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IPUMS: most complete archive of census documentation

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IPUMS: most complete archive of census documentation

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  1. Engendering economic activity in population censuses* * *Robert McCaa, Antonio Lopez, Phuong NguyenUniversity of Minnesota Population Centerrmccaa@umn.edu * * * representing the IPUMS-International * * * * * * census microdata access project * * ** currently available, free: 80 censuses, 26 countries ** * 75 countries have entrusted microdata to project * *http://international.ipums.org

  2. Engendering economic activity—a global perspective acquired from integrating census microdata IPUMS: most complete archive of census documentation Census forms: 765 on conference DVD—thanks to UNSD, etc. Training manuals: available in 2009 To integrate microdata, study documentation carefully “best practices” for capturing female economic activity Learned from source documentation Necessary for integrating microdata And writing integrated metadata (Regional reports, on Latin America and Africa given in May and Dec., provoked much discussion and debate)

  3. UN-Statistics Division, Principles and Recommendations, 1958-2007: conceptual foundation for unbiased measurement of econ. act. ~International standards are clear: homemakers may be economically active P&R 1958 (M27), 1970 (M44), 1998 (Rev 1, M67), 2007 (Rev 2) UNSD Soc. & Econ. Char. Handbook (2007), ILO BLS 2007-1 Biased questionaire: Requests “main activity”; if housewife, end module. Unbiased: Requests any economic activity; if housewife, continue with a short list of probes: Work for pay or profit, family farm/business, crafts for sale, For list: see UNSD Handbook (Nov. 2007), p. 45.

  4. UN-Statistics Division, Principles and Recommendations, 1958-2007, laid the foundation;yet our analysis of 765 census forms shows before the 2000 round, biased wording meant that homemakers/housewives who worked part-time were excluded from the economically active population Finally, in the 2000 round, in almost all regions of the world, bias was greatly eliminated—thanks to a concerted effort by UNSD, UNFPA, etc. Examples: Mexico, South Africa, Macedonia, Yemen For 2010 round, almost all (?) countries may pose the economic activity question properly (e.g., Colombia 2005, Cambodia 2008), but, unless we act quickly, old ways will continue in much of Africa (e.g., Nigeria 2006, Burkina Faso 2006) and sub-regions of Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam)

  5. Gambia 2003—captures both primary and secondary activity Homemakers: must also answer 16b (“did you work at all for pay or profit”, work for family farm, business, receive pay in kind) If yes, continue with economic module Best practice!!

  6. Mexico 2000 census--two questions on Economic Activity: 1: “Last week, did (NAME)...?” 2: “Besides (...), did (NAME)...?” Question 1: Last week (Name): Did you work? 27.5% Had work? 0.4 Look for work? 0.3 Are you a student? housewife? retired? permanently incapacitated? Did you not work? Question 1: female % Last week (Name): Did you work? 27.5% Had work? 0.4 Looked? 0.3 Q. 1&2: combined student/wrkd 0.5 housewife/wr 3.7 retired/wrkd 0.0 other/wrkd? 0.4 no reply/wrkd? 0.0 Question 2: Did you help in a family business? Sell some product? Make some product to sell? Help on a farm or with livestock? Or in exchange for pay did you do some other activity? Best practice!!

  7. Yemen 2004one question, 2 categories: 1: “Working” 2: “Working housewife” Best practice!!

  8. South Africa 2001—captures all with short list:“any work for pay (in cash or kind), profit or family gain for one hour or more?” (avoids “homemaker deadend”) Best practice!!

  9. The problem:Nigeria 2006—skips secondary activity 17: if Homemaker, skip: “end interview”. Solution: 17b: list secondary activities (recall Mexico 2000 example) If response is “no” on 17a and 17b, then end interview; otherwise record answers for 17b, 18 and 19

  10. None Some Substantial All, if homemakerNo census/ques/form Gender bias in the wording of Census Questions on Economic Activity (2000phcr)

  11. Africa, 1995-2007—3 of 4 miss most or alleconomic activity of homemakers: 35 censuses 6 best practices: Gambia 2003, Mauritius 2000, Mozambique 1997, Namibia 2001, South Africa 2001, Sudan 2008 3 capture some (all??) secondary economic activity:Cote d’Ivoire 1998, Ghana 2000, Mali 1998 9 miss most homemaker economic activity:Benin, Cameroon, Egypt, Ethiopia, Guinea, Morocco, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Tunisia 17 skip all female economic activity, if homemaker:Algeria, Burkina Faso, Botswana, Cape Verde, Gabon, Guinea (Conakry), Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe

  12. Asia-Oceania, 1995-2007—half omit some or all economic activity of homemakers: 43 censuses 21 best practices: Australia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Fiji, Georgia, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Korea-RO, Malaysia, Maldives, New Zealand, Palestine, PNG, Sri Lanka, Syria, Turkmenistan, Yemen 8 capture some (all??) secondary economic activity:China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Taiwan, Turkey 1 misses much female economic activity for lack of probes:Armenia 14 skip all female economic activity, if homemaker:Bahrain, Bhutan, Indonesia, Iraq, Kuwait, Laos, Mongolia, Oman, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Timor Leste, Vietnam

