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Common Elementary Algorithms. Some of the basic but frequently used algorithms for manipulating arrays. These algorithms are so important that: Some programming languages including Java make them a standard part of their definition.
Common Elementary Algorithms Some of the basic but frequently used algorithms for manipulating arrays. These algorithms are so important that: • Some programming languages including Java make them a standard part of their definition. • Every scholar studying computer science should understand them from first principle. Algorithms: • List some or all the elements in an array. • List array elements in the reverse order of how they were stored. • Find aggregate, mean, and the standard deviation of numeric arrays. • Search and sort arrays.
Process Array In Reverse Order • Sometimes it is necessary to access the elements of an array in the reverse order in which they were stored. • This concept requires you to understand the indexing format of an array firmly. • That is, given an array arr of size N, the first index value is 0 and the last, N-1. • The format is: for (int i = N-1; i >= 0; i-- ) statement;
Processing Parallel Arrays The following arrays show the average monthly rainfall for a given year: double rainfall[] = {6.2, 7.2, 9.5, 10.8, 8.1, 7.5, 7.7, 11.3, 12.4, 15.9, 7.9, 12.5}; String[] months = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec“ };
Print Quarterly • Print array values in reverse order of the rainfall reading for each ending quarter. • Traversal the array for all of the data values. • The array index ranges from 0 to rainfall.length - 1 (11) inclusive. • There are four quarters in the year so divide the index range by three. • The values must be printed when the indices are: 11, 8, 5, and 2. Hence, the printing must be done when index % 3 is 2. • String Print() • { • String s = “”; • for (int i = rainfall.length-1; i >= 0; i--) • if (i%3 == 2) • s = s + months[i] + " " + rainfall[i] + "\n"); • return s; • }
Sum Values • This exercise follows similar pattern to the previous exercise. • The array must be traversed. • As each element is encountered it gets added to for the aggregate . • double sumArray() • { • double sum = 0; • for (int i = 0; i < rainfall.length; i++) • sum = sum + rainfall [i]; • return sum; • }
Finding Average • Once the aggregate is known the average is found by simply dividing the aggregate by the number of readings. • double average() • { • return sumArray()/rainfall.length; • }
List Elements above average • This exercise requires: • Getting the average, and • Traversing the list comparing the average to each array element. • When you find an element that is larger than the average, a note is made of it. • String aboveAvarage() • { • String s = ""; • double avg = average(); • for (int i = 0; i < rainfall.length; i++) • if (rainfall [i] > avg) • s = months[i] + " " + rainfall[i] + "\n"; • return s; • }
Array – Finding Standard Deviation The standard deviation is the square root of the sum of the squared difference of an observation and the mean, divided by the number of observations. • That is, • s = ((xi – ū )2/N), i є [0, MAX] • The expression (xi - ū)2 can be expressed as follows: • sumDifference = sumDifference + Math.pow((rainfall [i] - mean), 2); • where: • (xi - ū)2 is Math.pow((rainfall [i] - mean), 2); • xi is rainfall [i] • ū is the mean (average)that was already calculated, and • MAX is rainfall.length – 1
Standard Deviation - Code • double standardDeviation() • { • double sumDifference = 0; • double mean = average(); • for (int i = 0; i < rainfall.length; i++) • sumDifference = sumDifference + Math.pow((rainfall [i] - mean), 2); • return Math.sqrt(sumDifference/rainfall.length); • }
Find Highest Value Consider the following array 1. What is the highest value in the array? 2. How do we find the highest value? Look at is this way:
Find the largest element in an array • Look at it this way: • The largest values we’ve seen so far is 25. • So initially 25 is the largest value. • The next value will be 4 • Then 65, which makes 65 the largest so far. • Continues this way to the last element, by which time the largest is found
Finding Largest Value - Code • double findHighestReading() • { • double highestSoFar = rainfall[0]; • for(int i = 1; i < length; i ++) • if (rainfall [i] > highestsofar) • highestSoFar = rainfall [i]; • return highestSoFar; • }
