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Data Extraction (Line Item Level) FI/CO (Financial Accounting and Controlling) Revised 06/05/03. Paula Gist (CPA), BW RIG Lothar Schubert, BW RIG October 3 rd , 2002. Content. Business Drivers FI Extraction FI line-item extraction Timestamp mechanism Customer extensions Global Settings
Data Extraction (Line Item Level) FI/CO (Financial Accounting and Controlling) Revised 06/05/03 Paula Gist (CPA), BW RIG Lothar Schubert, BW RIG October 3rd, 2002
Content • Business Drivers • FI Extraction • FI line-item extraction • Timestamp mechanism • Customer extensions • Global Settings • Availability and further information • CO-OM Extraction • CO-OM line-item extraction • Delta mechanism (Revised 06/05/03) • Customer extensions (Revised 06/05/03) • Availability and further information
Business drivers • Flexibility: • Need for project specific choice of fields. • Check on status fields, like open / cleared items. • Drill-down and drill-through (analysis): • Drill down capability from summarized data to line-item details. • Full through capability, e.g. from Accounts Payable to G/L accounts information. • Actuality: • Access to recent (or even real-time) data. • Scalability: • High number / wide variety of users. • Large volumes of detailed R/3 transaction data are transferred to BW Daily full loads are inefficient. In other words: Detailed data and delta capability
Coupled extraction Coupled extraction FI line-item extraction: Data Sources and Data Targets BW G/L accounts Accts. receivable Accts. payable InfoCubes -> summarized data analytical queries on cube data 0FIAP_C03 FIAP: Line item 0FIAR_C03 FIAR: Line item Drilldown ODS -> document details operational queries on line-item data 0FI_GL_O02 FIGL: Line item 0FI_AR_O03 FIAR: Line item 0FI_AP_O03 FIAP: Line item InfoSources 0FI_GL_4 FIGL: Line item 0FI_AR_4 FIAR: Line item 0FI_AP_4 FIAP: Line item DataSources R/3 BKPF Header BSAD Cleared Items BSAK Cleared Items R/3 Tables BSID Open Items BSEG Segment BSIK Open Items
FI line-item extraction: Features 0FI_GL_4 (G/L Accounts: line items) No redundant fields are transferred into BW: • Only fields from the FI document tables (BKPF/BSEG) that are relevant to general ledger accounting (compare table BSIS), • No customer or vendor related fields. 0FI_AP_4 (AP: line items) and 0FI_AR_4 (AR: line items) Vendor / Customer related information (e.g. payment/dunning data). “Coupled” extraction consistent “snapshot” of FI data in BW: • G/L account extraction determines selection criteria (comp.code, fiscal period) and upper time limit of all extracted FI line-items. • AP and AR extraction: no further selection criteria necessary / possible. • “Uncoupled” extraction possible with PlugIn PI 2002.2, see OSS note 551044. Actuality of extracted data • The most recent FI documents, which are extracted to BW, are posted in R/3 the day before. • See OSS note 485958 if you need to circumvent this restriction.
FI line-item extraction: Delta mechanism 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AP_4, 0FI_AR_4 use an After Image Delta Delta type “Extractor“: • Delta records are directly selected from the R/3 tables using a timestamp mechanism. • Delta records are directly transferred to BW. No record is written to the BW delta queue. After Image Delta: • FI line items are transferred from the source system in their final state (= “After Image“). • This delta method is not suitable for direct InfoCube update. • ODS object is obligatory to determine the delta for InfoCube update. Where BW Delta Queue is used: • Delta queue and BW scheduler ensure correct serialization of the records (e.g. inserts must not pass changes) • Distribution of delta records to multiple BW systems. • Selection criteria of Delta-Init upload are used to “couple” the datasources logically.
Timestamp Mechanism: New documents New FI documents • Posted in R/3 since the last line-item extraction. • Selection based on the field BKPF-CPUDT. Table BKPF (FI document header) MANDT BUKRS BELNR GJAHR : : CPUDT CPUTM AEDAT : : Table BWOM2_TIMEST (Timestamp table) FI document key BWOM2_TIMEST Upper limit: previous day new documents Lower limit: upper limit of the last G/L line-item extraction changed documents
Timestamp Mechanism: Entries in BWOM2_TIMEST Table BWOM2_TIMEST (Timestamp table) • Timestamps are stored as Seconds since 01.01.1990”. • Other DataSources (e.g. CO line-item extraction) also use this table. • Documentation of upload history: Recording of FI data that has already been extracted into BW. • Well-defined sync-points, if the delta upload has failed.
Timestamp Mechanism: Changed documents Changed FI documents • Changed in R/3 since the last line-item extraction • Cannot be selected based on field BKPF-AEDAT: • BKPF-AEDAT is not updated by all BW relevant changes of FI • Example: Clearing of an open invoice (by incoming payment) changes the document state, but does not update BKPF-AEDAT. Solution • Recording of all changed FI documents (FI document key, date of last change) in table BWFI_AEDAT. • FI update programs in R/3 had to be changed. • Selection of the changed FI documents based on tablesBWFI_AEDAT and (timestamp table)BWOM2_TIMEST.