  13. Europe, 1995-2007—half omit some or all economic activity of homemakers: 31 censuses 15 best practices: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, France, Italy, Macedonia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine 5 capture some (all??) secondary economic activity:Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Spain, United Kingdom 4 miss much female economic activity for lack of probes:Albania, Belarus, Ireland, Moldova 7 skip all female economic activity, if homemaker:Bosnia & Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia

  14. Americas, 1995-2007—only 6 less than best; littlegender bias in economic activity question(s): 29 censuses 23 best practices: Argentina, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Suriname, USA, Uruguay, Venezuela 0 capture some (all??) secondary economic activity: 2 miss much female economic activity for lack of probes:Panama, Peru 4 skip all female economic activity, if homemaker:Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Trinidad and Tobago

  15. UNSD, Handbook on Social and Economic Charactertistics (Nov. 2007, p. 45): list of economic and non-economic activities Continued on next slide

  16. Handbook, 2007, p. 45:economic activities(continued) Continued from previous slide

  17. A critique of examples from Handbook (pp. 310-340). 3 Worst practice (if main activity = homemaker, skip): Botswana 2001, Malawi 1998, Zambia 2000. 13 Best practice (record activity, even for homemakers): Namibia 2001, South Africa 2001, Sri Lanka 2001 (weeks worked per year for 6 types of activity, including homemaking), Argentina 2001, Bahamas 2000, Belize 2000, Jamaica 2001, Mexico 2000, Australia 2006, Japan 2000, Canada 2006, France 1999, and Italy 2001 There is no guidance as to the character of these examples—instead only layout (landscape/portrait) and # of questions asked.

  18. Suggested “best practice” on economic activity proposed for Africa Addendum to UNSD P&R 2010, Option 1: Question X (mark one): Last 7 days, did (Name) do any work for PAY (in cash or in kind), PROFIT or FAMILY Gain, for one hour or more?: Yes, formal (non-farm) Yes, informal (non-farm) Yes, farming/ranching Yes, has work, but was temporarily absent No, did not work. If No, skip to next module. Best practice!!

  19. Suggested “best practice” on economic activity proposed for Africa Addendum to UNSD P&R 2010. Option 2: Branch only after 2nd (probing) questionX: “Last [period], did (NAME)...?” X+1: “Besides (...), did (NAME)...?” Question X (check one): Last week, did (Name): 1. Work? >>Q Z. 2. Have work? >>Q Z. 3. Look for work? >>Q Z. 4. Go to school? 5. Perform household tasks? 6. Do other things? Question X+1 (check one), Besides (…), did (Name): 1. Help in a family business? 2. Sell some product? 3. Make some product to sell? 4. Help on a farm or with livestock? 5. Do some other activity in exchange for pay? 6. None of above >>skip to next module Best practice!!

  20. Suggested “best practice” on economic activity proposed for Africa Addendum to UNSD P&R 2010: Option 3. Add no question—only a few additional words and do not skip! Question X (check one): 1. Worked for pay/profit/family gain. 2. Had work, but didn’t work. 3. Looked for work? 4. Went to school; didn’t work at all. 5. Performed household tasks; didn’t work at all. 6. None of the above. Best practice!!

  21. http://International.ipums.org Free Microdata!!

  22. Partners: IPUMS-International, December 10, 2007dark green = disseminating (26 countries, 80 censuses, 200mpr)green = harmonizing (41 countries, 112 censuses, 230mpr)lightest green = negotiating Mollweide projection

  23. IPUMS Dynamic Metadata System:2 “clicks” to view images of original source documentation—census forms and training manuals—in the official language (or English translation)

  24. For images of original source documents, 2 clicks from IPUMS home page:click 1: “Census Questionnaires”

  25. For images of original source documents, 2 clicks from IPUMS home page:click 1: “Census Questionnaires”click 2: country, census year, document

  26. IPUMS Dynamic Metadata System:5 “clicks” to compare any census question, in English, for any combination of years and countries in the database

  27. Click 1, access: ipums.org/international

  28. Click 2: “variables”

  29. Click 3: Select countries and census years; then, submit sample selections

  30. Click 4: chose a variable (e.g., employment status—i.e., economic activity)

  31. Before making the fifth click, scroll down to see comparability discussion

  32. Click 5 “enumeration text” to compare text of enumeration form and instructions for Employment Status

  33. Click 5: “enumeration text”

  34. For variable availability, click variable name (X = variable available for this census)

  35. For sample counts, click case count view (careful: these are unweighted counts)

  36. For simple variables, click “general codes”

  37. Thank youhttp://international.ipums.orgadditional information at:umn.edu/~rmccaa/IPUMSI* * * * * *Contact: rmccaa@umn.edu

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