial groups have full and equal access to human rights and fundamental freedoms, and • to combat the prejudices that lead to racial discrimination, and eliminate the barriers between races, through the use of education and information, and by encouraging integrationist or multiracial organizations and movements.
to review government, national and local policies, and amend or repeal laws and regulations which create or perpetuate racial discrimination • to prohibit and put a stop to racial discrimination by persons, groups and organizations
CERD Pasal 1 • Segala bentuk pembedaan, pengecualian, pembatasan, atau pengutamaan, berdasarkan pada • Ras, warna kulit, keturunan atau kebangsaan atau suku bangsa • Yang mempunyai maksud atau dampak meniadakan atau merusak • Pengakuan, pencapaian, atau pelaksanaan • Hak asasi manusia dalam bidang politik, ekonomi, sosial budaya atau bidang kehidupan masyarakat yang lain
CERD Pasal 4 – Kebencial Rasial Negara-negara Peserta harus membuat undang-undang untuk melarang: • Penyebaran ide-ide atas dasar keunggulan atau kebencian ras • Hasutan diskriminasi rasial • Kekerasan rasis atau etnis • Hasutan untuk melakukan tindakan kekerasan seperti itu • Organisasi yang meningkatkan diskriminasi rasial
CERD Pasal 5 – Pencapaian Hak-hak Yang Sama dan Tidak Diskriminatif • Persamaan di depan hukum • Keamanan seseorang • Hak-hak politik • Hak-hak sipil • Hak-hak Ekonomi, sosial dan budaya • Hak memasuki tempat atau pelayanan
CERD Pasal 6 –Solusi Hukum • Solusi dari tindakan-tindakan diskrimiansi rasial • Perbaikan atas kerusakan akibat tindakan diskrimansi
CERD Pasal 7 – Pendidikan dan Informasi • Tindakan-tindakan dalam bidang pengajaran, pendidikan, budaya dan informasi • Melawan bahaya yang menuju diskriminasi rasial • Mengembangkan pengertian, toleransi dan persahabatan di antara bangsa-bangsa dan ras atau kelompok-kelompok suku bangsa
Komite CERD • 18 ahli independen • Mempertimbankan laporan-laporan Negara-negara Peserta setiap dua tahun sekali • Memberikan rekomendasi untuk pelaksanaan yang lebih efektif bagi Negara Anggota • Ketentuan-ketentuan Opsional untuk pengaduan perorangan dan negara