Array - Graphing • Using the arrays – months and rainfall. • For each month print x number of stars from the rainfall array. • Convert each rainfall value to the nearest integer, and • Print that many stars. • That is: for each month { int x = (int) Math.floor(rainfall[i]) print x number of stars }
Make Horizontal Bar Graph • String makeGraph() • { • String s = ""; • for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) • { • s = s + months[i] + " "; • int x = (int) Math.floor(rainfall[i]); • for(int j = 1; j <=x; j++) • s = s + "*"; • s = s + "\n"; • } • return s; • }
Copy Array To make a backup copy of an array do the following: • Create an array of equal size, and • Copy the elements one by one into the newly created array. Note: Given that arr is a one dimensional array, say: int arr[] = {2, 4, 6, 8}; arr
Assignment vs. Copy • Consider the statement • int x[] = arr; • The statement has the following effect: x arr
Arrays Assign References • Consider the following statements: • x[1] = 28; • x[2] = 34; • The following code has the following effect: x arr
Create Copy • class RainfallReading • { • // ……. • String copy_months[]; • //…… • RainfallReading (double r[], String months[]) • { • copy_months = new String[months.length]; • for (int i = 0; i < months.length; i++) • copy_months[i] = months[i]; • } • //….. • }
Search - Linear A search yields three pieces of information: • If the item looking for is found • The position it is found in the list • What item is found in the list Provide accessor methods to return each value. class RainfallReading { boolean found; // Yes or no if item is found int index; // Position where item is found if it is in the list double item; // The item itself. // …….. }
Linear Search • void search(double key) • { • int i = 0; • while (i < rainfall.length && ! found) • if ( key == rainfall[i]) • { • found = true; • index = i; • item = rainfall[i]; • } • else • i++; • }
Linear Search • boolean inList() • { • return found; • } • double getItem() • { • return item; • } • int getIndex() • { • return index; • }
Selection Sort • Sort - to arrange a list in either ascending or descending order. • There are many sorting algorithms • Insertion sort, • Bubble sort, and • Selection sort, to name a few. • The sorting algorithm discussed here is the selection sort. The algorithm requires the following two steps: • Find the location of the smallest element in the unsorted portion of the list. • Exchange/swap the element at the position with the first element in the unsorted portion of the list.
Selection Sort Initially the beginning the entire list is unsorted. • Find the position of the smallest element in the list, • The smallest element is at position 7 • Exchange it with the value at position 0.
Selection Sort • The unsorted portion of the list begins at index 1 • Find the position of the smallest element in this portion of the list, • The smallest element is at position 3 • Exchange it with the value at position 1.
Selection Sort • The unsorted portion of the list begins at index 2 • Find the position of the smallest element in this portion of the list, • The smallest element is at position 7 • Exchange it with the value at position 2.
Selection Sort • The unsorted portion of the list begins at index 3 • Find the position of the smallest element in this portion of the list, • The smallest element is at position 7 • Exchange it with the value at position 3.
Selection Sort • The unsorted portion of the list begins at index 4 • Find the position of the smallest element in this portion of the list, • The smallest element is at position 4 • Exchange it with the value at position 4. The pattern continues until the entire list is sorted.
Selection Sort Applying this to the RainfallReading class. Here is a skeletal outline of the algorithm. for (int startScan = 0; startScan < rainfall.length – 1; startScan ++) { int position = findPosition(startScan ); swap( position, startScan ); } int findPosition(int startScan ) { // define method } void swap( int minIndex, int startScan) { // define method }
Selection Sort • void selectionSort() • { • for (int startScan = 0; startScan < rainfall.length - 1; startScan++ ) • { • int position = findPosition(startScan); • swap(position, startScan); • } • }
Selection Sort • int findPosition(int startScanFrom) • { • int position = from; • for (int i = startScanFrom + 1; i < rainfall.length; i++) • if (rainfall[i] < rainfall[position]) • position = i; • return position; • }
Selection Sort • void swap(int i, int j) • { • // Swap the rainfalls • double temp = rainfall[i]; • rainfall[i] = rainfall[j]; • rainfall[j] = temp; • // Swap the months • String str = months[i]; • months[i] = months[j]; • months[j] = str; • }