functionFI_DOCUMENT_CHANGE ... update BSEG. call function OPEN_FI_PERFORM_00005011_P ... endfunction. Business Transaction Events (Tab. TPS31) Process Function 00005011 BWFIP_WRITE_AEDAT_POINTER function BWFIP_WRITE_AEDAT_POINTER ... move-corresponding BKPF to I_T_BKPF. call function BWFIP_INSERT_BWFI_AEDAT tables I_T_BPKF. endfunction. Timestamp mechanism: Recording of changed docs Simplified flow chart • R/3 transactions that record • changed FI documents in • table BWFI_AEDAT: • Change document • Incoming/outgoing payments • Dunning • ... • This entry in table TPS31 starts the recording of changed FI documents. • It should be inserted before the delta-init upload. • See OSS note 401646
Customer Extensions • Extension of extract structures using customer includes Data source R/3 table Extract struct. Customer include 0FI_GL_4 BSEG DTFIGL_4 CI_BSIS 0FI_AP_4 BSIK/BSAK DTFIAP_3 CI_BSIK 0FI_AR_4 BSID/BSAD DTFIAR_3 CI_BSID • Case 1: All fields of the customer include are part of the R/3 table. • No additional ABAP-coding is required. The fields of the customer include is automatically filled by the extractor. • Case 2: Some fields of the customer include are not part of the R/3 table. • Use Business Transaction Event 00005021. • Build a function module that fills the fields of the customer include. Use the following template: SAMPLE_PROCESS_00005021. • No modification of SAP standard extractors required. • For more information: See OSS note 410799 • Clean separation of SAP standard and customer extraction
Global Settings (BWOM_SETTINGS) • BWFILOWLIM • Here, you can set the lower time limit of the time stamp selection for data requests in update mode initialization of the delta method. Together with the selection criteria, this parameter is a decisive factor for the data volume with data requests in update mode initialization of the delta method. • BWFISAFETY • Here, you can the upper time limit of the time stamp selection for data requests in all update modes. Value 1 in this parameter means that the upper time limit of the time stamp selection is the previous day. With larger parameter values, the upper limit of the time stamp selection is correspondingly further (in days) in the past. • Note that you cannot choose a parameter value cannot be smaller than 1, as this would prevent the delta dataset being found completely. • ORGSYSONLY • If you SAP R/3 system is part of an ALE scenario, set this parameter to X. This ensures that only those line items that were originally posted to the BW system will be transferred there from the SAP R/3 system. This prevents line items being transferred several times from various SAP R/3 system. • DELTIMEST • With this parameter, you can set the retention period of entries that are no longer required in time stamp table BWOM2_TIMEST. The default settings for deletion of entries that are no longer required in the time stamp table is 60 days. The minimum retention period for entries in the time stamp table is 15 days. When entries are deleted from table BWOM2_TIMEST, the corresponding entries for the changed FI line items are deleted simultaneously from log table BWFI_AEDAT.
Further information and availability • System requirements • R/3 source system: • Release 4.0B++ • PlugIn 2001.1++ • BW: • Release 3.0A++ • (Release 2.0b / 2.1c: See OSS note 401646) SAPNet (OSS) notes • Implementation of new DataSources: 401646 • Extension of extract structures: 410799 / 430303 • Extraction of recent updates: 485958 • Migration from 0FI_AP_3 / 0FI_AR_3: 410797 / 200576 • “Coupled” extraction: 428571 • “Uncoupled” extraction: 551044 Online documentation • Check documentation on business content, BW 3.0b.
Bus. Process 0ABC_C06 Cost Center 0CCA_C11 Project 0WBS_C11 Internal Order 0OPA_C11 0CO_OM_CCA_9 0CO_OM_WBS_6 0CO_OM_ABC_7 0CO_OM_OPA_6 COBK COEP CO-OM line-item extraction BW InfoCubes -> summarized data analytical queries ODS (optional) -> document details operational queries on line-item data InfoSources DataSources R/3 Tables R/3 CO documents
CO-OM Delta mechanism 0CO_OM_CCA_9, 0CO_OM_OPA_6, etc. use an Additive Delta Delta type “Extractor“: • Delta records are directly selected from the R/3 tables using a timestamp mechanism (Timestamp table BWOM2_TIMEST). • Field *COEP-TIMESTMP is used as a reliable timestamp for selecting new CO-OM line-items. • * Reference Field name revised 06/05/03 • Delta records are directly transferred to BW. No record is written to the BW delta queue. Additive Delta : • Only new CO-OM line-items are transferred from the source system (=“Additive Delta“). No changes on CO documents are relevant for BW. • This delta method is suitable for direct InfoCube update. • ODS object is optional to store document details (for operational queries on line-item data). Where BW Delta Queue is used: • Delta queue and BW scheduler ensure correct serialization of the records (e.g. inserts must not pass changes) • Distribution of delta records to multiple BW systems.
CO-OM Customer extensions • Extension of extract structures • * If there is a requirement to extract new fields into BW, use transaction RSA6. The extract structure must be increased with the new fields required to be extracted. The new data will be written automatically with the extractor ,but please note, this will not automatically be sent to BW if the fields are not in the extract structure. • * The includes CI_COBL e.g. for 0CO_OM_CCA_9 do not have anything to do with BW but it is normal CO include where the customer can fill in some new fields he needs in CO. Data source R/3 tables Extract struct. Customer include 0CO_OM_CCA_9 COBK/COEP ICCTRCSTA1 CI_COBL 0CO_OM_OPA_6 COBK/COEP ICORDCSTA1 CI_COBL 0CO_OM_WBS_6 COBK/COEP ICWBSCSTA1 CI_COBL 0CO_OM_ABC_7 COBK/COEP ICBPRCSTA1 CI_COBL * Please review OSS Note 394491 – Handling Errors from DataSource Append Structures (released 05/14/03) for further details *Revised for content correction 06/05/03
CO-OM Further information and availability • System requirements • R/3 source system: • Release 4.0B or higher • BW: • Release 2.0B or higher SAPNet (OSS) notes • Technical background info: 416265 • Performance optimization: 382329, 387964 Online documentation • Check documentation on business content, BW 3.0b.